Mineralogy Database

Loveringite Mineral Data

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General Loveringite Information

Help on Chemical  Formula: Chemical Formula: (Ca,Ce)(Ti,Fe+++,Cr,Mg)21O38
Help on Composition: Composition: Molecular Weight = 1,678.43 gm
   Calcium     1.67 %  Ca    2.34 % CaO
   Cerium      2.50 %  Ce    2.93 % Ce2O3
   Magnesium   1.30 %  Mg    2.16 % MgO
   Zirconium   3.26 %  Zr    4.40 % ZrO2
   Titanium   35.66 %  Ti   59.49 % TiO2
   Aluminum    0.64 %  Al    1.21 % Al2O3
   Vanadium    0.61 %  V     1.08 % V2O5
   Chromium    6.82 %  Cr    8.91 % CrO
   Iron       11.31 %  Fe   14.55 % FeO
   Oxygen     36.22 %  O
             ______        ______ 
             100.00 %       97.09 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Help on Empirical Formula: Empirical Formula: Ca0.7Ce0.3Ti12.5Fe2+3.4Cr2.2Mg0.9Zr0.6Al0.4V5+0.2O38
Help on Environment: Environment: Late-stage mineral from residual intercumulus magma in the pyroxene, olivine-chromite, or plagioclase-rich layers of mafic intrusions.
Help on IMA Status: IMA Status: Approved IMA 1977
Help on Locality: Locality: Jimberlana intrusion, near Norseman, Western Australia. Link to MinDat.org Location Data.
Help on Name Origin: Name Origin: Named for John Francis Lovering (1930-), Australian geochemist, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australina, for his work on fission-track methods in geochemistry.
Help on Name Pronunciation: Name Pronunciation: Loveringite + Pronunciation Say LOVERINGITE

Loveringite Image

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Comments: Small clusters of tiny (20 microns) black metallic acicular joveringite crystals in/on phlogopite.
Location: Jimbelana Dyke, Norseman, Western Australia, Australia. Scale: Specimen Size 2.5x4 cm.
© Diederik Visser

Loveringite Crystallography

Help on Axial Ratios: Axial Ratios: a:c = 1:2.00029
Help on Cell Dimensions: Cell Dimensions: a = 10.337, c = 20.677, Z = 3; V = 1,913.41 Den(Calc)= 4.37
Help on Crystal System: Crystal System: Trigonal - Rhombohedral H-M Symbol ( 3) Space Group: R 3
Help on X Ray Diffraction: X Ray Diffraction: By Intensity(I/Io): 2.866(1), 3.383(0.75), 2.831(0.72),

Physical Properties of Loveringite

Help on Cleavage: Cleavage: None
Help on Color: Color: Black.
Help on Density: Density: 4.41
Help on Diaphaneity: Diaphaneity: Opaque
Help on Habit: Habit: Acicular - Occurs as needle-like crystals.
Help on Habit: Habit: Anhedral Grains - Granular minerals without the expression of crystal shapes
Help on Hardness: Hardness: 7.5 - Garnet
Help on Luster: Luster: Metallic
Help on Streak: Streak: grayish black

Optical Properties of Loveringite

Help on Optical Data: Optical Data: Uniaxial (?).
  NCalc= 2.35 - from Gladstone-Dale relationship (KC = 0.3081) where Ncalc=Dcalc*KC+1
NCalc= 2.36 - from Gladstone-Dale relationship (KC = 0.3081) where Ncalc=Dmeas*KC+1
Help on RL Color: RL Color: White to grayish white.
Help on Reflectivity Reflectivity
Standardized Intensity (100%) Reflection Spectra of Loveringite in Air
λ R  ∑ R(λ) 
 420 nm   18.20   
 440 nm   17.70 
 460 nm   17.40 
 480 nm   17.00 
 500 nm   16.80 
 520 nm   16.50 
 540 nm   16.40 
 560 nm   16.40 
 580 nm   16.50 
 600 nm   16.50 
 620 nm   16.50 
 640 nm   16.50 
 660 nm   16.50 
 680 nm   16.60 
 700 nm   16.50 
Calculated Relative Intensity Colors of Loveringite in Air
   0%   60% 100% 120% 180% 240% 300% 360% 420% 480% 530%

Calculated Properties of Loveringite

Help on Electron Density: Electron Density: Bulk Density (Electron Density)=4.15 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Loveringite =4.37 gm/cc.
Help on Fermion Index: Fermion Index: Fermion Index = 0.06
Boson Index = 0.94
Help on Photoelectric: Photoelectric: PELoveringite = 28.00 barns/electron
U=PELoveringite x relectron= 116.08 barns/cc.
Help on Radioactivity: Radioactivity:

GRapi = 2,534.46 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Loveringite per GRapi unit = 394.56 (PPM)

Estimated Radioactivity from Loveringite - mild
Curies (Ci)
If Held in Hand
For One Hour
1000 gm / 7.59 cm 56,099 1.52E-06 2,534.46 0.83
100 gm / 3.52 cm 5,610 1.52E-07 253.45 0.08
10 gm / 1.63 cm 561 1.52E-08 25.34 0.01
1 gm / 7.59 mm 56 1.52E-09 2.53 0.00
0.1 gm / 3.52 mm 6 1.52E-10 0.25 0.00
0.01 gm / 1.63 mm 1 1.52E-11 0.03 0.00
0.001 gm / 0.76 mm 0 1.52E-12 0.00 0.00

Weight of pure Loveringite in grams (gm) and Calculated Diameter of a Sphere with a Density of 4.37 gm/cc.*
Goverment Estimate of Average Annual Exposure ( 360 mRem) **
Note: 10 microsieverts/hr = 1 mRem/hr **
Max Permissable Adult Dose 50,000 mRem/yr (hands), 15,000 mRem/yr (eyes)
Lethal Dose LD(50) Exposure 400,000 to 500,000 mRem
Estimated Thorium Activity ( 0.13 % Th) From Sum REE Elements ( 2.50 % REE)

Loveringite Classification

Help on  Dana Class: Dana Class: (08)Multiple Oxides with Nb, Ta, and Ti
  (08.05)Dana Type
  (08.05.01)Crichtonite group (ABC18 T2 O38) Landauite NaMnZn2(Ti,Fe)6Ti12O38 R 3 3 Loveringite (Ca,Ce)(Ti,Fe,Cr,Mg)21O38 R 3 3 Crichtonite (Sr,La,Ce,Y)(Ti,Fe,Mn)21O38 R 3 3 Senaite Pb(Ti,Fe,Mn)21O38 R 3 3 Davidite-(La) (La,Ce,Ca)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe)20O38 R 3 3 Davidite-(Ce) (Ce,La)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe)20O38 R 3 3 Mathiasite (K,Ca,Sr)(Ti,Cr,Fe,Mg)21O38 R 3 3 Lindsleyite (Ba,Sr)(Ti,Cr,Fe,Mg)21O38 R 3 3 Dessauite! (Sr,Pb)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe)20O38 P 3 3 Cleusonite! Pb(U,U)(Ti,Fe,Fe)20(O,OH)38 R 3 3 Gramaccioliite-(Y)! (Pb,Sr)(Y,Mn)Fe2(Ti,Fe)18O38 R 3 3
Help on  Strunz Class: Strunz Class: 04.CC.40 04 - OXIDES (Hydroxides, V[5,6] vanadates, arsenites, antimonites, bismuthites, sulfites, selenites, tellurites, iodate
  04.C - Metal:Oxygen = 2:3, 3:5, and Similar
  04.CC -With large and medium-sized cations
04.CC.40 Crichtonite (Sr,La,Ce,Y)(Ti,Fe,Mn)21O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Dessauite! (Sr,Pb)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe)20O38 P 3 3
04.CC.40 Davidite-(Ce) (Ce,La)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe)20O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Davidite-(La) (La,Ce,Ca)(Y,U)(Ti,Fe)20O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Mathiasite (K,Ca,Sr)(Ti,Cr,Fe,Mg)21O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Lindsleyite (Ba,Sr)(Ti,Cr,Fe,Mg)21O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Landauite NaMnZn2(Ti,Fe)6Ti12O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Loveringite (Ca,Ce)(Ti,Fe,Cr,Mg)21O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Senaite Pb(Ti,Fe,Mn)21O38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Cleusonite! Pb(U,U)(Ti,Fe,Fe)20(O,OH)38 R 3 3
04.CC.40 Gramaccioliite-(Y)! (Pb,Sr)(Y,Mn)Fe2(Ti,Fe)18O38 R 3 3

Other Loveringite Information

Help on References: References: NAME( AntBidBlaNic3) PHYS. PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990) OPTIC PROP.(AntBidBlaNic3)
Help on See Also: See Also: Links to other databases for Loveringite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - EUROmin Project
4 - Ecole des Mines de Paris
5 - GeoScienceWorld
6 - Google Images
7 - Google Scholar
8 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
9 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
10 - MinDAT
11 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
12 - Online Mineral Museum
13 - QUT Mineral Atlas
14 - Ruff.Info

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Dana No: Strunz No: 04.CC.40





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