Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 423 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 5.8408 AND d1 < 6.0792)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
5.842(15.15) 200 5.160(17.17) 98 5.228(16.95) 84 Epidote-(Sr) CaSrAl2Fe+++(Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH)
5.842(15.15) 200 7.362(12.01) 200 4.806(18.45) 180 Eyselite Fe+++Ge++++3O7(OH)
5.842(15.15) 200 5.586(15.85) 180 8.410(10.51) 150 Spodumene LiAlSi2O6
5.844(15.15) 200 7.144(12.38) 120 9.060(9.75) 74 Sweetite Zn(OH)2
5.846(15.14) 200 6.138(14.42) 150 5.600(15.81) 110 Hydrodelhayelite KCa2AlSi7O17(OH)2·6(H2O)
5.848(15.14) 200 8.200(10.78) 200 14.500(6.09) 140 Petarasite Na5Zr2Si6O18(Cl,OH)·2(H2O)
5.848(15.14) 200 5.330(16.62) 180 5.444(16.27) 180 Hemloite (As,Sb)2(Ti,V,Fe,Al)12O23OH
5.850(15.13) 200 6.302(14.04) 200 9.280(9.52) 200 Amblygonite (Li,Na)Al(PO4)(F,OH)
5.850(15.13) 200 8.640(10.23) 150 18.700(4.72) 100 Chabazite-Ca (Ca0.5,Na,K)4[Al4Si8O24]·12H2O
5.852(15.13) 200 4.072(21.81) 160 4.202(21.13) 160 Bohdanowiczite AgBiSe2
5.852(15.13) 200 7.556(11.70) 180 3.284(27.13) 100 Pinalite Pb3(WO4)OCl2
5.852(15.13) 200 3.400(26.19) 120 4.934(17.96) 100 Sanmartinite (Zn,Fe++)WO4
5.852(15.13) 200 5.720(15.48) 106 5.106(17.35) 102 Dissakisite-(La) (Ca,Fe++,Th, La)(La,REE,Ca)(Al,Cr,Ti)2(Mg,Fe,Al)Si3O12(OH,F) with La > Ce
5.854(15.12) 200 6.870(12.88) 88 5.930(14.93) 72 Dixenite Cu+Mn++14Fe+++(As+++O3)5(SiO4)2(As+++++O4)(OH)6
5.858(15.11) 200 5.252(16.87) 182 3.372(26.41) 84 IMA2007-058 TiO2
5.858(15.11) 200 5.952(14.87) 200 7.146(12.38) 180 Watkinsonite PbCu2Bi4(Se,S)8
5.858(15.11) 100 3.198(27.87) 50 3.970(22.38) 50 Zincospiroffite Zn2Te3O8
5.860(15.11) 200 3.320(26.83) 160 7.760(11.39) 160 Blixite Pb8O5(OH)2Cl4
5.860(15.11) 200 8.640(10.23) 130 12.720(6.94) 100 Herschelite (Na,Ca,K)AlSi2O6·3(H2O)
5.860(15.11) 200 4.360(20.35) 100 25.040(3.53) 100 Steigerite AlVO4·3(H2O)
5.860(15.11) 200 6.000(14.75) 180 3.150(28.31) 140 Aeschynite-(Nd) (Nd,Ce)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6
5.860(15.11) 200 11.340(7.79) 180 4.342(20.44) 160 Florencite-(La) (La,Ce)Al3(PO4)2(OH)6
5.860(15.11) 200 5.640(15.70) 80 5.014(17.67) 60 Zirconolite-2M CaZrTi2O7
5.860(15.11) 200 5.940(14.90) 180 3.652(24.35) 180 Fedorite KNa4Ca4(Al,Si)16O36(OH,F)4·6(H2O)
5.860(15.11) 200 11.320(7.80) 142 6.966(12.70) 100 Waylandite BiAl3(PO4)2(OH)6
5.860(15.11) 200 7.634(11.58) 140 5.096(17.39) 130 Poppiite Ca2(V+++,Fe+++,Mg)(V+++,Al)2(Si,Al)3(O,OH)14
5.860(15.11) 200 4.220(21.03) 160 4.040(21.98) 140 Moncheite (Pt,Pd)(Te,Bi)2
5.860(15.11) 200 6.580(13.45) 120 2.000(45.30) 100 Daomanite CuPtAsS2
5.860(15.11) 200 6.180(14.32) 180 6.360(13.91) 160 Wolfeite (Fe++,Mn++)2(PO4)(OH)
5.860(15.11) 200 7.570(11.68) 100 5.650(15.67) 80 Mereheadite Pb2O(OH)Cl
5.860(15.11) 200 13.130(6.73) 310 9.500(9.30) 130 Pumpellyite-(Mn++) Ca2(Mn++,Mg)(Al,Mn+++,Fe)2(SiO4)(Si2O7(OH)2·(H2O)
5.860(15.11) 200 4.420(20.07) 160 9.600(9.20) 160 Kafehydrocyanite K4Fe++(CN)6·3(H2O)
5.862(15.10) 200 8.120(10.89) 140 14.740(5.99) 120 Loudounite NaCa5Zr4Si16O40(OH)11·8(H2O)
5.862(15.10) 200 4.064(21.85) 170 13.100(6.74) 132 Lingunite (Na,Ca)AlSi3O8
5.864(15.10) 200 11.728(7.53) 178 6.099(14.51) 174 Alacranite As8S9
5.866(15.09) 200 8.980(9.84) 180 5.310(16.68) 160 Mckelveyite-(Nd) (Ba,Sr)(Ca,Na,Nd,REE)(CO3)2·3-10(H2O)
5.866(15.09) 200 5.118(17.31) 170 7.924(11.16) 110 Liddicoatite Ca(Li,Al)3Al6(BO3)3Si6O18(O,OH,F)4
5.866(15.09) 200 5.478(16.17) 150 9.100(9.71) 140 Arsenoclasite Mn5(AsO4)2(OH)4
5.868(15.09) 200 5.348(16.56) 120 6.180(14.32) 90 Pyroxferroite (Fe++,Mn)7[Si7O21]
5.872(15.08) 200 6.186(14.31) 200 17.364(5.09) 200 Barringtonite MgCO3·2(H2O)
5.872(15.08) 200 4.364(20.33) 160 5.172(17.13) 160 Manganipiemontite-(Sr) CaSr(Mn+++,Fe+++)2Al[Si3O12](OH)
5.872(15.08) 200 25.400(3.48) 140 5.216(16.98) 70 Benleonardite Ag8(Sb,As)Te2S3
5.874(15.07) 200 5.404(16.39) 180 5.318(16.66) 160 Polyphite-VIII Na17Ca3Mg(Ti,Mn)4[Si2O7]2(PO4)6O2F6
5.874(15.07) 200 6.390(13.85) 130 6.738(13.13) 120 Topaz Al2SiO4(F,OH)2
5.874(15.07) 200 5.404(16.39) 180 5.318(16.66) 160 Polyphite-VII Na17Ca3Mg(Ti,Mn)4[Si2O7]2(PO4)6O2F6
5.874(15.07) 200 7.776(11.37) 102 15.620(5.65) 70 Belkovite Ba3(Nb,Ti)6(Si2O7)2O12
5.876(15.07) 200 5.996(14.76) 200 6.200(14.27) 200 Manganbabingtonite Ca2(Mn,Fe++)Fe+++Si5O14(OH)
5.876(15.07) 200 6.350(13.93) 200 6.796(13.02) 200 Ferrilotharmeyerite Ca(Zn,Cu++)(Fe+++,Zn)(AsO4)2(OH,H2O)2
5.880(15.05) 200 3.966(22.40) 180 5.360(16.53) 160 Testibiopalladite PdTe(Sb,Te)
5.880(15.05) 200 3.602(24.70) 160 3.070(29.06) 100 Tennantite (Cu,Fe)12As4S13
5.880(15.05) 200 13.200(6.69) 160 9.340(9.46) 140 Mountainite (Ca,Na2,K2)2Si4O10·3(H2O)
5.880(15.05) 200 11.840(7.46) 120 8.880(9.95) 80 Paranatrolite Na2[Al2Si3O10]·3(H2O)
5.880(15.05) 200 6.120(14.46) 160 3.780(23.52) 120 Rosenbuschite (Ca,Na)3(Zr,Ti)Si2O8F
5.880(15.05) 200 4.956(17.88) 96 5.726(15.46) 90 Kushiroite CaAl2SiO6
5.880(15.05) 200 8.860(9.98) 180 5.780(15.32) 160 Orthojoaquinite-(Ce) NaFe++Ba2Ce2Ti2[Si4O12]2 O2(OH)·(H2O)
5.880(15.05) 200 3.420(26.03) 180 4.480(19.80) 160 Uvanite U++++++2V+++++6O21·15(H2O)
5.880(15.05) 200 6.000(14.75) 200 3.162(28.20) 140 Tantalaeschynite-(Y) (Y,Ce,Ca)(Ta,Ti,Nb)2O6
5.880(15.05) 200 3.662(24.29) 100 4.018(22.10) 100 IMA2008-009 Sr5(PO4)3F
5.880(15.05) 200 3.780(23.52) 188 4.380(20.26) 172 Woodhouseite CaAl3(PO4)(SO4)(OH)6
5.880(15.05) 200 6.000(14.75) 180 6.200(14.27) 160 Roeblingite Pb2Ca6(Si6O18)(SO4)2(OH)2·4(H2O)
5.880(15.05) 200 6.740(13.12) 100 2.944(30.34) 100 Crerarite (Pt,Pb)Bi3(S,Se)4-x (x~0.7)
5.880(15.05) 200 3.628(24.52) 60 3.674(24.20) 50 Kutnohorite Ca(Mn,Mg,Fe++)(CO3)2
5.880(15.05) 200 6.214(14.24) 180 6.442(13.73) 140 Triploidite (Mn,Fe++)2(PO4)(OH)
5.880(15.05) 200 6.580(13.45) 200 3.300(27.00) 160 Bazzite Be3(Sc,Al)2Si6O18
5.880(15.05) 200 3.940(22.55) 112 10.080(8.77) 106 Paratooite-(La) REE3(Ca,Sr)2NaCu(CO3)8
5.882(15.05) 200 6.370(13.89) 200 7.648(11.56) 188 Mazzite-Mg K2CaMg2(Al,Si)36O72·28(H2O)
5.882(15.05) 200 9.500(9.30) 90 7.504(11.78) 70 Ferberite Fe++WO4
5.884(15.04) 200 8.108(10.90) 120 4.278(20.75) 70 Phosphohedyphane Ca2Pb3(PO4)3Cl
5.886(15.04) 200 6.890(12.84) 180 8.960(9.86) 180 Stillwellite-(Ce) (Ce,La,Ca)BSiO5
5.886(15.04) 200 3.610(24.64) 140 6.148(14.39) 120 Putzite (Cu4.7Ag3.3)GeS6
5.888(15.03) 200 7.844(11.27) 170 5.626(15.74) 60 Plumboferrite Pb2Fe+++(11-x)Mn++xO19-2x (x=1/3)
5.890(15.03) 200 11.420(7.74) 190 7.006(12.62) 80 Zairite Bi(Fe+++,Al)3(PO4)2(OH)6
5.892(15.02) 200 6.022(14.70) 200 5.628(15.73) 180 Sahlinite Pb14(AsO4)2O9Cl4
5.892(15.02) 200 6.268(14.12) 178 6.218(14.23) 138 Tanohataite LiMn2Si3O8(OH)
5.892(15.02) 200 6.360(13.91) 164 4.482(19.79) 148 Jadarite LiNaB3SiO7(OH)
5.894(15.02) 200 5.100(17.37) 140 5.382(16.46) 130 Rhonite Ca2(Mg,Fe++,Fe+++,Ti)6(Si,Al)6O20
5.896(15.01) 200 11.386(7.76) 186 6.994(12.65) 180 Florencite-(Nd) (Nd,Ce)Al3(PO4)2(OH)6
5.896(15.01) 200 5.798(15.27) 162 5.006(17.70) 132 Gartrellite Pb(Cu,Fe++)2(AsO4,SO4)2(CO3,H2O)0.7
5.898(15.01) 200 5.360(16.53) 170 5.208(17.01) 160 Kirschsteinite CaFe++SiO4
5.898(15.01) 200 7.662(11.54) 180 5.144(17.22) 152 Julgoldite-(Fe++) Ca2Fe++(Fe+++,Al)2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)2·(H2O)
5.898(15.01) 200 5.468(16.20) 160 5.660(15.64) 160 Freedite Pb8Cu+(As+++O3)2O3Cl5
5.900(15.00) 200 3.908(22.74) 100 6.940(12.74) 84 Cerite-(Ce) Ce+++9Fe+++(SiO4)6[(SiO3)(OH)](OH)3
5.900(15.00) 200 7.680(11.51) 160 5.140(17.24) 140 Julgoldite-(Fe+++) Ca2Fe+++(Fe+++,Al)2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(O,OH)2·(H2O)
5.900(15.00) 200 8.960(9.86) 200 11.000(8.03) 120 Starkeyite MgSO4·4(H2O)
5.900(15.00) 200 5.740(15.42) 120 6.600(13.40) 80 Burpalite Na2CaZrSi2O7F2
5.900(15.00) 200 3.886(22.87) 160 4.140(21.45) 160 Hydroxylbastnasite-(La) La(CO3)(OH)
5.900(15.00) 200 5.284(16.76) 180 6.318(14.01) 140 Duhamelite Pb2Cu4Bi(VO4)4(OH)3·8(H2O)
5.900(15.00) 200 6.040(14.65) 200 6.180(14.32) 50 Yttropyrochlore-(Y) (Y,Na,Ca,U)1-2(Nb,Ta,Ti)2(O,OH)7
5.900(15.00) 200 6.820(12.97) 100 8.400(10.52) 80 Otjisumeite PbGe4O9
5.900(15.00) 200 7.000(12.64) 140 11.420(7.74) 140 Florencite-(Ce) CeAl3(PO4)2(OH)6
5.900(15.00) 200 7.840(11.28) 180 4.260(20.83) 160 Dimorphite As4S3
5.900(15.00) 200 7.020(12.60) 120 11.300(7.82) 110 Arsenoflorencite-(Nd) (Nd,La,Ce,Ba)(Al,Fe+++)3(AsO4,PO4)2(OH)6
5.900(15.00) 200 4.360(20.35) 140 6.240(14.18) 120 Pyroxmangite (Mn,Fe++)SiO3
5.900(15.00) 200 7.560(11.70) 160 4.920(18.01) 70 Otavite CdCO3
5.900(15.00) 200 5.280(16.78) 120 7.360(12.01) 120 Wegscheiderite Na5(CO3)(HCO3)3
5.900(15.00) 200 7.020(12.60) 120 11.300(7.82) 110 Arsenoflorencite-(La) (La,Sr)Al3(AsO4,SO4,PO4)2(OH)6
5.900(15.00) 200 11.820(7.47) 180 3.620(24.57) 160 Partzite Cu2Sb2(O,OH)7 (?)
5.900(15.00) 200 3.654(24.34) 160 12.000(7.36) 160 Romeite (Ca,Fe++,Mn,Na)2(Sb,Ti)2O6(O,OH,F)
5.900(15.00) 200 7.020(12.60) 120 11.400(7.75) 110 Eylettersite (Th,Pb)1-xAl3(PO4,SiO4)2(OH)6 (?)
5.900(15.00) 200 7.300(12.11) 100 5.020(17.65) 60 Ashanite (Nb,Ta,U,Fe,Mn)4O8

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