Mineralogy Database

Mineral Cleavage Properties

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   266 Minerals with 3 Cleavages Sorted by Cleavage Remarks

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(* - Mineral Name is Not IMA Approved)
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(# - Grandfathered as valid)

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Mouseover Mineral Name: IMA Status - Mouseover Cleavage: Cleavage Description
Mineral Name Cleavage
First Cleavage Second Cleavage Third Cleavage
Lopezite #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Distinct {001} Distinct
Suzukiite     3 {010} Perfect {100} Distinct {001} Distinct
Gypsum #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Distinct {011} Distinct
Johillerite     3 {010} Perfect {100} Good {001} Good
Sampleite #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Good {001} Good
Nickenichite     3 {010} Perfect {100} Good {101} Good
Fluckite     3 {010} Perfect {100} Good {101} Indistinct
Stellerite #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Imperfect {001} Imperfect
Meyerhofferite #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Indistinct {110} Indistinct
Ferberite #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Parting {102} Parting
Anhydrite #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Perfect {001} Good
Gerstleyite #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Perfect {001} Indistinct
Mundite     3 {010} Perfect {100} Perfect {001} Perfect
Wroewolfeite     3 {010} Perfect {100} Perfect {001} Perfect
Alunogen #    3 {010} Perfect {100} Very Good {313} Distinct
Yoshimuraite     3 {010} Perfect {101} Distinct {101} Distinct
Krautite     3 {010} Perfect {101} Good {101} Distinct
Lindgrenite #    3 {010} Perfect {101} Indistinct {100} Indistinct
Ardennite-(As) #    3 {010} Perfect {110} Distinct {001} Parting
Innelite     3 {010} Perfect {110} Perfect {001} Distinct
Christite     3 {010} Perfect {110} Perfect {101} Good
Radiobarite *    3 {010} Perfect {210} Perfect [010} Imperfect
Barite #    3 {010} Perfect {210} Perfect {010} Imperfect
Montetrisaite !    3 {010} Very Good {100} Distinct {001} Poor
Lautarite #    3 {011} Good {100} Indistinct {110} Indistinct
Walstromite     3 {011} Perfect {010} Perfect {100} Very Good
Axinite-(Fe) #    3 {100} Distinct {001} Poor {110} Poor
Axinite-(Mg)     3 {100} Distinct {001} Poor {110} Poor
Axinite-(Mn) #    3 {100} Distinct {001} Poor {110} Poor
Haineaultite !    3 {100} Distinct {010} Distinct {001} Distinct
Lovdarite     3 {100} Distinct {010} Distinct {001} Distinct
Daomanite *    3 {100} Good {001} Distinct {010} Fair
Sarcopside #    3 {100} Good {001} Good {010} Poor
Kalicinite #    3 {100} Good {001} Good {101} Good
Mendozite #    3 {100} Good {001} Indistinct {010} Indistinct
Stottite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Distinct
Cobaltite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Good
Ferruccite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Good
Gersdorffite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Good
Perovskite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Good
Tuhualite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Good
Ullmannite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Good
Vitusite-(Ce)     3 {100} Good {010} Good {001} Good
Lindstromite #    3 {100} Good {010} Good {230} Distinct
Jagowerite     3 {100} Good {011} Good {021} Distinct
Griceite     3 {100} Good {100} Good {100} Good
Siegenite #    3 {100} Imperfect {010} Imperfect {001} Imperfect
Thorianite #    3 {100} Imperfect {010} Imperfect {001} Imperfect
Carpholite #    3 {100} Imperfect {010} Imperfect {110} Imperfect
Wagnerite #    3 {100} Imperfect {120} Imperfect {001} Poor
Carbocernaite     3 {100} Indistinct {021} Indistinct {010} Indistinct
Natrosilite     3 {100} Perfect {001} Distinct {011} Indistinct
Ferrobustamite #    3 {100} Perfect {001} Good {102} Good
Kernite #    3 {100} Perfect {001} Perfect {201} Good
Mirabilite #    3 {100} Perfect {001} Poor {010} Poor
Clinobarylite !    3 {100} Perfect {001} Very Good {101} Very Good
Frondelite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Distinct {001} Distinct
Rockbridgeite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Distinct {001} Distinct
Searlesite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Distinct {001} Distinct
Phosphophyllite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Distinct {102} Distinct
Barberiite     3 {100} Perfect {010} Good {001} Good
Jacquesdietrichite !    3 {100} Perfect {010} Good {001} Good
Killalaite     3 {100} Perfect {010} Good {001} Good
Hopeite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Good {001} Poor
Phosinaite-(Ce) !    3 {100} Perfect {010} Indistinct {110} Indistinct
Metasideronatrite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Distinct
Sidorenkite     3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Indistinct
Alabandite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Perfect
Halite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Perfect
Hauerite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Perfect
Raite     3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Perfect
Sylvite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Perfect
Villiaumite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Perfect
Willhendersonite     3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Perfect
Natrolemoynite !    3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Poor
Sazhinite-(Ce)     3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {001} Very Good
Wakabayashilite     3 {100} Perfect {010} Perfect {101} Perfect
Lithiophilite #    3 {100} Perfect {010} Very Good {011} Imperfect
Barytolamprophyllite     3 {100} Perfect {011} Good {010} Poor
Veatchite-A     3 {100} Perfect {011} Good {011} Good
Rivadavite     3 {100} Perfect {101} Perfect {010} Indistinct
Wollastonite-1A #    3 {100} Perfect {102} Good {001} Good
Wollastonite-2M *    3 {100} Perfect {102} Good {001} Good
Wollastonite-3A-4A-5A-7A *    3 {100} Perfect {102} Good {001} Good
Aravaipaite     3 {100} Perfect {110} Good {010} Good
Amblygonite #    3 {100} Perfect {110} Good {011} Distinct
Montebrasite ?    3 {100} Perfect {110} Good {011} Distinct
Bustamite #    3 {100} Perfect {110} Good {110} Good
Trona #    3 {100} Perfect {111} Indistinct {001} Indistinct
Lengenbachite #    3 {100} Perfect {h00} Distinct {hk0} Distinct
Dalyite #    3 {101} Good {010} Good {100} Indistinct
Whewellite #    3 {101} Good {010} Good {110} Good
Gaultite     3 {101} Perfect {010} Perfect {021} Poor
Nahcolite #    3 {101} Perfect {111} Good {100} Distinct
Asbecasite     3 {1010} Good {1010} Good {1010} Good
Tachyhydrite #    3 {1011} Good {1011} Good {1011} Good
Smithsonite #    3 {1011} Perfect {1011} Perfect 1011 Perfect
Ankerite #    3 {1011} Perfect {1011} Perfect {1011} Perfect
Calcite #    3 {1011} Perfect {1011} Perfect {1011} Perfect
Dolomite #    3 {1011} Perfect {1011} Perfect {1011} Perfect

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