Mineralogy Database

Tetragonal - Dipyramidal Class

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Tetragonal - Dipyramidal Class (H-M Symbol (4/m))

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60 Minerals From the H-M Class Tetragonal - Dipyramidal
Mineral Space
a c Z Vol (Ang3) Calc
Ammonioleucite I41/a 13.214 13.713 16 2,394.42 2.25 2.3
Ankangite I4/m 10.139 2.961 1 304.39 4.38 4.4
Arsenuranospathite P42/n 7.16 30.37 1 1,556.94 2.54 2.5
Ashburtonite I4/m 14.234 6.103 2 1,236.51 4.66 4.7
Baotite I41/a 20.02 6.006 4 2,407.21 4.37 4.4 - 4.7
Bariosincosite ! P4/n or P4/nmm 9.031 12.755 4 1,040.28 3.40
Bellidoite P42/m 11.52 11.74 32 1,558.02 7.03 7.0
Braggite # P42/m 6.38 6.57 8 267.43 9.28 10.0
Chantalite I41/a 4.952 23.275 4 570.76 2.96 2.8 - 2.9
Fergusonite-(Ce) * I41/a 5.17 5.3 2 141.66 6.96 5.5
Fergusonite-(Nd) * I41/a     4     4.5 - 5.7
Fergusonite-(Y) # I41/a 7.74 11.34 8 679.35 4.81 4.3 - 5.8
Formanite-(Y) # I41/a 7.75 11.41 9 685.31 7.28 7.0
Garronite I41/a 9.873 10.288 0.5 1,002.83 2.19 2.1 - 2.2
Henrymeyerite ! I4/m 10.219 2.963 1 309.42 4.21 4.0
Jeanbandyite P42/n 7.648 7.648 4 447.35 3.67 4.4
Julienite * P42/n 9.24 5.57 1 475.55 1.68 1.6
Kafehydrocyanite * I41/a 9.394 33.72 8 2,975.70 1.89 2.0
Kahlerite # P42/n 14.3 21.97 8 4,492.65 3.17
Leucite # I41/a 13.09 13.75 16 2,356.04 2.46 2.5
Lingunite ! I4/m 9.263 2.706 2 232.18 3.87
Manganvesuvianite ! P4/n 15.572 11.824 2 2,867.17 3.42
Manjiroite I4/m 9.916 2.864 1 281.61 4.36 4.3
Mannardite I41/a 14.356 5.911 4 1,218.23 4.36 4.1 - 4.4
Marialite # I4/m 12.075 7.516 2 1,095.88 2.56 2.5 - 2.6
Meionite # P4/m 12.26 7.61 2 1,143.84 2.71 2.7
Metalodevite P42/m 7.16 17.2 2 881.77 4.01 4.0
Metanovacekite # P4/n 7.16 8.58 1 439.86 3.59 3.5
Metatorbernite # P4/n 6.969 17.306 2 840.50 3.70 3.7 - 3.8
Metazeunerite # P4/n 7.1 17.42 2 878.14 3.88 3.6
Mopungite P42/n 7.994 7.859 4 502.22 3.26 3.2
Narsarsukite I4/m 10.74 7.9 4 911.25 2.82 2.7
Novacekite # P42/n 7.11 20.06 2 1,014.08 3.47 3.7
Novodneprite ! I4/2m 11.954 5.89 8 841.67 12.92
Paceite ! I4/m 11.155 16.236 4 2,020.31 1.47
Paraniite-(Y) I41/a 5.135 33.882 4 893.41 5.97
Polhemusite P4/n 8.71 14.74 24 1,118.24 4.68 4.9
Powellite # I41/a 5.23 11.44 4 312.92 4.25 4.3
Priderite # I4/m 10.11 2.964 1 302.96 3.92 3.9
Redledgeite I41/a 14.32 5.893 4 1,208.43 4.41 3.7
Reidite ! I41/a 4.738 10.506 4 235.85 5.16
Rhodostannite I41/a 7.29 10.31 2 547.92 5.16
Rosenbergite P4/n 7.715 3.648 2 217.13 2.40 2.1
Sarcolite # I4/m 12.343 15.463 4 2,355.78 2.66 2.9 - 3.0
Scapolite * P42/n 12.05 7.58 2 1,100.63 2.65 2.6 - 2.8
Scheelite # I41/a 5.242 11.372 4 312.49 6.12 5.9 - 6.1
Schwertmannite P4/m 10.66 6.04 1 686.36 3.74 3.8 - 4.0
Silvialite ! I4/m 12.134 7.576 2 1,115.44 2.80 2.8
Stolzite # I41/a 5.46 12.05 4 359.23 8.41 7.9 - 8.2
Stottite # P42/n 7.594 7.488 4 431.82 3.55 3.6
Tetrarooseveltite I41/a 5.085 11.69 4 302.27 7.64
Tetrawickmanite P42/n 7.787 7.797 4 472.79 3.87 3.7
Toyohaite I41/a 7.464 10.8 2 601.68 4.88 4.9
Vernadite # I4/m 9.866 2.844 4 276.83 2.60 3.0
Vesuvianite # P4/n 15.504 11.808 4 2,838.34 3.33 3.3 - 3.5
Vlodavetsite ! I4/m 6.856 13.325 2 626.34 2.36 2.3
Vysotskite P42/m 6.371 6.54 5 265.46 3.96 6.7
Weddellite # I4/m 12.33 7.353 8 1,117.87 1.95 2.0
Wiserite # P4/n 20.192 3.281 7 1,337.72 3.46 3.4 - 3.5
Wulfenite # I41/a 5.435 12.11 4 357.72 6.82 6.5 - 7.0