Mineralogy Database

Trigonal - Rhombohedral Class

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Trigonal - Rhombohedral Class (H-M Symbol ( 3))

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80 Minerals From the H-M Class Trigonal - Rhombohedral
Mineral Space
a c Z Vol (Ang3) Calc
Akimotoite ! R3 4.78 13.6 4 269.11 2.67
Allendeite ! R3 9.396 8.72 3 666.70 4.85
Andersonite # R3 18.009 23.838 18 6,695.45 2.88 2.8 - 2.9
Ankerite # R3 4.83 16.167 3 326.63 3.15 3.0 - 3.1
Armangite # P3 13.491 8.855 1 1,395.75 4.41 4.4
Belovite-(La) ! P3 9.647 7.17 2 577.88 4.98 4.2
Brizziite-III R3 5.301 15.932 6 387.72 4.95 4.8 - 4.9
Brizziite-VII R3 5.301 15.932 6 387.72 4.95 4.8 - 4.9
Burtite R3 8.128 8.128 4 465.03 3.73 3.3
Chalcophanite # R3 7.533 20.794 5 1,021.89 3.73 3.9
Chladniite R3 14.967 42.595 40 8,263.40 6.81 3.0
Cleusonite ! R3 10.576 21.324 3 2,065.58 5.02 4.7
Crichtonite # R3 10.374 20.756 3 1,934.49 4.56 4.5
Cualstibite P3 9.2 9.73 1 713.21 3.35 3.2
Davidite-(Ce) R3 10.376 20.91 3 1,949.60 4.78 4.4 - 4.5
Davidite-(La) # R3 10.376 20.91 3 1,949.60 4.75 4.4
Dessauite ! P3 10.385 20.921 3 1,954.01 4.73 4.7
Dioptase # R3 14.57 7.78 18 1,430.31 3.29 3.3
Dolomite # R3 4.842 15.95 3 323.85 2.84 2.8 - 2.9
Ecandrewsite R3 5.09 14.036 6 314.93 4.98
Eitelite # R3 4.9423 16.396 3 346.84 2.73 2.7
Erniggliite P3 6.68 7.164 1 276.85 5.22
Eucryptite # R3 13.48 9.001 18 1,416.45 2.66 2.7
Ferrinatrite # P3 15.57 8.67 6 1,820.23 2.74 2.5 - 2.6
Fibroferrite # R3 24.12 7.63 18 3,844.24 2.01 1.9
Fillowite # R3 15.282 43.507 18 8,799.34 3.54 3.4
Gagarinite-(Y) P3 5.99 3.53 1 109.69 4.40 4.2
Galileiite ! R3 14.98 41.66 35 8,096.06 3.81 3.9
Geikielite # R3 5.086 14.093 6 315.71 3.79 4.0
Gillardite ! R3m 6.8364 13.8459 3 560.41 3.76
Gramaccioliite-(Y) ! R3 10.411 20.97 3 1,968.40 4.61
Haydeeite ! R3m 6.2733 5.7472 1 195.88 3.24 3.3
Humberstonite R3 10.9 24.41 3 2,511.61 2.25 2.3
Hyttsjoite ! R3 9.865 79.45 3 6,696.05 5.10 5.1
Ilmenite # R3 5.093 14.06 6 315.84 4.79 4.7
IMA2008-006 ! P3 12.8742 87.215 1 12,518.8 2.51
IMA2009-031 R3 22.023 9.237 3 3,879.85 2.08
Jaffeite P3 10.026 7.482 2 651.33 2.34 2.7
Johnsomervilleite R3 15 42.75 18 8,330.08 3.43 3.3
Keithconnite R3 11.45 11.4 18 1,294.33 9.83
Kuannersuite-(Ce) ! P3 9.9097 7.4026 1 629.56 4.50
Kutnohorite # R3 4.85 16.34 3 332.86 3.08 3.1
Landauite R3 10.366 20.77 3 1,932.81 4.46 4.4
Lindsleyite R3 10.37 20.52 3 1,911.02 4.60 4.6
Loveringite R3 10.337 20.677 3 1,913.41 4.37 4.4
Loweite # R3 18.866 13.434 3 4,140.91 2.36 2.4
Mathiasite R3 10.36 20.65 3 1,919.42 4.37 4.6
Melanostibite # R3 5.226 14.325 6 338.82 5.83 5.6
Metavoltine # P3 9.545 18.09 1 1,427.32 2.55 2.5
Mikasaite R3 8.14 21.99 6 1,261.84 3.16 3.1
Millosevichite # R3 8.055 21.191 6 1,190.73 2.98 2.9
Minrecordite R3 4.8183 16.0295 3 322.28 3.49 3.5
Molysite # R3 5.92 17.26 6 523.86 3.08 2.9
Nikischerite ! R3 9.352 33.08 3 2,505.56 2.32 2.3
Nordenskioldine # R3 4.853 15.92 3 324.71 4.24 4.2
Paracoquimbite # R3 10.93 51.3 12 5,307.48 2.11 2.1
Paratacamite # R3 13.654 14.041 24 2,266.98 3.77 3.7
Phenakite # R3 12.472 8.252 18 1,111.63 2.96 3.0
Pyrophanite # R3 5.137 14.29 6 326.57 4.60 4.5
Reyerite # P3 9.764 19.07 1 1,574.48 2.65 2.5 - 2.6
Sabelliite ! P3 8.201 7.315 3 426.07 4.61 4.7
Senaite # R3 10.393 20.811 3 1,946.73 4.87 5.3
Shigaite R3 9.512 33.074 3 2,591.56 2.31 2.3
Slavikite # R3 12.2 35.13 3 4,528.23 1.89 1.9 - 2.1
Stillwaterite P3 7.399 10.311 3 488.85 10.97 10.4
Stornesite-(Y) ! R3 14.9628 42.756 3 8,289.98 3.20
Susannite # R3 9.05 11.54 3 818.53 6.57 6.6
Tachyhydrite # P3 10.136 17.318 3 1,540.85 1.67 1.7
Tuliokite R3 14.175 8.605 3 1,497.37 3.25 3.2
Tusionite R3 4.787 15.3 3 303.63 4.78 4.7
Ungemachite # R3 10.898 24.989 3 2,570.24 2.26 2.3
Willemite # R3 13.94 9.31 18 1,566.77 4.25 3.9 - 4.2
Yedlinite R3 12.868 9.821 3 1,408.34 5.79 5.8
Yoshiokaite P3 9.939 8.245 1 705.35 2.93 2.8 - 2.9
Zajacite-(Ce) P3 6.099 11.064 3 356.42 4.12 4.4 - 4.6
Zeophyllite # R3 9.34 36.48 8 2,756.00 2.68 2.7 - 2.8
Zincalstibite ! P3 5.321 9.786 2 239.95 6.69
Zincowoodwardite ! P3- or R3m 3.0364 8.85 1 70.66 2.42 2.7
Zincowoodwardite-1T ! P3 3.064 8.85 1 71.95 2.80 2.7
Zoltaiite ! P3 7.6014 9.2195 1 461.34 4.82