Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 413 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 6.0564 AND d1 < 6.3036)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
6.058(14.61) 200 5.560(15.93) 180 6.164(14.36) 180 Irtyshite Na2(Ta,Nb)4O11
6.060(14.61) 200 3.020(29.55) 160 3.836(23.17) 140 Cooperite (Pt,Pd,Ni)S
6.060(14.61) 200 7.120(12.42) 160 11.680(7.56) 140 Arsenogoyazite (Sr,Ca,Ba)Al3(AsO4,PO4)2(OH,F)5·(H2O)
6.060(14.61) 200 6.254(14.15) 176 6.472(13.67) 168 Sazykinaite-(Y) Na5YZrSi6018·6(H2O)
6.060(14.61) 200 3.708(23.98) 160 3.182(28.02) 120 Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
6.060(14.61) 200 3.098(28.79) 180 4.858(18.25) 180 Ferrosaponite Ca0.3(Fe++,Mg,Fe+++)3(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2·4(H2O)
6.060(14.61) 200 4.920(18.01) 140 7.100(12.46) 140 Fenaksite (K,Na,Ca)4(Fe++,Fe+++,Mn)2Si8O20(OH,F)
6.060(14.61) 200 4.200(21.14) 180 5.860(15.11) 120 Kostovite CuAuTe4
6.060(14.61) 200 6.880(12.86) 200 7.560(11.70) 180 Marialite Na4Al3Si9O24Cl
6.060(14.61) 200 6.000(14.75) 180 5.360(16.53) 160 Miharaite Cu4FePbBiS6
6.060(14.61) 200 5.920(14.95) 120 5.840(15.16) 100 Hedyphane Ca2Pb3(AsO4)3Cl
6.060(14.61) 200 14.540(6.07) 200 7.520(11.76) 200 Laplandite-(Ce) Na4CeTiPSi7O22·5(H2O)
6.060(14.61) 200 5.938(14.91) 140 5.870(15.08) 120 Morelandite (Ba,Ca,Pb)5(AsO4,PO4)3Cl
6.060(14.61) 200 5.760(15.37) 180 6.700(13.20) 120 Finnemanite Pb5(As+++O3)3Cl
6.060(14.61) 200 4.460(19.89) 120 2.808(31.84) 80 Paraguanajuatite Bi2(Se,S)3
6.060(14.61) 200 12.080(7.31) 160 6.360(13.91) 130 Bariomicrolite Ba(Ta,Nb)2(O,OH)7
6.060(14.61) 200 4.220(21.03) 160 5.880(15.05) 100 Muthmannite AgAuTe2
6.060(14.61) 200 3.716(23.93) 180 5.256(16.85) 160 Natrobistantite (Na,Cs)Bi(Ta,Nb,Sb)4O12
6.060(14.61) 200 4.580(19.36) 66 3.498(25.44) 60 Carlinite Tl2S
6.060(14.61) 200 3.708(23.98) 160 3.182(28.02) 120 Kharaelakhite (Pt,Cu,Pb,Fe,Ni)9S8
6.060(14.61) 200 4.220(21.03) 140 5.880(15.05) 120 Krennerite AuTe2
6.060(14.61) 200 6.480(13.65) 160 3.730(23.84) 120 Lisiguangite CuPtBiS3
6.060(14.61) 200 6.500(13.61) 150 6.720(13.16) 150 Kerstenite PbSeO4 (?)
6.060(14.61) 200 4.940(17.94) 140 5.600(15.81) 140 Billingsleyite Ag7AsS6
6.060(14.61) 200 15.180(5.82) 140 4.572(19.40) 50 Inyoite Ca2B6O6(OH)10·8(H2O)
6.060(14.61) 200 4.622(19.19) 50 3.796(23.42) 32 Nitratine NaNO3
6.060(14.61) 200 11.720(7.54) 130 4.474(19.83) 110 Corkite PbFe+++3(PO4)(SO4)(OH)6
6.060(14.61) 200 5.660(15.64) 140 8.740(10.11) 140 Brockite (Ca,Th,Ce)(PO4)·(H2O)
6.060(14.61) 200 6.460(13.70) 160 6.700(13.20) 160 Clinoferrosilite (Fe++,Mg)2Si2O6
6.062(14.60) 200 6.064(14.60) 200 6.422(13.78) 95 Fluorarrojadite-(BaFe) (Ba,K,Pb)Na3(Ca,Sr)(Fe++,Mg,Mn)14Al(PO4)11(PO3OH)(F,OH)2
6.064(14.60) 200 7.020(12.60) 200 17.580(5.02) 160 Piretite Ca(UO2)3(SeO3)2(OH)4-4(H2O)
6.064(14.60) 200 7.238(12.22) 160 5.190(17.07) 120 Parafransoletite Ca3Be2(PO4)2(PO3,OH)2·4(H2O)
6.064(14.60) 200 5.406(16.38) 136 6.422(13.78) 94 Fluorarrojadite-(BaNa) BaFe++Na2Ca(Fe++,Mn,Mg)13Al(PO4)11(PO3OH)(F,OH)2
6.068(14.59) 200 5.430(16.31) 160 5.170(17.14) 60 Xenophyllite Na4Fe7(PO4)6
6.070(14.58) 200 4.190(21.19) 36 4.570(19.41) 36 Calcite CaCO3
6.072(14.58) 200 6.030(14.68) 140 5.788(15.30) 120 Natron Na2CO3·10(H2O)
6.072(14.58) 200 6.686(13.23) 120 14.446(6.11) 100 Choloalite CuPb(Te++++O3)2
6.072(14.58) 200 3.514(25.32) 160 10.580(8.35) 140 Zajacite-(Ce) Na(REExCa1-x)(REEyCa1-y)F6 where (x ne y)
6.074(14.57) 200 6.152(14.39) 180 7.122(12.42) 180 Reedmergnerite NaBSi3O8
6.076(14.57) 200 5.928(14.93) 182 9.670(9.14) 182 Rynersonite Ca(Ta,Nb)2O6
6.076(14.57) 200 5.086(17.42) 150 5.958(14.86) 150 Jervisite (Na,Ca,Fe++)(Sc,Mg,Fe++)Si2O6
6.076(14.57) 200 11.700(7.55) 180 7.180(12.32) 80 Gallobeudantite PbGa3[(AsO4),(SO4)]2(OH)6
6.078(14.56) 200 10.640(8.30) 160 5.446(16.26) 120 Fianelite Mn++2V+++++(V+++++,As+++++)O7·2(H2O)
6.078(14.56) 200 5.128(17.28) 94 5.238(16.91) 80 Davisite Ca(Sc,Ti+++,Mg,Ti++++)AlSiO6
6.080(14.56) 200 4.120(21.55) 140 5.440(16.28) 120 Ericaite (Fe++,Mg,Mn)3B7O13Cl
6.080(14.56) 200 7.340(12.05) 200 4.916(18.03) 150 Peprossiite-(Ce) (Ce,La)(Al3O)2/3B4O10
6.080(14.56) 200 4.192(21.18) 160 2.596(34.52) 140 Babkinite Pb2Bi2(S,Se)3
6.080(14.56) 200 6.344(13.95) 130 12.360(7.15) 100 Parabariomicrolite BaTa4O10(OH)2·2H20
6.080(14.56) 200 5.440(16.28) 160 7.360(12.01) 140 Quenselite PbMn+++O2(OH)
6.080(14.56) 200 8.580(10.30) 180 6.340(13.96) 160 Cornetite Cu3(PO4)(OH)3
6.080(14.56) 200 6.360(13.91) 140 5.952(14.87) 100 Oboyerite Pb6H6(Te++++O3)3(Te++++++O6)2·2(H2O)
6.080(14.56) 200 6.340(13.96) 200 6.580(13.45) 140 Sarkinite Mn++2(AsO4)(OH)
6.080(14.56) 200 6.700(13.20) 178 10.820(8.16) 132 Studenitsite NaCa2[B9O14(OH)4]·2(H2O)
6.080(14.56) 200 5.364(16.51) 180 5.426(16.32) 160 Collinsite Ca2(Mg,Fe++)(PO4)2·2(H2O)
6.080(14.56) 200 4.280(20.74) 160 5.640(15.70) 160 Grayite (Th,Pb,Ca)PO4·(H2O)
6.080(14.56) 200 5.848(15.14) 166 15.250(5.79) 156 Mrazekite Bi+++2Cu++3(PO4)2O2(OH)2·2(H2O)
6.082(14.55) 200 6.924(12.77) 132 6.172(14.34) 108 Newberyite Mg(PO3OH)·3(H2O)
6.084(14.55) 200 5.428(16.32) 170 6.444(13.73) 90 Arrojadite KNa4CaMn++4Fe++10Al(PO4)12(OH,F)2
6.086(14.54) 200 3.758(23.66) 180 3.196(27.89) 140 Talnakhite Cu9(Fe,Ni)8S16
6.088(14.54) 200 3.728(23.85) 76 5.274(16.80) 74 Avicennite Tl2O3
6.088(14.54) 200 6.940(12.74) 180 6.640(13.32) 140 Fransoletite H2Ca3Be2(PO4)4·4(H2O)
6.088(14.54) 200 12.180(7.25) 160 3.728(23.85) 140 Bariopyrochlore (Ba,Sr)(Nb,Ti)2(O,OH)7
6.090(14.53) 200 4.546(19.51) 104 13.660(6.47) 72 Yttrotungstite-(Ce) (Ce,Nd,Y)W2O6(OH)3
6.090(14.53) 200 6.570(13.47) 180 9.980(8.85) 100 Tavorite LiFe+++(PO4)(OH)
6.092(14.53) 200 3.710(23.97) 180 3.184(28.00) 140 Luzonite Cu3AsS4
6.092(14.53) 200 4.140(21.45) 180 4.320(20.54) 180 Nyerereite Na2Ca(CO3)2
6.096(14.52) 200 5.146(17.22) 86 6.050(14.63) 86 Johannsenite CaMnSi2O6
6.098(14.51) 200 7.524(11.75) 42 3.054(29.22) 30 Fersmite (Ca,Ce,Na)(Nb,Ta,Ti)2(O,OH,F)6
6.098(14.51) 200 10.836(8.15) 184 5.418(16.35) 178 Melonjosephite CaFe++Fe+++(PO4)2(OH)
6.098(14.51) 200 5.670(15.62) 168 16.440(5.37) 142 Altisite Na3K6Ti2Al2Si8O26Cl3
6.099(14.51) 200 4.327(20.51) 142 5.091(17.40) 126 Pasavaite Pd3Pb2Te2
6.100(14.51) 200 5.382(16.46) 143 11.723(7.53) 58 Arrojadite-(KNa) KNa4Ca(Fe,Mn,Mg)13Al(PO4)11(PO3OH)(OH,F)2
6.100(14.51) 200 3.724(23.87) 140 5.280(16.78) 100 Freibergite (Ag,Cu,Fe)12(Sb,As)4S13
6.100(14.51) 200 6.860(12.89) 200 5.580(15.87) 140 Weilite CaHAsO4
6.100(14.51) 200 6.812(12.99) 200 8.000(11.05) 200 Calciouranoite (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7·5(H2O)
6.100(14.51) 200 3.284(27.13) 80 5.422(16.33) 80 Ferripedrizite NaLi2(Fe+++2Mg2Li)Si8O22(OH)2
6.100(14.51) 200 6.480(13.65) 180 8.480(10.42) 160 Bruggenite Ca(IO3)2·(H2O)
6.100(14.51) 200 3.178(28.05) 160 3.732(23.82) 160 Stannomicrolite (Sn++,Fe++,Mn++)(Ta,Nb,Sn++++)2(O,OH)7
6.100(14.51) 200 3.748(23.72) 180 3.194(27.91) 120 Putoranite Cu1.1Fe1.2S2
6.100(14.51) 200 4.160(21.34) 134 5.740(15.42) 132 Bobfergusonite Na2Mn++5Fe+++Al(PO4)6
6.100(14.51) 200 5.440(16.28) 180 6.440(13.74) 140 Dickinsonite KNa4Ca(Mn++,Fe++)14Al(PO4)12(OH)2
6.100(14.51) 200 3.740(23.77) 100 5.280(16.78) 80 Germanocolusite Cu13V(Ge,As)3S16
6.100(14.51) 200 8.520(10.37) 200 13.200(6.69) 180 Armstrongite CaZrSi6O15·3(H2O)
6.100(14.51) 200 4.180(21.24) 180 4.480(19.80) 180 Kotulskite Pd(Te,Bi)
6.100(14.51) 200 8.960(9.86) 180 4.660(19.03) 100 Hydrophilite CaCl2
6.100(14.51) 200 5.400(16.40) 120 6.160(14.37) 80 Argyrodite Ag8GeS6
6.100(14.51) 200 4.186(21.21) 160 4.438(19.99) 160 Paradocrasite Sb2(Sb,As)2
6.100(14.51) 200 5.828(15.19) 160 5.730(15.45) 100 Grumiplucite HgBi2S4
6.100(14.51) 200 4.280(20.74) 100 4.500(19.71) 60 Sylvanite (Au,Ag)2Te4
6.100(14.51) 200 5.734(15.44) 122 5.136(17.25) 78 Bearthite Ca2Al(PO4)2(OH)
6.100(14.51) 200 5.600(15.81) 150 5.680(15.59) 140 Chursinite Hg+Hg++(AsO4)
6.100(14.51) 200 3.736(23.80) 180 3.186(27.98) 140 Giraudite (Cu,Zn,Ag)12(As,Sb)4(Se,S)13
6.100(14.51) 200 6.440(13.74) 180 14.000(6.31) 140 Gutkovaite-Mn CaK2Mn(Ti,Nb)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·5(H2O)
6.100(14.51) 200 16.540(5.34) 180 5.374(16.48) 60 Ferroglaucophane [ ]Na2(Fe++3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2
6.100(14.51) 200 7.280(12.15) 160 4.060(21.87) 120 Garrelsite-V Ba3NaSi2B7O16(OH)4
6.100(14.51) 200 6.480(13.65) 120 16.520(5.35) 110 Anthophyllite [ ]Mg7Si8O22(OH)2
6.100(14.51) 200 6.460(13.70) 180 6.260(14.14) 140 Emplectite CuBiS2
6.104(14.50) 200 6.140(14.41) 200 8.390(10.54) 200 Anthoinite AlWO3(OH)3
6.104(14.50) 200 7.272(12.16) 80 3.634(24.48) 70 Graulichite-(Ce) CeFe+++3(AsO4)2(OH)6
6.106(14.49) 200 10.500(8.41) 160 5.908(14.98) 140 Hanawaltite Hg+6Hg++[Cl,(OH)]2O3

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