Mineralogy Database

Mineral Cleavage Properties

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   3589 Minerals and Cleavage Remarks Sorted by Cleavage Remarks

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(* - Mineral Name is Not IMA Approved)
(! - New Dana Classification Number Has Been Changed or Added)
(? - IMA Discredited Mineral Species Name)
(# - Grandfathered as valid)

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Mouseover Mineral Name: IMA Status - Mouseover Cleavage: Cleavage Description
Mineral Name Cleavage
First Cleavage Second Cleavage Third Cleavage
Kusachiite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Magnesioriebeckite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Magnesiotaramite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Metakottigite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Metavivianite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Nitromagnesite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Nordstrandite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Nosean #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Potassic-magnesiosadanagaite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Potassicpargasite !    1 {110} Perfect None None
Prismatine !    1 {110} Perfect None None
Pyrolusite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Rasvumite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Roggianite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Sadanagaite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Salesite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Schuilingite-(Nd) #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Scolecite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Taramite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Teschemacherite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Tschermakite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Ungarettiite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Vandenbrandeite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Versiliaite     1 {110} Perfect None None
Winchite #    1 {110} Perfect None None
Holfertite !     {110} Perfect
Aluminotaramite !    2 {110} Poor {110} Poor None
Fluoro-alumino-magnesiotaramite !    2 {110} Poor {110} Poor None
Fluoronyboite !    2 {110} Poor {110} Poor None
Sodalite #    1 {110} Poor None None
Thorite #    1 {110} Poor None None
Aegirine-augite *    2 {110} Very Good {100} Parting None
Murdochite #    3 {111} Distinct {111} Distinct {111} Distinct
Powellite #    1 {111} Distinct None None
Miersite #    3 {111} Good {111} Good {111} Good
Hungchaoite     2 {111} Good {111} Good None
Abelsonite     1 {111} Good None None
Zunyite #    1 {111} Good None None
Bixbyite #    3 {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect
Lewisite !    3 {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect
Romeite #    3 {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect
Senarmontite #    3 {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect
Turkestanite !    3 {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect {111} Imperfect
Bornite #    1 {111} Imperfect None None
Cuprite #    1 {111} Imperfect None None
Tugtupite     1 {111} Imperfect None None
Bariopyrochlore     3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Chukhrovite-(Nd) !    3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Helvite #    3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Hercynite #    3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Microlite #    3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Monimolite #    3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Pyrochlore #    3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Rhodizite #    3 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct
Lacroixite #    2 {111} Indistinct {111} Indistinct None
Alum-(K) #    1 {111} Indistinct None None
Danalite #    1 {111} Indistinct None None
Formanite-(Y) #    1 {111} Indistinct None None
Gahnite #    1 {111} Indistinct None None
Mosesite #    1 {111} Indistinct None None
Natrophosphate     1 {111} Indistinct None None
Pentlandite #    1 {111} Parting None None
Yttrocerite *    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect [111} Perfect
Arsenolite #    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Coyoteite     3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Diamond #    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Faujasite-Ca !    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Faujasite-Mg !    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Faujasite-Na #    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Fluorite #    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Prosopite #    3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Qandilite     3 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect {111} Perfect
Callaghanite #    2 {111} Perfect {111} Perfect None
Braunite-I #    1 {111} Perfect None None
Braunite-II *    1 {111} Perfect None None
Cryptohalite #    1 {111} Perfect None None
Frankdicksonite     1 {111} Perfect None None
Laurite #    1 {111} Perfect None None
Natroalunite #    1 {1110} Distinct None None
Bartonite     1 {112} Distinct None None
Heteromorphite #    1 {112} Good None None
Semseyite #    1 {112} Good None None
Chalcopyrite #    1 {112} Indistinct None None
Plagionite #    1 {112} Perfect None None
Greenockite #    2 {1120} Distinct {0001} Imperfect None
Phenakite #    1 {1120} Distinct None None
Yedlinite     1 {1120} Distinct None None
Verplanckite     2 {1120} Good {0001} Indistinct None
Hydroxylbastnasite-(Ce)     1 {1120} Imperfect None None
Zinkenite #    1 {1120} Imperfect None None
Dugganite     1 {1120} Indistinct None None
Brookite #    1 {120} Indistinct None None
Bredigite #    1 {130} Distinct None None
Kingstonite !    1 {1kl} Good None None
Swamboite     1 {201} Good None None
Scorodite #    3 {201} Imperfect {100} Poor {001} Poor
Mansfieldite #    1 {201} Indistinct None None
Malachite #    2 {201} Perfect {010} Fair None
Lanarkite #    3 {201} Perfect {401} Indistinct {201} Indistinct
Cyanochroite #    1 {201} Perfect None None

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