Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 415 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 5.7624 AND d1 < 5.9976)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
5.764(15.36) 200 6.374(13.88) 180 8.152(10.84) 160 Almarudite K([ ],Na)2(Mn,Fe,Mg)2(Be,Al)3[Si12O30]
5.764(15.36) 200 11.600(7.61) 142 12.160(7.26) 100 Perhamite Ca3Al7(SiO4)3(PO4)4(OH)3·16.5(H2O)
5.764(15.36) 200 11.700(7.55) 200 13.180(6.70) 180 Scolecite CaAl2Si3O10·3(H2O)
5.766(15.35) 200 3.570(24.92) 120 4.382(20.25) 100 Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
5.766(15.35) 200 5.874(15.07) 100 6.446(13.73) 92 Viitaniemiite Na(Ca,Mn++)Al(PO4)(F,OH)3
5.768(15.35) 200 5.794(15.28) 200 7.180(12.32) 174 Belovite-(La) (Sr,La,Ce,Ca)5(PO4)3(F,OH)
5.768(15.35) 200 5.652(15.67) 180 11.540(7.65) 140 Sverigeite NaMnMgSn++++Be2Si3O12(OH)
5.770(15.34) 200 6.286(14.08) 180 5.350(16.56) 180 Tedhadleyite Hg++Hg+10O4I2(Cl1.16Br0.84)2
5.772(15.34) 200 4.082(21.75) 110 3.334(26.72) 32 Bromargyrite AgBr
5.774(15.33) 200 5.842(15.15) 200 9.400(9.40) 200 Larderellite (NH4)B5O6(OH)4
5.774(15.33) 200 4.082(21.75) 140 6.868(12.88) 140 Wittite Pb3Bi4(S,Se)9
5.776(15.33) 200 6.037(14.66) 168 5.776(15.33) 96 Selenopolybasite [(Ag,Cu)6(Sb,As)2(S,Se)7][Ag9Cu(S,Se)2Se2]
5.776(15.33) 200 23.876(3.70) 180 5.934(14.92) 100 Lalondeite (Na,Ca)6(Ca,Na)3Si16O38(F,OH)2·3(H2O)
5.779(15.32) 200 6.822(12.97) 180 6.590(13.42) 176 Heteromorphite Pb7Sb8S19
5.780(15.32) 200 2.900(30.81) 140 4.520(19.62) 140 Mongshanite (Mg,Cr,Fe++)2(Ti,Zr)5O12
5.780(15.32) 200 5.560(15.93) 140 6.334(13.97) 140 Apatite-(SrOH) (Sr,Ca)5(PO4)3(F,OH)
5.780(15.32) 200 3.886(22.87) 180 5.260(16.84) 180 Padmaite PdBiSe
5.780(15.32) 200 5.040(17.58) 180 6.120(14.46) 160 Lammerite Cu3[(As,P)O4]2
5.780(15.32) 200 6.700(13.20) 120 8.340(10.60) 120 Raguinite TlFeS2
5.780(15.32) 200 4.218(21.04) 160 3.980(22.32) 140 Hexatestibiopanickelite (Ni,Pd)(Te,Sb)
5.780(15.32) 200 8.880(9.95) 160 7.260(12.18) 140 Getchellite AsSbS3
5.780(15.32) 200 5.620(15.76) 180 6.440(13.74) 100 Lavenite (Na,Ca)2(Mn,Fe++)(Zr,Ti,Nb)Si2O7(O,OH,F)
5.780(15.32) 200 6.900(12.82) 180 5.500(16.10) 160 Miargyrite AgSbS2
5.780(15.32) 200 3.552(25.05) 160 3.028(29.47) 140 Kobeite-(Y) (Y,U)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 (?)
5.780(15.32) 200 7.980(11.08) 200 14.500(6.09) 160 Stokesite CaSnSi3O9·2(H2O)
5.780(15.32) 200 6.380(13.87) 200 8.160(10.83) 180 Sogdianite (K,Na)2(Li,Fe+++,Al)3ZrSi12O30
5.780(15.32) 200 5.360(16.53) 190 6.140(14.41) 180 Kilchoanite Ca3Si2O7
5.780(15.32) 200 5.580(15.87) 160 5.180(17.10) 140 Clinozoisite Ca2Al3(SiO4)3(OH) = Ca2AlAl2(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)
5.780(15.32) 200 5.980(14.80) 200 4.586(19.34) 160 Alunite KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6
5.780(15.32) 200 3.178(28.05) 180 3.464(25.70) 180 Kettnerite CaBi(CO3)OF
5.780(15.32) 200 3.578(24.86) 80 3.612(24.63) 66 Minrecordite CaZn(CO3)2
5.782(15.31) 200 7.508(11.78) 140 5.550(15.96) 100 Thorikosite Pb3(Sb+++,As+++)O3(OH)Cl2
5.782(15.31) 200 7.166(12.34) 200 14.500(6.09) 200 Schneiderhohnite Fe++Fe+++3As+++5O13
5.784(15.31) 200 5.200(17.04) 160 5.364(16.51) 160 Mukhinite Ca2Al2V+++(SiO4)3(OH)
5.788(15.30) 200 6.860(12.89) 180 3.962(22.42) 150 Senaite Pb(Ti,Fe,Mn)21O38
5.788(15.30) 200 6.264(14.13) 180 5.444(16.27) 160 Vasilyevite (Hg2)++10O6I3Cl(CO3)
5.790(15.29) 200 6.840(12.93) 144 5.700(15.53) 120 Davidite-(La) (La,Ce,Ca)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe+++)20O38
5.790(15.29) 200 5.992(14.77) 200 6.726(13.15) 200 Gustavite PbAgBi3S6 (?)
5.790(15.29) 200 5.422(16.33) 180 14.162(6.24) 160 Rouvilleite Na3Ca2(CO3)3F
5.790(15.29) 200 5.232(16.93) 106 7.012(12.61) 82 Manganiandrosite-(La) (Mn,Ca)(La,Ce,Ca,Nd)AlMn+++Mn++(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)
5.790(15.29) 200 5.596(15.82) 140 5.640(15.70) 140 Johnbaumite Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)
5.790(15.29) 200 5.938(14.91) 200 5.510(16.07) 140 Scandiobabingtonite Ca2(Fe++,Mn)ScSi5O14(OH)
5.790(15.29) 200 5.824(15.20) 190 7.574(11.67) 160 Pumpellyite-(Al) Ca2(Al,Fe++,Mg)Al2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH,O)2·H2O
5.792(15.28) 200 5.382(16.46) 140 5.826(15.20) 100 Sobolevite Na11(Na,Ca)4(Mg,Mn)Ti++++4(Si4O12)(PO4)4O5F3
5.792(15.28) 200 8.348(10.59) 90 5.368(16.50) 84 Demicheleite-(Cl) BiSCl
5.792(15.28) 200 5.324(16.64) 116 5.414(16.36) 86 Manganiandrosite-(Ce) (Mn++,Ca)(Ce,REE)AlMn+++Mn++(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)
5.792(15.28) 200 13.340(6.62) 180 9.440(9.36) 160 Mammothite Pb6Cu4AlSb+++++O2(SO4)2Cl4(OH)16
5.796(15.27) 200 6.054(14.62) 136 5.226(16.95) 52 Grenmarite (Zr,Mn)2(Zr,Ti)(Mn,Na)(Na,Ca)4(Si2O7)2(O,F)4
5.798(15.27) 200 3.624(24.54) 12 4.398(20.17) 12 Ankerite Ca(Fe++,Mg,Mn)(CO3)2
5.800(15.26) 200 6.360(13.91) 120 3.562(24.98) 60 Leightonite K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4·2(H2O)
5.800(15.26) 200 5.480(16.16) 100 7.580(11.66) 100 Pumpellyite-(Mg) Ca2MgAl2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)2·(H2O)
5.800(15.26) 200 6.040(14.65) 200 6.420(13.78) 160 Pigeonite (Mg,Fe++,Ca)(Mg,Fe++)Si2O6
5.800(15.26) 200 5.404(16.39) 160 5.706(15.52) 140 Gatehouseite Mn++5(PO4)2(OH)4
5.800(15.26) 200 5.920(14.95) 200 20.260(4.36) 200 Rudenkoite Sr3Al3[(Si,Al)4O10](OH,O)8Cl2·H2O
5.800(15.26) 200 5.820(15.21) 200 7.580(11.66) 180 Pumpellyite-(Fe+++) Ca2Fe+++Al2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH,O)2·(H2O)
5.800(15.26) 200 6.360(13.91) 140 5.700(15.53) 32 Polyhalite K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4·2(H2O)
5.800(15.26) 200 3.380(26.35) 140 5.280(16.78) 140 Shcherbakovite KKNaTi2O(OH)[Si4O12]
5.800(15.26) 200 4.940(17.94) 170 6.318(14.01) 142 Lacroixite NaAl(PO4)F
5.800(15.26) 200 9.396(9.40) 100 2.304(39.06) 80 Allendeite Sc4Zr3O12
5.800(15.26) 200 12.738(6.93) 180 8.832(10.01) 160 Aegirine NaFe+++Si2O6
5.800(15.26) 200 5.580(15.87) 96 5.400(16.40) 52 Clinozoisite-(Sr) CaSrAl3(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)
5.802(15.26) 200 4.148(21.40) 130 4.052(21.92) 102 Zlatogorite CuNiSb2
5.802(15.26) 200 6.164(14.36) 80 6.122(14.46) 40 Pectolite NaCa2Si3O8(OH)
5.802(15.26) 200 5.384(16.45) 120 5.222(16.96) 100 Allanite-(La) Ca(REE,Ca)Al2(Fe++,Fe+++)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)
5.804(15.25) 200 3.638(24.45) 66 3.404(26.16) 42 Ashoverite Zn(OH)2
5.804(15.25) 200 4.082(21.75) 120 3.100(28.77) 100 Borovskite Pd3SbTe4
5.806(15.25) 200 31.400(2.81) 200 6.560(13.49) 150 Chiavennite CaMnBe2Si5O13(OH)2·2(H2O)
5.806(15.25) 200 5.196(17.05) 100 8.000(11.05) 100 Piemontite Ca2(Al,Mn,Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH) = Ca2(Mn,Fe)Al2(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)
5.806(15.25) 200 6.002(14.75) 142 5.772(15.34) 106 Arcanite K2SO4
5.810(15.24) 200 7.042(12.56) 160 4.398(20.17) 160 Raadeite Mg7(PO4)2(OH)8
5.812(15.23) 200 5.982(14.80) 154 24.580(3.59) 120 Ottensite Na3(Sb2O3)3(SbS3)·3H2O
5.814(15.23) 200 6.842(12.93) 200 7.304(12.11) 160 Pollucite (Cs,Na)2Al2Si4O12·(H2O)
5.814(15.23) 200 5.652(15.67) 180 6.860(12.89) 120 Turneaureite Ca5[(As,P)O4]3Cl
5.816(15.22) 200 5.200(17.04) 160 3.736(23.80) 120 Kochite Na2(Na,Ca)4Ca4(Mn,Ca)2Zr2Ti2(Si2O7)4(O,F)4F4
5.818(15.22) 200 3.548(25.08) 176 8.440(10.47) 136 Demicheleite-(Br) BiSBr
5.820(15.21) 200 10.360(8.53) 160 4.640(19.11) 140 Chiolite Na5Al3F14
5.820(15.21) 200 5.740(15.42) 160 8.840(1-) 160 Bartelkeite PbFe++Ge3O8
5.820(15.21) 200 5.260(16.84) 160 5.460(16.22) 140 Khristovite-(Ce) (Ca,REE)(Ce,REE)(Mg,Fe,Cr,Ti,V,Al)Mn++Al(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)(F,O)
5.820(15.21) 200 6.420(13.78) 100 9.700(9.11) 100 Yoshimuraite (Ba,Sr)2(Mn,Fe)2(Ti,Fe)(Si2O7)2(PO4,SO4)(OH)
5.820(15.21) 200 8.840(1-) 150 7.460(11.85) 120 Muirite Ba10Ca2Mn++TiSi10O30(OH,Cl,F)10
5.820(15.21) 200 5.200(17.04) 100 6.980(12.67) 100 Epidote-(Pb) (Ca,Pb,Sr)2(Al,Fe+++)3(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)
5.820(15.21) 200 9.220(9.58) 180 6.000(14.75) 160 Ferrosilite (Fe++,Mg)2Si2O6
5.820(15.21) 200 5.980(14.80) 160 6.140(14.41) 60 Aeschynite-(Y) (Y,Ca,Fe)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6
5.820(15.21) 200 5.640(15.70) 180 5.680(15.59) 180 Svabite Ca5(AsO4)3F
5.820(15.21) 200 6.860(12.89) 190 6.880(12.86) 190 Vanthoffite Na6Mg(SO4)4
5.820(15.21) 200 5.500(16.10) 120 7.580(11.66) 120 Pumpellyite-(Fe++) Ca2Fe++(Al,Fe+++)2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)2·(H2O)
5.820(15.21) 200 6.680(13.24) 140 5.200(17.04) 110 Schuetteite Hg3(SO4)O2
5.820(15.21) 200 4.320(20.54) 100 6.780(13.05) 100 Batisite BaNaNaTi2O2[Si4O12]
5.822(15.21) 200 5.910(14.98) 180 6.572(13.46) 180 Symesite Pb10(SO4)O7Cl4·(H2O)
5.822(15.21) 200 9.900(8.92) 176 7.192(12.30) 158 Hydroxylbastnasite-(Nd) Nd(CO3)(OH)
5.824(15.20) 200 5.664(15.63) 180 5.138(17.24) 160 Taikanite (Ba,Sr)2Mn+++2Si4O12
5.824(15.20) 200 8.520(10.37) 180 7.600(11.63) 140 Picotpaulite TlFe2S3
5.824(15.20) 200 4.374(20.29) 180 3.918(22.68) 140 Temagamite Pd3HgTe3
5.826(15.20) 200 7.078(12.50) 200 7.534(11.74) 180 Neustadtelite Bi2Fe+++(Fe+++,Co)(O,OH)2(OH)2(AsO4)2
5.828(15.19) 200 5.294(16.73) 116 3.464(25.70) 92 Aluminocerite-(Ce) (Ce,REE,Ca)9(Al,Fe+++)(SiO4)3[SiO3(OH)]4(OH)3
5.830(15.18) 200 8.408(10.51) 80 11.744(7.52) 62 Fluorcanasite K3Na3Ca5Si12O30F4·H2O
5.830(15.18) 200 9.400(9.40) 108 8.420(10.50) 80 Frankamenite K3Na3Ca5(Si12O30)[F,(OH)]4·(H2O)
5.830(15.18) 200 5.586(15.85) 180 4.034(22.02) 148 Tin Sn
5.830(15.18) 200 3.790(23.45) 150 5.512(16.07) 122 Takedaite Ca3(BO3)2
5.830(15.18) 200 5.418(16.35) 140 5.704(15.52) 60 Dollaseite-(Ce) CaCeMg2AlSi3O11(OH,F)2

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