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P Listing of Minerals

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P Mineral Index (418 Count)

This alphabetical listing of P minerals include synonyms of accepted mineral names, pronunciation of that name, name origins, and locality information.

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Przhevalskite Say Przhevalskite   Pb(UO2)2(PO4)2·4(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1946
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Nikolai M. Przhevalsky (1839-1888), Russian explorer.
Pseudo-autunite  (H3O)4Ca2(UO2)2(PO4)4·5(H2O) (?) Not Approved IMA 1968
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its similarity to autunite and meta-autunite in composition and occurrence.
Pseudoboehmite - See Boehmite
REMARKS: Colloidal böhmite
Pseudoboleite Say Pseudoboleite  View Pseudoboleite Image  Pb5Cu4Cl10(OH)8·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1895
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its similarity to the mineral Boleite.
Pseudobrookite Say Pseudobrookite  View Pseudobrookite Image View Pseudobrookite Form  (Fe+++,Fe++)2(Ti,Fe++)O5 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1878
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek pseudo - "I mislead" and the mineral brookite.
Pseudocotunnite Say Pseudocotunnite  View Pseudocotunnite Image  K2PbCl4 (?) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1873
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the Greek "pseudo", false and cotunnite, a mineral it resembles in some respects.
Pseudograndreefite Say Pseudograndreefite Pb6SO4F1O Approved IMA 1989
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek for false, and its relation to grandreefite.
Pseudojohannite View Pseudojohannite Image  Cu6.5[(UO2)4O4(SO4)2]2(OH)5·25H2O Approved IMA 2000 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the (almost) relationship by composition with johannite.
Pseudolaueite Say Pseudolaueite  View Pseudolaueite Image  Mn++Fe+++2(PO4)2(OH)2·7-8(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1956
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek for false and its relation to laueite, as it is not that species.
Pseudomalachite Say Pseudomalachite  View Pseudomalachite Image  Cu5(PO4)2(OH)4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1813
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, pseudo - "false" and malachite.
Pseudonatrolite - See Mordenite
Pseudorutile Say Pseudorutile  View Pseudorutile Image  Fe+++2Ti3O9 Approved IMA 1966
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and as an intermediate product between ilmanite and rutile.
Pseudosinhalite Say Pseudosinhalite   Mg2Al3B2O9(OH) Approved IMA 1999 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: The name alludes to the optical, chemical, and structural similarity to sinhalite.
Psilomelane - See Romanechite
Psilomelane Say Psilomelane  View Psilomelane Image (Ba,H2O)2Mn5O10 Discredited IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named in 1758 from the Greek psilos - "smooth" and melas - "black."
Psilomelane - See Cryptomelane
Ptilolite - See Mordenite
Pucherite Say Pucherite  View Pucherite Image  BiVO4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1871
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its locality. LOCALITY: Oxidized portions of Bi-Ag-U-Ca veins in the Pucher shaft of the Wolfgang Mine, Schneeberg, Saxony, Germany.
Pumpellyite - See Pumpellyite-(Mg)
Pumpellyite-(Al) Say Pumpellyite-(Al)  View Pumpellyite-(Al) Image  Ca2(Al,Fe++,Mg)Al2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH,O)2·H2O Approved IMA 2005 - (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the Al analog of pumpellyite.
Pumpellyite-(Fe++) Say Pumpellyite-(Fe++)  View Pumpellyite-(Fe++) Image Ca2Fe++(Al,Fe+++)2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)2·(H2O) Approved IMA 1971
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the American geologist, R. Pumpelly (1837-1923).
Pumpellyite-(Fe+++) Say Pumpellyite-(Fe+++)  View Pumpellyite-(Fe+++) Image Ca2Fe+++Al2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH,O)2·(H2O) Approved IMA 1973
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the American geologist, R. Pumpelly (1837-1923).
Pumpellyite-(Mg) Say Pumpellyite-(Mg)  View Pumpellyite-(Mg) Image  Ca2MgAl2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH)2·(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1925
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the American geologist, R. Pumpelly (1837-1923).
Pumpellyite-(Mn++) Say Pumpellyite-(Mn++)  View Pumpellyite-(Mn++) Image Ca2(Mn++,Mg)(Al,Mn+++,Fe)2(SiO4)(Si2O7(OH)2·(H2O) Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the American geologist, R. Pumpelly (1837-1923).
Punkaruaivite Li{Ti2(OH)2[Si4O11(OH)]}·H2O Proposed IMA 2008 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Mt. Punkaruaiv, Lovozero massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia.
Purpurite Say Purpurite  View Purpurite Image Mn+++PO4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1905
NAME ORIGIN: From the Latin purpureus - "purple red."
Pushcharovskite Say Pushcharovskite  View Pushcharovskite Image  Cu(AsO3OH)·1.5(H2O) Approved IMA 1996 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Dmitry Yurievich Pushcharovsky (b. 1944), crystallographer, Moscow State University, Russia.
Putoranite Say Putoranite Cu1.1Fe1.2S2 Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Putoran Mountains, Siberia.
Putzite View Putzite Image  (Cu4.7Ag3.3)GeS6 Approved IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Hubert Putz (1973-), who discovered the new species during field work in Catamarca, for his significant contribution to the mineralogy of germanium in the Capillitas deposit.
P Veatchite - See Veatchite-p
Pyatenkoite-(Y) Say Pyatenkoite-(Y)  View Pyatenkoite-(Y) Form   Na5(Y,Dy,Gd)TiSi6O18·6(H2O) Approved IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: For Yu. A. Pyatenko (1928-), prominent Russian crystal chemist.
Pycnite - See Topaz
REMARKS: Yellowish white topaz
Pyrantimonite - See Kermesite
Pyrargyrite Say Pyrargyrite  View Pyrargyrite Image View Pyrargyrite Form  Ag3SbS3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1831
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, pyr and argyros, "fire-silver" in allusion to color and silver content.
Pyrite Say Pyrite  View Pyrite Image View Pyrite Form  FeS2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) Prehistoric
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, pyrites lithos, "stone which strikes fire," in allusion to the sparking produced when iron is struck by a lump of pyrite.
Pyroaurite Say Pyroaurite  View Pyroaurite Images Gallery  Mg6Fe+++2(CO3)(OH)16·4(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1865
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, pyro and the Latin aurium, "fire" and "golden" because of the gold-like submetallic scales present in its type locality. LOCALITY: Langbanshyttan, Sweden.
Pyrobelonite Say Pyrobelonite  View Pyrobelonite Image View Pyrobelonite Form  PbMn(VO4)(OH) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1919
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek for "fire" and "needle", in allusion to the color and habit.
Pyrochlore Say Pyrochlore  View Pyrochlore Image View Pyrochlore Form  (Na,Ca)2Nb2O6(OH,F) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1826
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek pyr - "fire" and chloros - "green."
Pyrochroite Say Pyrochroite  View Pyrochroite Image View Pyrochroite Form  Mn(OH)2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1864
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek, puro, "fire" and khroma, "color", because of the change in color upon ignition.
Pyrocoproite View Pyrocoproite Images Gallery  (Mg(K,Na))2P2O7 Not Approved IMA
NAME ORIGIN: Named after it's derivation from bat guano combustion.
Pyrolusite Say Pyrolusite  View Pyrolusite Image View Pyrolusite Form  MnO2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1827
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, pyro and louein, "fire" and "to wash," because it was used to remove the greenish color imparted to glass by iron compounds.
Pyromorphite Say Pyromorphite  View Pyromorphite Image  Pb5(PO4)3Cl Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1813
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek pyr - "fire" and morfe - "form" in allusion the recrystallization reaction of the molten mineral.
Pyrope Say Pyrope  View Pyrope Image View Pyrope Form  Mg3Al2(SiO4)3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1803
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, pyropos, "fiery-eyed" in allusion to the red hue.
Pyrophanite Say Pyrophanite  View Pyrophanite Image  MnTiO3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1890
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek pyr - "fire" and fanos - "shining."
Pyrophosphite  K2CaP2O7 Not Approved IMA
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the Greek pyros, meaning fire and the element name - Phosphorus.
Pyrophyllite Say Pyrophyllite  View Pyrophyllite Image  Al2Si4O10(OH)2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1829
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for fie and leaf, in allusion to its tendency to exfoliate into fan shapes when heated.
Pyrosmalite-(Fe) View Pyrosmalite-(Fe) Image (Fe++,Mn)8Si6O15(OH,Cl)10 Approved IMA 1987
NAME ORIGIN: Iron rich end member of pyrosmalite.
Pyrosmalite-(Mn) View Pyrosmalite-(Mn) Images Gallery  (Mn,Fe++)8Si6O15(OH,Cl)10 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1953
NAME ORIGIN: Manganese end member of pyrosmalite.
Pyrostilpnite Say Pyrostilpnite  View Pyrostilpnite Images Gallery View Pyrostilpnite Form  Ag3SbS3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1868
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, pyr, "fire" and stilpnos, "shining."
Pyroxferroite Say Pyroxferroite  View Pyroxferroite Image  (Fe++,Mn)7[Si7O21] Approved IMA 1970
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its resemblance to the pyroxenes and containing iron over manganese..
Pyroxmangite Say Pyroxmangite  View Pyroxmangite Image  (Mn,Fe++)SiO3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1913
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its resemblance to the pyroxenes and containing manganese.
Pyrrhotite Say Pyrrhotite  View Pyrrhotite Image View Pyrrhotite Form  Fe(1-x)S (x=0-0.17) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1835
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, phrrhotes, "redness," in allusion to color.
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