Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 72 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 13.818 AND d1 < 14.382)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
13.820(6.39) 200 6.914(12.79) 180 4.924(18.00) 160 Rouaite Cu2(NO3)(OH)3
13.820(6.39) 200 4.620(19.20) 160 5.248(16.88) 160 Gerhardtite Cu2(NO3)(OH)3
13.834(6.38) 200 5.686(15.57) 160 7.554(11.71) 140 Seamanite Mn3(PO4)B(OH)6
13.840(6.38) 200 8.300(10.65) 160 7.360(12.01) 140 Chalconatronite Na2Cu(CO3)2·3(H2O)
13.840(6.38) 200 6.894(12.83) 160 4.752(18.66) 70 Manandonite Li2Al4[(Si2AlB)O10](OH)8
13.840(6.38) 200 4.046(21.95) 196 7.192(12.30) 110 Yarlongite (Cr4Fe4Ni)C4
13.842(6.38) 200 11.740(7.52) 180 7.064(12.52) 56 Hoganite Cu(CH3COO)2·H2O
13.860(6.37) 200 6.640(13.32) 180 8.760(10.09) 120 Caysichite-(Y) Y2(Ca,Gd)2Si4O10(CO3)3(H2O,O,OH)·3H20
13.862(6.37) 200 6.158(14.37) 76 6.182(14.32) 76 Ezcurrite Na4B10O17·7(H2O)
13.870(6.37) 200 10.684(8.27) 142 9.112(9.70) 82 Erdite NaFeS2·2(H2O)
13.880(6.36) 200 6.940(12.74) 60 5.400(16.40) 50 Posnjakite Cu4(SO4)(OH)6·(H2O)
13.880(6.36) 200 6.920(12.78) 140 8.120(10.89) 100 Aurorite (Mn,Ag,Ca)Mn++++3O7·3(H2O)
13.900(6.35) 200 6.620(13.36) 160 8.460(10.45) 120 Bearsite Be2(AsO4)(OH)·4(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 6.520(13.57) 80 6.620(13.36) 80 Hydrotungstite H2WO4·(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 6.420(13.78) 140 9.200(9.61) 120 Uranotungstite (Fe++,Ba,Pb)(UO2)2WO4(OH)4·12(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 5.880(15.05) 54 16.080(5.49) 36 Bobierrite Mg3(PO4)2·8(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 7.000(12.64) 120 8.160(10.83) 100 Chalcophanite (Zn,Fe++,Mn++)Mn++++3O7·3(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 6.444(13.73) 168 6.228(14.21) 132 Organovaite-Zn K2Zn(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·6(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 6.220(14.23) 180 6.420(13.78) 160 Alsakharovite-Zn NaSrKZn(Ti,Nb)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·7(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 6.440(13.74) 180 6.200(14.27) 160 Gjerdingenite-Mn (K,Na)2(Mn,Fe)(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·6(H2O)
13.920(6.34) 200 6.920(12.78) 150 10.300(8.58) 60 Hannayite (NH4)2Mg3H4(PO4)4·8(H2O)
13.930(6.34) 200 4.460(19.89) 46 6.966(12.70) 22 Jianshuiite (Mg,Mn++)Mn++++3O7·3(H2O)
13.930(6.34) 200 6.688(13.23) 140 7.200(12.28) 140 Margaritasite (Cs,K,H3O)2(UO2)2V2O8·(H2O)
13.960(6.33) 200 11.700(7.55) 100 17.620(5.01) 100 Metahaiweeite Ca(UO2)2Si6O15·n(H2O), n<5
13.980(6.32) 200 6.454(13.71) 178 6.246(14.17) 136 Organovaite-Mn K2Mn(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·6(H2O)
13.980(6.32) 200 7.410(11.93) 178 21.000(4.20) 114 Swaknoite (NH4)2Ca(HPO4)2·(H2O)
13.998(6.31) 200 14.378(6.14) 198 5.990(14.78) 146 Elyite Pb4Cu(SO4)O2(OH)4·(H2O)
14.000(6.31) 200 6.556(13.49) 180 8.480(10.42) 120 Moraesite Be2(PO4)(OH)·4(H2O)
14.020(6.30) 200 16.380(5.39) 160 6.040(14.65) 140 Manganohornesite (Mn,Mg)3(AsO4)2·8(H2O)
14.052(6.28) 200 9.992(8.84) 148 14.208(6.22) 146 Karupmollerite-Ca (Na,Ca,K)2Ca(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·7(H2O)
14.060(6.28) 200 7.040(12.56) 140 5.300(16.71) 80 Fraipontite (Zn,Al)3(Si,Al)2O5(OH)4
14.080(6.27) 200 20.400(4.33) 190 9.620(9.19) 130 Cobaltarthurite CoFe+++2(AsO4)2(OH)2·4(H2O)
14.080(6.27) 200 5.980(14.80) 180 7.080(12.49) 160 Pentahydroborite CaB2O(OH)6·2(H2O)
14.080(6.27) 200 6.006(14.74) 168 6.304(14.04) 160 Santaclaraite CaMn++4Si5O14(OH)2·(H2O)
14.118(6.26) 200 7.056(12.53) 172 5.808(15.24) 156 Coutinhoite ThxBa1-2x(H2O)y(UO2)2Si5O13·H2O
14.120(6.25) 200 6.240(14.18) 180 7.020(12.60) 160 Zippeite K4(UO2)6(SO4)3(OH)10·4(H2O)
14.140(6.25) 200 11.820(7.47) 198 4.960(17.87) 36 Brindleyite (Ni,Mg,Fe++)2Al(SiAl)O5(OH)4
14.160(6.24) 200 7.080(12.49) 100 6.880(12.86) 80 Zinc-zippeite Zn++2(UO2)6(SO4)3(OH)10·16(H2O)
14.160(6.24) 200 7.040(12.56) 140 6.240(14.18) 100 Masuyite Pb[(UO2)3O3(OH)2]·3(H2O)
14.180(6.23) 200 6.480(13.65) 180 6.220(14.23) 160 Paratsepinite-Na (Na,Sr,K,Ca)7(Ti,Nb)8[Si4O12]4(O,OH)8·n(H2O) n ~ 8
14.180(6.23) 200 6.480(13.65) 180 6.300(14.05) 160 Tsepinite-Na (Na,H3O,K,Sr,Ba)2(Ti,Nb)2[Si4O12](OH,O)2·3(H2O)
14.180(6.23) 200 5.032(17.61) 150 5.388(16.44) 60 Ramsbeckite (Cu,Zn)15(SO4)4(OH)22·6(H2O)
14.198(6.22) 200 14.296(6.18) 194 13.136(6.72) 130 Nenadkevichite (Na,Ca,K)(Nb,Ti)Si2O6(O,OH)·2(H2O)
14.200(6.22) 200 7.100(12.46) 90 28.400(3.11) 50 Nimite (Ni,Mg,Fe++)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8
14.200(6.22) 200 13.998(6.31) 176 9.970(8.86) 156 Gjerdingenite-Ca K2Ca(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·6H2O
14.200(6.22) 200 4.860(18.24) 160 7.140(12.39) 160 Pennantite Mn5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8
14.200(6.22) 200 5.954(14.87) 140 7.100(12.46) 100 Mandarinoite Fe+++2Se3O9·6(H2O)
14.200(6.22) 200 4.660(19.03) 160 7.100(12.46) 140 Orthochrysotile Mg3Si2O5(OH)4
14.200(6.22) 200 7.180(12.32) 160 5.080(17.44) 140 Spangolite Cu6Al(SO4)(OH)12Cl·3(H2O)
14.220(6.21) 200 19.440(4.54) 180 4.636(19.13) 100 Redgillite Cu6(OH)10(SO4)·H2O
14.220(6.21) 200 11.140(7.93) 180 17.960(4.92) 160 Weeksite K2(UO2)2Si6O15·4(H2O)
14.240(6.20) 200 4.758(18.63) 180 7.120(12.42) 160 Lizardite Mg3Si2O5(OH)4
14.240(6.20) 200 7.092(12.47) 200 5.040(17.58) 200 Berthierine (Fe++,Fe+++,Al,Mg)2-3(Si,Al)2O5(OH)4
14.240(6.20) 200 8.560(10.33) 160 18.360(4.81) 160 Uranopilite [(UO2)6(SO4)O2(OH)6(H2O)6]·8(H2O)
14.258(6.19) 200 7.120(12.42) 160 4.854(18.26) 120 Dozyite (Mg7Al2)(Si4Al2)O15(OH)12
14.280(6.18) 200 10.720(8.24) 60 6.540(13.53) 40 Ginorite Ca2B14O23·8(H2O)
14.280(6.18) 200 28.600(3.09) 180 3.084(28.93) 120 Baileychlore (Zn,Al,[ ])3[Fe++2Al][Si3AlO10](OH)8
14.298(6.18) 200 7.472(11.83) 140 5.540(15.98) 136 Klochite ([ ]1Na1)KFe2Zn3[Si12O30]
14.300(6.18) 200 7.160(12.35) 170 3.104(28.74) 130 Odinite (Fe+++,Mg,Al,Fe++,Ti,Mn)2.5(Si,Al)2O5(OH)4
14.300(6.18) 200 6.438(13.74) 100 7.672(11.52) 70 Euclase BeAlSiO4(OH)
14.300(6.18) 200 7.162(12.35) 140 5.256(16.85) 70 Wroewolfeite Cu4(SO4)(OH)6·2(H2O)
14.320(6.17) 200 9.540(9.26) 140 7.160(12.35) 120 Clinochlore (Mg,Fe++)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8
14.320(6.17) 200 6.180(14.32) 160 9.140(9.67) 140 Gengenbachite KFe3(H2PO4)2(HPO4)4·6H2O or KFe3H8(PO4)6·6H2O
14.320(6.17) 200 5.540(15.98) 180 6.360(13.91) 160 Tuhualite [ ](Na,K)Fe++Fe+++[Si6O15]
14.320(6.17) 200 5.366(16.51) 180 7.166(12.34) 160 Pyrosmalite-(Mn) (Mn,Fe++)8Si6O15(OH,Cl)10
14.340(6.16) 200 6.794(13.02) 110 7.190(12.30) 90 Carlosturanite (Mg,Fe++,Ti,Mn)21(Si,Al)12O28(OH)34
14.340(6.16) 200 2.980(29.96) 180 7.160(12.35) 160 Kaolinite Al2Si2O5(OH)4
14.340(6.16) 200 17.400(5.07) 194 11.070(7.98) 192 Trattnerite (Fe,Mg)2(Mg,Fe)3(Si12O30)
14.360(6.15) 200 4.980(17.80) 140 5.400(16.40) 140 Metahohmannite Fe+++2[O(SO4)2]·4(H2O)
14.372(6.14) 200 5.054(17.53) 160 5.400(16.40) 160 Schulenbergite (Cu,Zn)7(SO4,CO3)2(OH)10·3(H2O)
14.374(6.14) 200 7.186(12.31) 106 8.766(10.08) 78 Nacrite Al2Si2O5(OH)4
14.380(6.14) 200 5.740(15.42) 160 11.480(7.69) 160 Eudialyte Na4(Ca,Ce)2(Fe++,Mn,Y)ZrSi8O22(OH,Cl)2 (?)

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