Mineralogy Database

Iron Mineral Data

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General Iron Information

Help on Chemical  Formula: Chemical Formula: Fe
Help on Composition: Composition: Molecular Weight = 55.85 gm
   Iron 100.00 %  Fe
        100.00 % 
Help on Empirical Formula: Empirical Formula: Fe0+
Help on Environment: Environment: In meteorites and rarely basalts that have intruded carbon-rich sediments.
Help on IMA Status: IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre IMA) 900 BC (Dana # Added)
Help on Locality: Locality: Asteroid fragments and in German and Greenland basalts. Link to MinDat.org Location Data.
Help on Name Origin: Name Origin: Probably Anglo-Saxon in origin.
Help on Name Pronunciation: Name Pronunciation: Iron Say IRON
Help on Synonym: Synonym: Eisen
  ICSD 64795
  Kamacite - Ni-rich iron
  PDF 6-696

Iron Image

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Comments: Specimen of volcanic rock containing dark gray grains of native Iron. This locality is one of the very few known localities for terrestrial native iron.
Location: Disko Island, Greenland. Scale: Picture size 1 cm.
© John Veevaert

Iron Crystallography

Help on Cell Dimensions: Cell Dimensions: a = 2.874, Z = 2; V = 23.74 Den(Calc)= 7.81
Help on Crystal System: Crystal System: Isometric - Hexoctahedral H-M Symbol (4/m 3 2/m) Space Group: I m3m
Help on X Ray Diffraction: X Ray Diffraction: By Intensity(I/Io): 2.0268(1), 1.1702(0.3), 1.4332(0.2),

Physical Properties of Iron

Help on Cleavage: Cleavage: {001} Perfect, {010} Perfect, [100} Perfect
Help on Color: Color: Iron black, Dark gray, Steel gray.
Help on Density: Density: 7.3 - 7.9, Average = 7.6
Help on Diaphaneity: Diaphaneity: Opaque
Help on Fracture: Fracture: Hackly - Jagged, torn surfaces, (e.g. fractured metals).
Help on Habit: Habit: Disseminated - Occurs in small, distinct particles dispersed in matrix.
Help on Habit: Habit: Granular - Generally occurs as anhedral to subhedral crystals in matrix.
Help on Habit: Habit: Massive - Uniformly indistinguishable crystals forming large masses.
Help on Hardness: Hardness: 4-5 - Fluorite-Apatite
Help on Luminescence: Luminescence: Non-fluorescent.
Help on Luster: Luster: Metallic
Help on Magnetism: Magnetism: Naturally strong
Help on Streak: Streak: gray

Optical Properties of Iron

Help on RL Color: RL Color: White.
Help on Reflectivity Reflectivity
Standardized Intensity (100%) Reflection Spectra of Iron in Air
λ R  ∑ R(λ) 
 400 nm   51.30   
 420 nm   52.20 
 440 nm   53.10 
 460 nm   54.00 
 480 nm   54.80 
 500 nm   55.60 
 520 nm   56.20 
 540 nm   56.80 
 560 nm   57.30 
 580 nm   57.80 
 600 nm   58.40 
 620 nm   59.00 
 640 nm   59.60 
 660 nm   60.20 
 680 nm   61.00 
 700 nm   61.80 
Calculated Relative Intensity Colors of Iron in Air
   0%   20%   40%   60%   80% 100% 120% 140% 160% 170%

Calculated Properties of Iron

Help on Electron Density: Electron Density: Bulk Density (Electron Density)=7.27 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Iron =7.81 gm/cc.
Help on Fermion Index: Fermion Index: Fermion Index = 0.02
Boson Index = 0.98
Help on Photoelectric: Photoelectric: PEIron = 31.03 barns/electron
U=PEIron x rElectron Density= 225.68 barns/cc.
Help on Radioactivity: Radioactivity: GRapi = 0 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Iron is Not Radioactive

Iron Classification

Help on  Dana Class: Dana Class: (01)Native Elements
  (01.01)with metallic elements other than the platinum group
  (01.01.11)Iron-Nickel group Iron! Fe I m3m 4/m 3 2/m Kamacite? alpha-(Fe,Ni) F m3m 4/m 3 2/m Taenite gamma-(Fe,Ni) F m3m 4/m 3 2/m Tetrataenite FeNi P 4/mmm 4/m 2/m 2/m Awaruite Ni2FetoNi3Fe P m3m 4/m 3 2/m Nickel Ni F m3m 4/m 3 2/m Wairauite CoFe P m3m 4/m 3 2/m
Help on  Strunz Class: Strunz Class: 01.AE.05 01 - ELEMENTS (Metals and intermetallic alloys; metalloids and nonmetals; carbides, silicides, nitrides, phosphides)
  01.A - Metals and Intermetallic Alloys
  01.AE -Iron-chromium family
01.AE.05 Chromium Cr I m3m 4/m 3 2/m
01.AE.05 Kamacite? alpha-(Fe,Ni) F m3m 4/m 3 2/m
01.AE.05 Iron Fe I m3m 4/m 3 2/m

Other Iron Information

Help on References: References: NAME( Duda&Rejl90) PHYS. PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990)
Help on See Also: See Also: Links to other databases for Iron :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Amethyst Galleries' Mineral Gallery
3 - Athena
4 - GeoScienceWorld
5 - Google Images
6 - Google Scholar
7 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
8 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
9 - MinDAT
10 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
11 - Online Mineral Museum
12 - QUT Mineral Atlas
13 - Ruff.Info

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Dana No: Strunz No: 01.AE.05





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