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C Listing of Minerals

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C Mineral Index (527 Count)

This alphabetical listing of C minerals include synonyms of accepted mineral names, pronunciation of that name, name origins, and locality information.

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Cabriite Say Cabriite  View Cabriite Images Gallery Pd2SnCu Approved IMA 1985
NAME ORIGIN: For Dr. Louis J. Cabri, Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, describer of a number of platinum group minerals.
Cacoxenite Say Cacoxenite  View Cacoxenite Image  (Fe+++,Al)25(PO4)17O6(OH)12·75(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1825
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek kakos, meaning "wrong" and xenos, meaning "guest.;"
Cadmium Say Cadmium   Cd Approved IMA 1979
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for "calamine," as the element occurs in slags resulting from smelting smithsonite (formerly calamine) ore.
Cadmium oxide - See Monteponite
Cadmoindite View Cadmoindite Image  CdIn2S4 Approved IMA 2003 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named is for its chemistry as the Cd analogue of indite.
Cadmoselite Say Cadmoselite  View Cadmoselite Image  CdSe Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1957
NAME ORIGIN: For the presence of cadmium and selenium.
Cadwaladerite Say Cadwaladerite  View Cadwaladerite Image Al(OH)2Cl·4(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1941
NAME ORIGIN: For Charles Meigs Biddle Cadwalader, formerly President of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Cafarsite Say Cafarsite  View Cafarsite Images Gallery  Ca8(Ti,Fe++,Fe+++,Mn)6-7(As+++O3)12·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1966
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the elements in the composition, CAlcium, iron (Ferrum), and ARSenic.
Cafetite Say Cafetite  View Cafetite Image  Ca(Fe,Al)2Ti4O12·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1959
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition (Ca, Fe, Ti).
Cahnite Say Cahnite  View Cahnite Image View Cahnite Form  Ca2B(AsO4)(OH)4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1927
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Lazard Cahn (1865-1940), mineral collector and dealer, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, who first noted the species.
Ca-hureaulite - See Hureaulite
REMARKS: Ca-bearing hureaulite
Caichengyunite Fe++3Al2(SO4)6·30(H2O) Not Submitted IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Cai Chen Yung (1907-1982), Chinese geologist and teacher.
Calamine - See Hemimorphite
Calamine - See Smithsonite
Calaverite Say Calaverite  View Calaverite Image View Calaverite Form  AuTe2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1868
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its locality. LOCALITY: Staislaus mine, Carson Hill, Calaveras Co. California.
Calciborite Say Calciborite  View Calciborite Image  CaB2O4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1956
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the essential chemical components, CALCIum and BORon.
Calcio-ancylite-(Ce) - See Calcioancylite-(Ce)
REMARKS: Renamed Calcioancylite-(Ce) by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Calcioancylite-(Ce) Say Calcioancylite-(Ce)  View Calcioancylite-(Ce) Image  CaCe(CO3)2(OH)·(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1922
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and from the Greek "curved," in allusion to the rounded and distorted character of the crystals.
Calcio-ancylite-(Nd) - See Calcioancylite-(Nd)
REMARKS: Renamed Calcioancylite-(Nd) by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Calcioancylite-(Nd) Say Calcioancylite-(Nd)    CaNd(CO3)2(OH)·(H2O) Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and from the Greek "curved," in allusion to the rounded and distorted character of the crystals.
Calcio-andyrobertsite-1M - See Calcioandyrobertsite-1M
REMARKS: Renamed Calcioandyrobertsite-1M by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Calcioandyrobertsite-1M Say Calcioandyrobertsite-1M  View Calcioandyrobertsite-1M Image  KCaCu5(AsO4)4[As(OH)2O2]·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1999 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Andrew C. Roberts (1950-), mineralogist with the Geological Survey of Canada.
Calcio-andyrobertsite-2O - See Calcioandyrobertsite-2O
REMARKS: Renamed Calcioandyrobertsite-2O by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Calcioandyrobertsite-2O Say Calcioandyrobertsite-2O   KCaCu5(AsO4)4[As(OH)2O2]·2(H2O) Approved IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the -2O polytype of calcio-andyrobertsite-1M
Calcioaravaipaite Say Calcioaravaipaite  View Calcioaravaipaite Form  PbCa2Al(F,OH)9 Approved IMA 1996 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: For the relationship with aravaipaite
Calciobetafite Say Calciobetafite    Ca2(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)7 Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: For the mineral with the betafite structure and the CALCIum content.
Calcioburbankite Say Calcioburbankite  View Calcioburbankite Image   Na3(Ca,REE,Sr)3(CO3)5 Approved IMA 1995
NAME ORIGIN: For its relationship as the calcium-dominant analog of burbankite.
Calciocarnotite - See Tyuyamunite
Calciocatapleiite  (Ca,[ ])ZrSi3O9·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1964
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and from the Greek for "wholly' and "full", because it is always accompanied by a number of rare minerals.
Calciocelsian - See Armenite
Calciochondrodite - See Reinhardbraunsite
Calciocopiapite Say Calciocopiapite  View Calciocopiapite Image CaFe+++4(SO4)6(OH)2·19(H2O) Approved IMA 1960
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the calcium member of the copiapite group.
Calcioferrite Say Calcioferrite  View Calcioferrite Image Ca4Fe++(Fe+++,Al)4(PO4)6(OH)4·12(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1858
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition.
Calciogadolinite View Calciogadolinite Image  CaREE(Fe+++)Be2Si2O10 Discredited IMA 2006 - Approved IMA 1972
NAME ORIGIN: Named after it's composition and relationship to gadolinite.
Calciogadolinite - See Gadolinite-(Y)
Calciohilairite Say Calciohilairite  View Calciohilairite Image  CaZrSi3O9·3(H2O) Approved IMA 1988
NAME ORIGIN: For the "calcium" content and relation to "hilairite."
Calcio-olivine - See Olivine
REMARKS: Calcium-dominant member of the olivine group
Calciopetersite View Calciopetersite Image  CaCu6[(PO4)2(PO3OH)(OH)6]·3(H2O) Approved IMA 2001 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Name is derived from its composition and relationship to petersite-(Y).
Calciotalc - See Clintonite
Calciotantite Say Calciotantite  View Calciotantite Image  Ca(Ta,Nb)4O11 Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition (Calcium, Tantalum).
Calciouranoite Say Calciouranoite  View Calciouranoite Image  (Ca,Ba,Pb)U2O7·5(H2O) Approved IMA 1974
NAME ORIGIN: Named for CALCIum and URANium in the composition.
Calciovolborthite - See Tangeite
Calciovolborthite - See Vesignieite
Calcite Say Calcite  View Calcite Images Gallery View Calcite Form  CaCO3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1845
NAME ORIGIN: From the Latin, calx, meaning lime.
Calcium-catapleiite - See Calciocatapleiite
REMARKS: Renamed to Calciocatapeliite by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p 131
Calcium Citrate - See Earlandite
Calcium Formate - See Formicaite
Calcium larsenite - See Esperite
Calcium Oxalate - See Whewellite
Calcium Oxalate - See Weddellite
Calcium Oxide - See Lime
Calcium rinkite - See Gotzenite
Calcium Sulfate - See Anhydrite
Calcium Tungstate - See Scheelite
Calcjarlite Say Calcjarlite Na(Ca,Sr)3Al3(F,OH)16 Approved IMA 1973
NAME ORIGIN: As a CALCium analog of "jarlite."
Calclacite Say Calclacite Ca[Cl2/CH3COO]·10(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1945
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition Ca, Cl, and acetete.
Calcurmolite Say Calcurmolite  View Calcurmolite Image  Ca(UO2)3(MoO4)3(OH)2·11(H2O) Approved IMA 1963
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition.
Calcybeborosilite - See Calcybeborosilite-(Y)
Calcybeborosilite-(Y) View Calcybeborosilite-(Y) Image  (REE,Ca)2[ ](B,Be)2(SiO4)2(OH,O)2 Not Approved IMA 1963 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after it's composition of calcium, beryllium, boron and silicon.
Calderite View Calderite Image View Calderite Form (Mn++,Ca)3(Fe+++,Al)2(SiO4)3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1850
NAME ORIGIN: For James Calder, an early writer on the geology of India; name first applied to a rock, later transferred to its predominant mineral.
Calderonite View Calderonite Image  Pb2Fe+++(VO4)2(OH) Approved IMA 2003 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Salvador Caleron (1852-1911) in recognition of his important contribution to the mineralogy of Spain.
Caledonite Say Caledonite  View Caledonite Image View Caledonite Form  Pb5Cu2(CO3)(SO4)3(OH)6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1932
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Caledonia, the historical name of Scotland.
Calkinsite-(Ce)  (Ce,La)2(CO3)3·4(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1953
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Frank Cathcart Calkins (1878-1974), geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey.
Callaghanite View Callaghanite Image  Cu2Mg2(CO3)(OH)6·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1954
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Eugene Callaghan (1904-1990), Director of the New Mexico Bureau of Mines, Socorro, New Mexico, USA.
Callaite - See Turquoise
Calomel Say Calomel  View Calomel Image View Calomel Form  Hg2Cl2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1776
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, kalos - "beautiful" and melas - "black."
Calumetite View Calumetite Image Cu(OH,Cl)2·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1963
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Centennial mine, Calumet, Houghton County. Michigan, USA.
Calvertite View Calvertite Image Cu5Ge0.5S4 Approved IMA 2006 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Lauriston (Larry) Derwent Calvert (1924-1993) of the National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada.
Calzirtite View Calzirtite Image  CaZr3TiO9 Approved IMA 1961
NAME ORIGIN: For CALcium and ZIR conium in its composition.
Camerolaite View Camerolaite Image Cu4Al2[HSbO4,SO4](OH)10(CO3)·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Michel Camerola, French mineral collector.
Cameronite View Cameronite Image AgCu7Te10 Approved IMA 1986
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Eugene N. Cameron (1910-), U.S. Economic geologist.
Camgasite View Camgasite Form CaMg(AsO4)(OH)·5(H2O) Approved IMA 1989
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the composition (Ca, Mg, As).
Caminite View Caminite Image Mg7(SO4)5(OH)4·(H2O) Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Latin caminus, for chimney, as the mineral occurs in undersea black-smoker chimneys.
Campigliaite View Campigliaite Image  Cu4Mn(SO4)2(OH)6·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Temperino mine, Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany, Italy.
Campylite - See Pyromorphite
Campylite - See Mimetite
Camsellite - See Szaibelyite
Canaphite  CaNa2P2O7·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1988
NAME ORIGIN: For Calcium, sodium, Natrium, and Phosphate in the composition.
Canasite View Canasite Image   (Na,K)6Ca5Si12O30(OH,F)4 Approved IMA 1959
NAME ORIGIN: For calcium, sodium, natrium, and silicon in the chemical composition.
Canasite - See Frankamenite
REMARKS: Triclinic
Canavesite Say Canavesite  View Canavesite Image Mg2(CO3)(HBO3)·5(H2O) Approved IMA 1978
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Vola Gera tunnel, Brosso iron mine, Canavese district, Piedmont, Italy.
Canbyite - See Hisingerite
Cancrinite Say Cancrinite  View Cancrinite Image  Na6Ca2Al6Si6O24(CO3)2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1839
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the Russian minister, E. F. Kankrin (1774-1845).
Cancrisilite View Cancrisilite Image Na7Al5Si7O24(C03)·3(H2O) Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: For the relatively high ration of silicon to aluminum, and its relation to "cancrinite."
Canfieldite Say Canfieldite  View Canfieldite Image View Canfieldite Form Ag8SnS6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1894
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Frederick A. Canfield (1849-1926), American mining engineer and mineral collector.
Cannilloite CaCa2Mg4Al(Si5Al3)O22(OH)2 Proposed IMA 1997 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Elio Cannillo of Pavia, Italy.
Cannizzarite View Cannizzarite Image Pb4Bi6S13 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1925
NAME ORIGIN: For Stanislao Cannizzaro (1826-1910), celebrated chemist, University of Rome, Italy.
Cannonite View Cannonite Image  Bi2O(OH)2SO4 Approved IMA 1992
NAME ORIGIN: Named for B.B. Cannon, who first recognized the mineral.
Caoxite View Caoxite Image  Ca(C2O4)·3(H2O) Approved IMA 1997 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: For the acronym of "Centennial Anniversary Of X-rays" and also for Calcium Oxalate.
Capgaronnite View Capgaronnite Image  HgAg(Cl,Br,I)S Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: Named in 1992 for the locality. LOCALITY:
Caporcianite - See Laumontite
Cappelenite-(Y)   Ba(Y,Ce)6Si3B6O24F2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1885
NAME ORIGIN: For D. Cappelen of Holden, Norway, a collector who discovered the mineral, and its "yttrium" content.
Caracolite View Caracolite Images Gallery  Na3Pb2(SO4)3Cl Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1886
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Caracoles, a town near the Beatriz mine, Chile.
Caratiite - See Piypite
Carboborite View Carboborite Image  Ca2Mg(CO3)2B2(OH)8·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1964
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the essential anionic chemical components, CARBOnate and BORate.
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