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N Listing of Minerals

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N Mineral Index (207 Count)

This alphabetical listing of N minerals include synonyms of accepted mineral names, pronunciation of that name, name origins, and locality information.

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Nabalamprophyllite View Nabalamprophyllite Image  Ba(Na,Ba){Na3Ti[Ti2O2Si4O14](OH,F)2} Approved IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the Na & Ba dominant analogue of lamprophyllite.
Nabaphite Say Nabaphite  View Nabaphite Image  NaBaPO4·9(H2O) Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the sodium, Natrium, Barium, and Phosphorus in the composition.
Nabesite View Nabesite Image View Nabesite Form  Na2BeSi4O10·4(H2O) Approved IMA 2000 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the elements in its composition, Natrium (Na), Beryllium (Be), and Silicon (Si).
Nabiasite  BaMn9[(V,As)O4]6(OH)2 Approved IMA 1998 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Pla de Labasse deposit near the hamlet of Nabias, Central Pyrenees, France.
Nabokoite Say Nabokoite  View Nabokoite Image   Cu++7Te++++O4(SO4)5·KCl Approved IMA 1987
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Sof'ya I. Naboko (1901-), Russian volcanologist.
Nacaphite Say Nacaphite  View Nacaphite Image  Na(Na,Ca)2(PO4)F Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the composition (NaCa, Phosphate).
Nacareniobsite-(Ce) Say Nacareniobsite-(Ce)  View Nacareniobsite-(Ce) Image  NbNa3Ca3(Ce,La)(Si2O7)2OF3 Approved IMA 1989
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Natrium (sodium), Calcium, Rare Earths, NIOBium, and Silicon in the chemical formula.
Nacrite Say Nacrite  View Nacrite Image  Al2Si2O5(OH)4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1807
NAME ORIGIN: From the French, nacre, "mother-of-pearl."
Nadorite Say Nadorite  View Nadorite Image View Nadorite Form  PbSbO2Cl Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1870
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality LOCALITY: Djebel Nador, Constantine, Algeria.
Nafertisite Say Nafertisite  View Nafertisite Image  Na3(Fe++,Fe+++)6(Ti2Si12O34)(O,OH)7·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the elements, NAtrium, FERrus and FERric, and TIanium.
Nagashimalite Say Nagashimalite  View Nagashimalite Images Gallery  Ba4(V+++,Ti)4Si8B2O27Cl(O,OH)2 Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Otokichi Nagashima (1890{1969), pioneer Japanese amateur mineralogist,
Nagelschmidtite Say Nagelschmidtite  View Nagelschmidtite Image Ca7(SiO4)3(PO4)2 Approved IMA 1977
NAME ORIGIN: Named for G. Nagelschmidt, who first described the synthetic compound in 1937.
Nagyagite Say Nagyagite  View Nagyagite Image  AuPb(Sb,Bi)Te2-3S6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1845
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the locality. LOCALITY: Nagyag mine (now Sacaramb), Romania.
Nahcolite Say Nahcolite  View Nahcolite Image View Nahcolite Form  NaHCO3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1929
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the nmonic of the chemical formula (NaHCO).
Nahpoite Say Nahpoite  View Nahpoite Image  Na2HPO4 Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition (NaHPO-).
Nakalifite - See Gagarinite-(Y)
Nakauriite Say Nakauriite  View Nakauriite Image (Mn,Ni,Cu)8(SO4)4(CO3)(OH)6·48(H2O) Approved IMA 1976
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Nakauri, Achi Prefecture, Japan.
Na-komarovite - See Natrokomarovite
REMARKS: Renamed Natrokomarvovite by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Naldretteite Pd2Sb Approved IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Professor Anthony J. Naldrett (b. 1933), University of Toronto and past President of both the Mineralogical Association of Canada and the International Mineralogical Association.
Nalipoite Say Nalipoite   NaLi2PO4 Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the principal chemical components in the composition, sodium Natrium, Lithium, Phosphorus, and Oxygen.
Nalivkinite View Nalivkinite Image   Li2NaFe++7Ti2Si8O24(OH)4F Approved IMA 2006 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Name origin not given in paper.
Namansilite Say Namansilite  View Namansilite Image  NaMn+++(Si2O6) Approved IMA 1992
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the sodium, NAtrium; MANganese; and SILicon in the formula.
Nambulite Say Nambulite  View Nambulite Image  (Li,Na)Mn++4[Si5O14(OH)] Approved IMA 1972
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Matsuo Nambu (1917-), mineralogist, Tohoko University, Japan.
Namibite Say Namibite  View Namibite Image  Cu++Bi2(VO4)O2 Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the country in which it is found.
Namuwite Say Namuwite  View Namuwite Image  (Zn,Cu)4(SO4)(OH)6·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the country of origin, and the National Museum of Wales.
Nanlingite Say Nanlingite CaMg4(AsO3)2F4 Approved IMA 1976
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the locality. LOCALITY: Nanling area, southern China.
Nanpingite Say Nanpingite  View Nanpingite Image  Cs(Al,Mg,Fe++,Li)2(Si3Al)O10(OH,F)2 Approved IMA 1990
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Nanping area, Fukien Province, China.
Nantokite Say Nantokite   CuCl Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1867
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its location. LOCALITY: Nantoko, Chile.
Na-Rectorite - See Rectorite
Narsarsukite Say Narsarsukite  View Narsarsukite Image  Na2(Ti,Fe+++)Si4(O,F)11 Approved IMA 1990
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its locality. LOCALITY: Narsarsuk, southern Greenland.
Nasinite Say Nasinite   Na2B5O8(OH)·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1961
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Rafaello Nasini (1854-1931), Italian chemist.
Nasledovite Say Nasledovite PbMn3Al4(CO3)4(SO4)O5·5(H2O) Approved IMA 1975
NAME ORIGIN: Named after B. N. Nasledov (1891-1942) of Russia.
Nasonite Say Nasonite  View Nasonite Image  Pb6Ca4Si6O21Cl2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1899
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Frank Lewis Nason (1856-1928), American geologist, Geological Survey of New Jersey.
Nastrophite Say Nastrophite  View Nastrophite Image  Na(Sr,Ba)(PO4)·9(H2O) Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the sodium, NAtrium, STROntium, and PHosphorus in the composition
Natalyite Say Natalyite   Na(V+++,Cr+++)Si2O6 Approved IMA 1985
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Nataliya Vasil'evna Frolova (1907-1960), geologist, Irkutsk University, Irkutsk, Russia.
Natanite Say Natanite  View Natanite Image  Fe++Sn++++(OH)6 Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Natan Il'ich Ginzburg (1917-1985), Russian mineralogist and geochemist.
Natisite Say Natisite  View Natisite Image  Na2(TiO)SiO4 Approved IMA 1975
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the sodium, NAtrium, TItanium, and SIlicon in the composition.
Native Alum - See Alum-(K)
Natrite Say Natrite  View Natrite Image  Na2CO3 Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition.
Natriumphlogopite - See Wonesite
Natriumphlogopite - See Aspidolite
REMARKS: Renamed to Aspidolite - NOMENCLATURE OF THE MICAS, The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 36, pp. 90s-912 (1998)
Natroalunite View Natroalunite Image View Natroalunite Form NaAl3(SO4)2(OH)6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1911
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the sodium, natrium, analog of alunite.
Natro-alunite - See Natroalunite
REMARKS: Renamed Natroalunite by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Natroapophyllite - See Apophyllite-(NaF)
REMARKS: Renamed to Apophyllite-(NaF) by Mineralogical Record, v39, (2008), p 131
Natrobetpakdalite (Na,Ca)3Fe+++2(As2Mo6O28)·15(H2O) Approved IMA 1971
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the chemistry and similarity to betpakdalite.
Natrobistantite Say Natrobistantite  View Natrobistantite Image (Na,Cs)Bi(Ta,Nb,Sb)4O12 Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: For sodium (NATRium), BISmuth, and TANTalum in the chemical formula which deviates from the IMA pyrochlore nomenclature.
Natroboltwoodite View Natroboltwoodite Image  (H3O)(Na,K)(UO2)SiO4·(H2O) Approved IMA 1975
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and relationship to boltwoodite.
Natrocalcite - See Gaylussite
Natrochalcite Say Natrochalcite  View Natrochalcite Image View Natrochalcite Form  NaCu2(SO4)2(OH)·(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1908
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the compositon, NATRium (Na), and CHALCos, (Cu).
Natrodufrenite Say Natrodufrenite  View Natrodufrenite Image Na(Fe+++,Fe++)(Fe+++,Al)5(PO4)4(OH)6·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the essential sodium, (NATRium) and its relationship to dufrenite.
Natrofairchildite Say Natrofairchildite Na2Ca(CO3)2 Approved IMA 1971
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the Na analog of fairchildite.
Natroglaucocerinite (Na,Zn,Cu)10Al6(SO4)3(OH)32·18(H2O)? Proposed IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)
Natrojarosite Say Natrojarosite  View Natrojarosite Image View Natrojarosite Form  NaFe+++3(SO4)2(OH)6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1902
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its chemical composition and similarity to Jarosite.
Natrokomarovite  Na6CaNb6[Si4O12F2·4(H2O) Not Approved IMA 1979
NAME ORIGIN: Named in 1979 for Vladimir M. Komarov (1927-1967), Russian cosmonaut who was killed during his return flight on April 23, 1967 and the sodium content.
Natrolemoynite View Natrolemoynite Image   Na4Zr2Si10O26·9(H2O) Approved IMA 1996 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: The name alludes to the Na dominance and polymorphic relationship to lemoynite.
Natrolite Say Natrolite  View Natrolite Images Gallery View Natrolite Form  Na2[Al2Si3O10]·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1803
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek natron, "soda," in allusion to sodium content and lithos - "stone."
Natromontebrasite Say Natromontebrasite  View Natromontebrasite Image View Natromontebrasite Form (Na,Li)Al(PO4)(OH,F) Discredited IMA 2006
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and resemblance to montebrasite.
Natron Say Natron  View Natron Image  Na2CO3·10(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) Prehistoric
NAME ORIGIN: From the Latin for "soda."
Natronambulite Say Natronambulite  View Natronambulite Image (Na,Li)Mn++4[Si5O14(OH)] Approved IMA 1985
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and for Matsuo Nambu (1917-), mineralogist, Tohoko University, Japan.
Natroniobite Say Natroniobite  View Natroniobite Image NaNbO3 Approved IMA 1960
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition.
Natropharmacosiderite  (Na,K)2Fe+++4(AsO4)3(OH)5·7(H2O) Approved IMA 1985
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the sodium in the composition and its relationship to pharmacosiderite.
Natrophilite Say Natrophilite  View Natrophilite Image  NaMnPO4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1890
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its content of sodium, natrium, and from the Greek for a friend.
Natrophosphate Say Natrophosphate  View Natrophosphate Image  Na7(PO4)2F·19(H2O) Approved IMA 1972
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition.
Natrosilite Say Natrosilite  View Natrosilite Image  Na2Si2O5 Approved IMA 1975
NAME ORIGIN: For sodium, NATRium, and SILicon in the composition.
Natrotantite Say Natrotantite  View Natrotantite Image  Na2Ta4O11 Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named for sodium, "NATRium", and TANTalum in the composition.
Natrouranospinite  (Na2,Ca)(UO2)2(AsO4)2·5(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1953
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the relationship to uranospinite
Natroxalate Say Natroxalate  View Natroxalate Image  Na2C2O4 Approved IMA 1996 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its chemical composition of sodium (Na) and oxalate (C2O4).
Natroxonotlite - See Miserite
Natrozippeite View Natrozippeite Image  Na4(UO2)6(SO4)3(OH)10·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1976
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and for Franz Xaver Maxmillian Zippe (1791-1863), Austrian mineralogist.
Naujakasite Say Naujakasite  View Naujakasite Image View Naujakasite Form  Na6(Fe++,Mn)Al4Si8O26 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1933
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Naujakasik, Tunugdliarfik Fjord, Greenland.
Naumannite Say Naumannite  View Naumannite Image  Ag2Se Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1845
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Carl Friedrich Naumann (1797-1873), German mineralogist and crystallographer.
Navajoite Say Navajoite  View Navajoite Image V2O5·3(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1955
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the Navajo Indians, on whose reservation the mineral was first found.
Nchwaningite Say Nchwaningite  View Nchwaningite Image  Mn++2SiO3(OH)2·(H2O) Approved IMA 1995
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its locality. LOCALITY: The N,chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Field, Northern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa.
Nealite Say Nealite  View Nealite Image  Pb4Fe++(As+++++O4)2Cl4 Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: Named of Leo Neal Yedlin (1908-1997), micromount mineral collector of New Haven, Connecticut, USA.
Nealite-(H2O) Say Nealite-(H2O)  View Nealite-(H2O) Image Pb4Fe++(As+++O3)2Cl4·2(H2O) Not Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Neal Yedlin (1908-1977), U. S. Mineralogist, who discovered the mineral.
Nechelyustovite View Nechelyustovite Image  (Ba,Na)2{(Na,Ti,Mn)4[(Ti,Nb)2O2Si4O14](OH,O,F)2}·4.5H2O Approved IMA 2006 (Dana # Added)
Needle ironstone - See Goethite
Nefedovite Say Nefedovite   Na5Ca4(PO4)4F Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Yevgeny I. Nefedov (1910-1976), Russian mineralogist, St. Petersburg, Russia, involved in the discovery of a number of Kola minerals.
Neighborite Say Neighborite  View Neighborite Image  NaMgF3 Approved IMA 1961
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Frank Neighbor (1906-?), American petroleum geologist, Sun Oil Co. who logged the first specimen.
Nekoite Say Nekoite  View Nekoite Image  Ca3Si6O15·7(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1956
NAME ORIGIN: Named by reversing the order for okenite (Lorenz Oken (1779-1851), German natural historian, Munich Germany) because the minerals were so similer.
Nekrasovite Say Nekrasovite Cu+26V2(Sn,As,Sb)6S32 Approved IMA 1984
NAME ORIGIN: Named for I. Y. Nekrasov, Russian mineralogist.
Nelenite Say Nelenite (Mn,Fe++)16Si12As+++3O36(OH)17 Approved IMA 1984
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Joseph A. Nelen, chemist at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., USA.
Neltnerite Say Neltnerite  View Neltnerite Image  CaMn+++6SiO12 Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Louis Neltner, pioneer student of mineral deposits of the High Atlas Mountains, Morocco.
Nemalite - See Brucite
Nenadkevichite Say Nenadkevichite  View Nenadkevichite Image View Nenadkevichite Form   (Na,Ca,K)(Nb,Ti)Si2O6(O,OH)·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1955 (Dana # Changed from
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Konstantin A. Nenadkevich, Russian mineralogist and geochemist.
Nenadkevichite - See Nenadkevichite
Nenadkevite - See Boltwoodite
Neocolmanite - See Colemanite
Neodymite - See Lanthanite-(La)
Neodymite - See Lanthanite-(Nd)
Neotocite Say Neotocite  View Neotocite Image (Mn,Fe++)SiO3·(H2O) (?) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1848
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek "Neotokos" = of recent origin, being a product of deterioration of other species.
Nepheline Say Nepheline  View Nepheline Image View Nepheline Form   (Na,K)AlSiO4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1800
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek nephele, "cloud," because it becomes clouded when put in strong acid.
Nephelite - See Nepheline
Nephrite Jade - See Actinolite
Nepouite Say Nepouite  View Nepouite Image Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1906
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its locality. LOCALITY: Reis II mine, Nepoui, New Caledonia.
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