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C Listing of Minerals

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C Mineral Index (527 Count)

This alphabetical listing of C minerals include synonyms of accepted mineral names, pronunciation of that name, name origins, and locality information.

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Chlorophoenicite Say Chlorophoenicite  View Chlorophoenicite Image View Chlorophoenicite Form  (Mn,Mg)3Zn2(AsO4)(OH,O)6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1924
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for green and purple-red, alluding to the mineral’s colors in natural and artificial light.
Chloro-potassichastingsite View Chloro-potassichastingsite Image  KCa2(Fe++3MgFe+++)(Si6Al2)S8O22Cl2 Approved IMA 2005 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named as per current IMA amphibole nomenclature (Burke and Leake 2004; Can. Mineral., 42, 1881-1883). Dashkensanite (1936) was revalidated and renamed 2005.
Chlorothionite View Chlorothionite Image   K2Cu(SO4)Cl2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1872
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek for chlorine and sulfur in the composition.
Chlorotile - See Agardite-(Y)
Chloroxiphite View Chloroxiphite Image  Pb3CuCl2(OH)2O2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1923
NAME ORIGIN: Named fom the Greek for green and blade or straight sword, for the typical crystal habit.
Choloalite View Choloalite Image  CuPb(Te++++O3)2 Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Nahua "choloa", evasive, in allusion to the fact that the mineral escaped detection in the mine for many years.
Chondrodite Say Chondrodite  View Chondrodite Image  (Mg,Fe++)5(SiO4)2(F,OH)2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1817
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek chondros - "grain."
Chopinite  (Mg,Fe)3(PO4)2 Approved IMA 2006 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Christian Chopin, research director at Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).
Chrisstanleyite View Chrisstanleyite Image  Ag2Pd3Se4 Approved IMA 1998 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: For Dr. Chris J. Stanley (1954-) of The Natural History Museum in London, in recognition of his contributions to ore mineralogy.
Christelite View Christelite Image  Zn3Cu2(SO4)2(OH)6·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Mrs. Christel Gebhard-Giesen (1950- ) who discovered the mineral.
Christite  TlHgAsS3 Approved IMA 1977
NAME ORIGIN: For Dr. Charles L. Christ, mineralogist with the U.S. Geological Survey.
Chromatite View Chromatite Image CaCrO4 Approved IMA 1963
NAME ORIGIN: Named as a chromate.
Chrombismite View Chrombismite Image Bi16CrO27 Approved IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the main elements present in the mineral.
Chromceladonite View Chromceladonite Image  KCrMg(Si4O10)(OH)2 Approved IMA 1999 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its Cr content and the relationship to celadonite.
Chromdravite View Chromdravite Image  NaMg3(Cr,Fe+++)6(BO3)3Si6O18(OH)4 Approved IMA 1983 (Dana # Changed)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the compositional relationship to dravite.
Chromdravite - See Chromdravite
Chrome iron ore - See Chromite
Chromferide View Chromferide Image Fe3Cr1-x (x=0,6) Approved IMA 1986
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the chemical composition, CHROMium and FERrum.
Chromic iron - See Chromite
Chromite View Chromite Image View Chromite Form  Fe++Cr2O4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1845
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its chemical composition.
Chromium View Chromium Image  Cr Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, chroma = "color", in allusion to the colorful salts of this element.
Chromium Garnet - See Uvarovite
Chromphyllite View Chromphyllite Image View Chromphyllite Form   (K,Ba)(Cr,Al)2[AlSi3O10](OH,F)2 Approved IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: The name alludes to the composition and micaceous cleavage.
Chrompicotite - See Magnesiochromite
Chrysoberyl Say Chrysoberyl  View Chrysoberyl Images Gallery View Chrysoberyl Form  BeAl2O4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1790
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek chrysos - "golden" and the mineral beryl.
Chrysocolla Say Chrysocolla  View Chrysocolla Image (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4·n(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 315 BC
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek chrysos - "gold" and kolla - "glue" in allusion to the name of the material used to solder gold.
Chrysolite - See Forsterite
Chrysolite - See Olivine
REMARKS: Light yellowish green olivine
Chrysotile - See Parachrysotile
Chrysotile - See Pecoraite
REMARKS: (Ni bearing)
Chrysotile - See Clinochrysotile
Chrysotile View Chrysotile Image Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 Valid Species (Pre IMA) 1956 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named in 1834 from the Greek chrysos - "gold" and tilos - "fiber."
Chrysotile - See Orthochrysotile
Chubutite Pb7O6Cl2 Not Approved IMA Chudobaite (Mg,Zn)5(AsO3OH)2(AsO4)2·10(H2O) Approved IMA 1960
NAME ORIGIN: Name for Karl Franz Chudoba (1898-1915), Professor of Mineralogy, University of Bonn, Germany.
Chukanovite View Chukanovite Image  Fe2(CO3)(OH)2 Approved IMA 2005 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Nikita V. Chukanov (b. 1953), Russian physicist and mineralogist.
Chukhrovite-(Ce)  Ca3(Ce,Y)Al2(SO4)F13·10(H2O) Approved IMA 1960
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its relation to chukhrovite-(Y) and content of cerium as the dominant rare-earth element.
Chukhrovite-(Nd) View Chukhrovite-(Nd) Image  Ca3(Nd,Y)Al2(SO4)F13·12(H2O) Approved IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the Nd-dominant analogue of chukhrovite-(Y) and chukhrovite-(Ce).
Chukhrovite-(Y) View Chukhrovite-(Y) Image   Ca3(Y,Ce)Al2(SO4)F13·10(H2O) Approved IMA 1960
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Fedor Vasilevich Chukhrov (1908-1988), Russian mineralogist, Director, Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrology, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, Moscow, Russia.
Churchite-(Dy) Say Churchite-(Dy)   (Dy,Sm,Gd,Nd)(PO4)·2(H2O) Not Approved IMA
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Arthur Hubert Church (1834-19150, English chemist who described and analyzed the mineral and the element dysprosium.
Churchite-(Nd) Say Churchite-(Nd)   Nd(PO4)·2(H2O) Not Approved IMA (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Arthur Hubert Church (1834-1915, English chemist who described and analyzed the mineral.
Churchite-(Y) Say Churchite-(Y)  View Churchite-(Y) Image  YPO4·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1865
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Arthur Hubert Church (1834-19150, English chemist who described and analyzed the mineral.
Chursinite  Hg+Hg++(AsO4) Approved IMA 1984
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the Russian actress, Ludmilla A. Cursina.
Chvaleticeite View Chvaleticeite Image (Mn++,Mg)SO4·6(H2O) Approved IMA 1986
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Chvaletice and Jachymov (Joachimsthal), Czech Republic.
Chvilevaite View Chvilevaite Image  Na(Cu,Fe,Zn)2S2 Approved IMA 1988
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek "chroma," "color," as all chromium compounds are colored.
Cianciulliite View Cianciulliite Image  Mn++++(Mg,Mn++)2Zn2(OH)10·2-4(H2O) Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: Named for John Cianciulli, of Sussex, New Jersey, USA.
Cinabre - See Cinnabar
Cinnabar Say Cinnabar  View Cinnabar Image View Cinnabar Form  HgS Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 800
NAME ORIGIN: Of uncertain original meaning, from the Latin, cinnabaris.
Ciprianiite View Ciprianiite Image  Ca4[(Th,U)(REE)]2(Al,[ ])2[Si4B4O22](OH,F)2 Approved IMA 2001 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Curzio Cipriani, Professor of Mineralogy and Head of the Museum of Natural History, Universita di Firenze, Italy.
Citrine - See Quartz
REMARKS: Yellow colored quartz
Clairite View Clairite Image (NH4)2Fe+++3(SO4)4(OH)3·3(H2O) Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Claire Martini (1936-), South African, wife of the describer of the species, Jacques Edouard Martini.
Claraite View Claraite Image (Cu,Zn)3(CO3)(OH)4·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Clara Mine, Black Forest, Wolfach, Schwarzwald, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Claringbullite Say Claringbullite  View Claringbullite Image  Cu++4(OH)7Cl Approved IMA 1977
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Gordon Frank Claringbull (1911-1990), formerly Keeper of Mineralogy and Director of the British Museum (Natural History), London, England.
Clarkeite View Clarkeite Image   (Na,Ca,Pb)(UO2)O(OH)·0-1(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1931
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Frank Wigglesworth Clarke (1847-1931), prominent American geochemist of the US Geological Survey.
Claudetite View Claudetite Image View Claudetite Form  As2O3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1868
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Frederick Claudet, the French chemist who first described naturally occurring material.
Clausthalite View Clausthalite Image  PbSe Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1832
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its locality. LOCALITY: Lorenz Mine near Clausthal, Harz, Germany.
Clearcreekite Hg+3(CO3)(OH)·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1999 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Prospect pit near the former Clear Creek mercury mine, New Idria district, San Benito County, California, USA.
Clerite  MnSb2S4 Approved IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: For Onisim Yegorovitch Kler (1845-1920), Honorary Member of the Russian Mineralogical Society.
Cleusonite View Cleusonite Image  Pb(U++++,U++++++)(Ti,Fe++,Fe+++)20(O,OH)38 Approved IMA 2001 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Barrage de Cleuson, Val de Nendaz, Switzerland.
Clevelandite - See Albite
REMARKS: Flat, platy habit of albite
Cliachite - See Boehmite
REMARKS: Colloidal Al hydroxide
Cliffordite View Cliffordite Image   UTe3O9 Approved IMA 1969
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Clifford Frondel (1907-2002), one of the founders of Mineralogical Society of America and one of the authors of Dana's Mineralogy, 7th edition.
Clinoatacamite View Clinoatacamite Image  Cu2(OH)3Cl Approved IMA 1996 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: For the relationship to atacamite and paratacamite. Atacamite is named after the Atacam desert province in northern Chile.
Clinobarylite View Clinobarylite Image  BaBe2Si2O7 Approved IMA 2003 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Non-orthogonal dimorph of barylite.
Clinobehoite  Be(OH)2 Approved IMA 1989
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its monoclinic symmetry and relation to behoite.
Clinobirnessite Na4Mn14O27·9(H2O) Not Approved IMA
NAME ORIGIN: Name as the monoclinic polymorph of birnessite.
Clinobisvanite View Clinobisvanite Images Gallery  BiVO4 Approved IMA 1974
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the mineral’s monoclinic crystal system, and BISmuth and VANadium in its composition.
Clinocervantite View Clinocervantite Image  Sb+++Sb+++++O4 Approved IMA 1998 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: The name reflects its symmetry and relationship to cervantite.
Clinochalcomenite View Clinochalcomenite Image CuSeO3·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the monoclinic dimorph of chalcomenite.
Clinochlore Say Clinochlore  View Clinochlore Image  (Mg,Fe++)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1851
NAME ORIGIN: Clinochlore from the Greek klino - "oblique" and chloros - " green." Ripidolite from the Greek rhipis - "fan" and lithos - "stone." Pennine from the Pennine Alps, Italy
Clinochrysotile View Clinochrysotile Image Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 Discredited IMA 2006 - Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1951
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek chrysos - "gold" and tilos - "fiber."
Clinochrysotile - See Chrysotile
Clinoclase Say Clinoclase  View Clinoclase Images Gallery View Clinoclase Form  Cu3(AsO4)(OH)3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1868
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, klineis - "to incline" and klas - "to break."
Clinoenstatite View Clinoenstatite Image  Mg2Si2O6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1906
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the monoclinic polymorph of enstatite.
Clinoferroholmquistite [ ](Li2Fe++3Al2)Si8O22 (OH)2 Renamed IMA 1997
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition, monoclinic crystal structure, and relationship with holmsquisite.
Clinoferrosilite View Clinoferrosilite Image  (Fe++,Mg)2Si2O6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1935
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its monoclinic crystal system and chemical identity with ferrosilite.
Clinohedrite Say Clinohedrite  View Clinohedrite Image  CaZnSiO4·(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1898
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek "klino", for incline, and "hedra", for face, for the inclined facial character of the crystal morphology.
Clinoholmquistite - See Fluoro-sodic-pedrizite
Clinoholmquistite View Clinoholmquistite Image  [ ](Li2Mg3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 Discredited IMA 2005
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its monoclinic crystal structure and relationship with holmsquisite. Approved IMA 1985, Discredited IMA 2005 as being fluoro-sodic-pedrizite.
Clinohumite View Clinohumite Image  (Mg,Fe++)9(SiO4)4(F,OH)2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1876
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the mineral humite and the monoclinic crystal form.
Clinohydroxylapatite - See Apatite-(CaOH)-M
REMARKS: Renamed to Apatite-(CaOH)-M by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p 131
Clinohypersthene - See Clinoenstatite
Clinohypersthene - See Clinoferrosilite
Clinojimthompsonite View Clinojimthompsonite Image  (Mg,Fe++)5Si6O16(OH)2 Approved IMA 1978
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its monoclinic crystallography and relation to jimthompsonite
Clinokurchatovite  Ca(Mg,Fe++,Mn)B2O5 Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the monoclinic dimorph of kurchatovite.
Clinomimetite View Clinomimetite Image  Pb5(AsO4)3Cl Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its monoclinic structure and relation to mimetite.
Clinophosinaite  Na3CaPSiO7 Approved IMA 1981 ( Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the crystalline system and the relationship with the phosinaite.
Clinoptilolite - See Clinoptilolite-K
Clinoptilolite-Ca Say Clinoptilolite-Ca  View Clinoptilolite-Ca Image   (Ca,Na,K)2-3Al3(Al,Si)2Si13O36·12(H2O) Approved IMA 1977 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek klino - "oblique" ptylon - "feather" and lithos - "stone.." The Ca-dominant member of the clinoptilolite series.
Clinoptilolite-K Say Clinoptilolite-K  View Clinoptilolite-K Image   (Na,K,Ca)2-3Al3(Al,Si)2Si13O36·12(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1923
NAME ORIGIN: The name reflects its inclined extinction and supposed similarity in composition to "ptilolite" (mordenite). K modifier added by zeolite nomenclatrue committee.
Clinoptilolite-Na Say Clinoptilolite-Na  View Clinoptilolite-Na Image   (Na,K,Ca)2-3Al3(Al,Si)2Si13O36·12(H2O) Approved IMA 1969 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek klino - "oblique" ptylon - "feather" and lithos - "stone.." The Na-dominant member of the clinoptilolite series.
Clinosafflorite View Clinosafflorite Image  (Co,Fe,Ni)As2 Approved IMA 1971
NAME ORIGIN: In reference to the monoclinic symmetry of this safflorite-like species.
Clinotobermorite View Clinotobermorite Image  Ca5Si6(O,OH)18·5(H2O) Approved IMA 1989
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the monoclinic polymorph of tobermorite.
Clinotyrolite Say Clinotyrolite  View Clinotyrolite Image Ca2Cu9[(As,S)O4]4(OH)10·10(H2O) Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: For the monoclinic symmetry and relationship to tyrolite.
Clinoungemachite  K3Na9Fe+++(SO4)6(OH)3·9(H2O) ? Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1938
NAME ORIGIN: Named its crystal form and for Henri-Leon Ungemach (1879-1936), French mineralogist and crystallographer. Secretary of the French Society of Mineralogy from 1919 to 1934.
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