Mineralogy Database

Mineral Cleavage Properties

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   648 Minerals with 2 Cleavages Sorted by Cleavage Remarks

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(* - Mineral Name is Not IMA Approved)
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(? - IMA Discredited Mineral Species Name)
(# - Grandfathered as valid)

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Mouseover Mineral Name: IMA Status - Mouseover Cleavage: Cleavage Description
Mineral Name Cleavage
First Cleavage Second Cleavage Third Cleavage
Buddingtonite     2 {001} Good {010} Distinct None
Forsterite #    2 {001} Good {010} Distinct None
Kamotoite-(Y)     2 {001} Good {010} Distinct None
Messelite #    2 {001} Good {010} Distinct None
Olivine *    2 {001} Good {010} Distinct None
Roscherite #    2 {001} Good {010} Distinct None
Slawsonite     2 {001} Good {010} Fair None
Freudenbergite     2 {001} Good {010} Good None
Nepouite #    2 {001} Good {010} Good None
Plagioclase *    2 {001} Good {010} Good None
Rouvilleite     2 {001} Good {010} Good None
Bukovite     2 {001} Good {100} Distinct None
Piemontite !    2 {001} Good {100} Distinct None
Jeanbandyite     2 {001} Good {100} Fair None
Biringuccite     2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Fianelite !    2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Johnwalkite     2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Lithiomarsturite     2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Pumpellyite-(Al) !    2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Pumpellyite-(Fe++)     2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Pumpellyite-(Fe+++)     2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Pumpellyite-(Mg) #    2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Pumpellyite-(Mn++)     2 {001} Good {100} Good None
Stringhamite     2 {001} Good {100} Imperfect
Trattnerite !    2 {001} Good {100} Poor None
Cymrite #    2 {001} Good {101} Fair None
Veszelyite #    2 {001} Good {110} Good None
Cuspidine #    2 {001} Good {110} Imperfect None
Hagendorfite #    2 {001} Good {110} Poor None
Stenonite     2 {001} Good {120} Good None
Anglesite #    2 {001} Good {210} Distinct None
Eudidymite #    2 {001} Good {551} Good None
Molybdomenite #    2 {001} Good {h0l} Fair None
Labuntsovite-Mg !    2 {001} Imperfect {???} Imperfect None
Allanite-(Ce) !    2 {001} Imperfect {100} Imperfect None
Allanite-(Y) !    2 {001} Imperfect {100} Imperfect None
Lazulite #    2 {001} Indistinct {???} Indistinct None
Boothite #    2 {001} Indistinct {001} Distinct None
Boulangerite #    2 {001} Indistinct {010} Indistinct None
Stolzite #    2 {001} Indistinct {011} Imperfect None
Souzalite #    2 {001} Indistinct {1} Fair None
Muirite     2 {001} Indistinct {100} Indistinct None
Orientite #    2 {001} Indistinct {120} Indistinct None
Yoderite     2 {001} Parting {100} Parting None
Afwillite #    2 {001} Perfect {???} Distinct None
Bannisterite #    2 {001} Perfect {???} Distinct None
Tungstite #    2 {001} Perfect {???} Distinct None
Petalite #    2 {001} Perfect {???} Imperfect None
Chloroxiphite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Distinct None
Langite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Distinct None
Metaschoepite     2 {001} Perfect {010} Distinct None
Paraschoepite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Distinct None
Sphaerobertrandite !    2 {001} Perfect {010} Distinct None
Richetite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Fair None
Albite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Andesine *    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Anorthite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Anorthoclase #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Bytownite *    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Celsian #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Gebhardite     2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Microcline #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Oligoclase #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Orthoclase #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Potosiite     2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Sanidine #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Turquoise #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Good None
Hyalophane #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Imperfect None
Uramarsite !    2 {001} Perfect {010} Imperfect None
Mantienneite     2 {001} Perfect {010} Indistinct None
Masuyite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Indistinct None
Paravinogradovite !    2 {001} Perfect {010} Indistinct None
Schoepite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Indistinct None
Carlosturanite     2 {001} Perfect {010} Parting None
Bigcreekite !    2 {001} Perfect {010} Perfect None
Collinsite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Perfect None
Epididymite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Perfect None
Eveslogite !    2 {001} Perfect {010} Perfect None
Manaksite     2 {001} Perfect {010} Perfect None
Wyartite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Perfect None
Bafertisite     2 {001} Perfect {010} Poor None
Scawtite #    2 {001} Perfect {010} Poor None
Pizgrischite !    2 {001} Perfect {010} Very Good None
Chalcosiderite #    2 {001} Perfect {0101} Good None
Penroseite #    2 {001} Perfect {011} Distinct None
Lennilenapeite     2 {001} Perfect {1} Indistinct None
Armstrongite     2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Arsenuranospathite     2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Caledonite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Chernikovite     2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Fritzscheite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Heinrichite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Lansfordite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Metaheinrichite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Metazeunerite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Sabinaite     2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Torbernite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Uranocircite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Uranospinite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Distinct None
Bavenite #    2 {001} Perfect {100} Fair None

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