Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 246 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 5.3606 AND d1 < 5.5794)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
5.362(16.52) 200 5.692(15.56) 160 3.165(28.17) 100 Graeserite (Fe+++,Ti)4Ti3AsO13(OH)
5.368(16.50) 200 5.998(14.76) 140 3.206(27.80) 120 Uvarovite Ca3Cr2(SiO4)3
5.370(16.49) 200 6.944(12.74) 180 5.024(17.64) 180 Qingheiite Na2(Mn++,Mg,Fe++)(Al,Fe+++)(PO4)3
5.372(16.49) 200 6.006(14.74) 84 4.904(18.07) 78 Wadalite Ca6Al5Si2O16Cl3
5.372(16.49) 200 5.186(17.08) 150 6.840(12.93) 120 Hagendorfite NaCaMn(Fe++,Fe+++,Mg)2(PO4)3
5.373(16.48) 200 5.342(16.58) 130 5.306(16.69) 94 Merwinite Ca3Mg(SiO4)2
5.374(16.48) 200 21.300(4.14) 120 6.158(14.37) 110 Nyboite NaNa2(Mg3Al2)Si7AlO22(OH)2
5.374(16.48) 200 6.754(13.10) 160 8.870(9.96) 160 IMA2009-012 NaNa2(Mg2Al2Li)Si8O22F2
5.376(16.48) 200 5.992(14.77) 138 5.926(14.94) 96 Schlegelite Bi7O4(MoO4)2(AsO4)3
5.376(16.48) 200 6.010(14.73) 130 3.214(27.73) 98 Goldmanite Ca3(V,Al,Fe+++)2(SiO4)3
5.380(16.46) 200 6.020(14.70) 140 3.220(27.68) 100 Yamatoite (Mn++,Ca)3(V+++,Al)2(SiO4)3
5.380(16.46) 200 6.076(14.57) 80 6.260(14.14) 74 Hillite Ca2(Zn, Mg)[PO4]2·2(H2O)
5.380(16.46) 200 5.740(15.42) 130 8.060(10.97) 100 Zoisite Ca2Al3(SiO4)3(OH) = Ca2AlAl2(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH)
5.380(16.46) 200 3.380(26.35) 120 5.020(17.65) 100 Hematite Fe2O3
5.382(16.46) 200 5.720(15.48) 200 5.920(14.95) 200 Thomsonite-Sr (Sr,Ca)2Na[Al5Si5O20]·7(H2O)
5.382(16.46) 200 16.614(5.31) 128 6.158(14.37) 116 Fluoronyboite NaNa2(Al2Mg3)(Si7Al)O22(F,OH)2
5.384(16.45) 200 5.580(15.87) 110 4.480(19.80) 90 Carbonate-fluorapatite Ca5(PO4,CO3)3F
5.386(16.44) 200 6.024(14.69) 200 4.744(18.69) 160 Staurolite (Fe++,Mg)2Al9(Si,Al)4O20(O,OH)4
5.386(16.44) 200 6.220(14.23) 160 16.760(5.27) 130 Kaersutite NaCa2(Mg4Ti)Si6Al2O23(OH)2
5.388(16.44) 200 24.000(3.68) 200 5.196(17.05) 110 Eggletonite Na2Mn8[Si11AlO29](OH)7·11(H2O)
5.390(16.43) 200 5.576(15.88) 100 5.634(15.72) 100 Harstigite Ca6MnBe4(SiO4)2(Si2O7)2(OH)2
5.390(16.43) 200 8.440(10.47) 152 4.948(17.91) 140 Manganotychite Na6(Mn++,Fe++,Mg)2(SO4)(CO3)4
5.392(16.43) 200 3.222(27.66) 120 6.030(14.68) 120 Andradite Ca3Fe+++2(SiO4)3
5.394(16.42) 200 16.762(5.27) 184 6.208(14.26) 138 Alumino-magnesiotaramite Na(CaNa)(Mg3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2
5.394(16.42) 200 5.084(17.43) 180 6.254(14.15) 160 Dellaventuraite NaNa2(Mg2,Mn+++,Li,Ti)Si8O22O2
5.394(16.42) 200 4.030(22.04) 180 5.800(15.26) 160 Teepleite Na2B(OH)4Cl
5.396(16.41) 200 5.820(15.21) 180 5.244(16.89) 120 Dissakisite-(Ce) Ca(Ce,REE)(Mg,Fe++)(Al,Fe+++)2Si3O12(OH)
5.398(16.41) 200 4.441(19.98) 68 6.655(13.29) 60 Empressite AgTe
5.400(16.40) 200 16.680(5.29) 164 6.188(14.30) 134 Fluoro-alumino-magnesiotaramite Na(CaNa)(Mg3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22F2
5.400(16.40) 200 4.030(22.04) 160 3.612(24.63) 120 Sederholmite NiSe
5.400(16.40) 200 3.820(23.27) 100 5.440(16.28) 80 Perovskite CaTiO3
5.400(16.40) 200 5.060(17.51) 180 16.800(5.26) 180 Winchite [ ](CaNa)Mg4(Al,Fe3+)Si8O22(OH)2
5.400(16.40) 200 11.500(7.68) 200 4.890(18.13) 180 Claringbullite Cu++4(OH)7Cl
5.400(16.40) 200 6.060(14.61) 190 5.340(16.59) 158 Cassidyite Ca2(Ni,Mg)(PO4)2·2(H2O)
5.400(16.40) 200 10.600(8.33) 200 8.160(10.83) 110 Kermesite Sb2S2O
5.400(16.40) 200 5.660(15.64) 200 6.120(14.46) 200 Saneroite Na2(Mn++,Fe+++)10Si11V+++++O34(OH)4
5.402(16.40) 200 16.688(5.29) 196 6.784(13.04) 148 Ferriwhittakerite Na(NaLi)(Mg2Fe+++2Li)Si8O22(OH)2
5.402(16.40) 200 5.292(16.74) 130 5.334(16.61) 120 Spurrite Ca5(SiO4)2(CO3)
5.404(16.39) 200 3.774(23.55) 160 6.300(14.05) 160 Trechmannite AgAsS2
5.404(16.39) 200 3.301(26.99) 60 4.700(18.87) 30 Abswurmbachite Cu++Mn+++6SiO12
5.406(16.38) 200 12.480(7.08) 140 6.170(14.34) 110 Ferroalluaudite NaCaFe++(Fe++,Mn,Fe+++,Mg)2(PO4)3
5.406(16.38) 200 5.751(15.39) 180 5.579(15.87) 160 Heneuite CaMg5(PO4)3(CO3)(OH)
5.408(16.38) 200 8.786(10.06) 180 10.120(8.73) 180 Orientite Ca2Mn++Mn+++2Si3O10(OH)4
5.412(16.37) 200 4.892(18.12) 160 16.220(5.44) 140 Lesukite Al2(OH)5Cl·2(H2O)
5.416(16.35) 200 6.246(14.17) 150 6.772(13.06) 134 Parvo-mangano-edenite Na(CaMn)2Mg5(Si7Al)O22(OH)2
5.418(16.35) 200 3.516(25.31) 160 4.838(18.32) 160 Viaeneite (Fe,Pb)4S8O
5.418(16.35) 200 10.100(8.75) 160 3.378(26.36) 140 Natisite Na2(TiO)SiO4
5.418(16.35) 200 5.678(15.59) 170 14.560(6.07) 140 Ilvaite CaFe++2Fe+++Si2O7O(OH)
5.420(16.34) 200 6.180(14.32) 160 15.820(5.58) 140 Scheuchzerite Na(Mn,Mg)9[VSi9O28(OH)](OH)3
5.420(16.34) 200 6.380(13.87) 140 8.500(10.40) 140 Gismondine Ca2Al4Si4O16·9(H2O)
5.420(16.34) 200 3.520(25.28) 126 6.880(12.86) 80 Marcasite FeS2
5.420(16.34) 200 5.520(16.04) 200 7.800(11.33) 120 Hematophanite Pb4Fe+++3O8(OH,Cl)
5.420(16.34) 200 3.900(22.78) 190 5.920(14.95) 190 Matsubaraite Sr4TiTi4Si4O22
5.420(16.34) 200 6.280(14.09) 200 6.340(13.96) 200 Chevkinite-(Ce) (Ce,La,Ca,Th)4(Fe++,Mg)2(Ti,Fe+++)3Si4O22
5.420(16.34) 200 6.020(14.70) 180 8.260(10.70) 160 Galileiite NaFe++4(PO4)3
5.420(16.34) 200 5.072(17.47) 184 6.808(12.99) 114 Fluoro-ferroleakeite NaNa2(Fe++2Fe+++2Li)Si8O22F2
5.424(16.33) 200 6.046(14.64) 180 4.954(17.89) 160 Krutaite CuSe2
5.424(16.33) 200 6.070(14.58) 160 4.950(17.90) 120 Schorlomite Ca3(Ti,Fe+++,Al)2[(Si,Fe+++,Fe++)O4]3
5.424(16.33) 200 4.698(18.87) 176 3.322(26.81) 86 Monteponite CdO
5.424(16.33) 200 5.180(17.10) 180 13.880(6.36) 80 Uytenbogaardtite Ag3AuS2
5.426(16.32) 200 6.226(14.21) 160 16.790(5.26) 124 Parvo-manganotremolite [ ](CaMn)2Mg5(Si7Al)O22(OH)2
5.426(16.32) 200 3.398(26.20) 170 4.955(17.89) 160 Karelianite V2O3
5.428(16.32) 200 13.540(6.52) 160 5.348(16.56) 150 Balangeroite (Mg,Fe+++,Fe++,Mn++)42Si16O54(OH)40
5.428(16.32) 200 16.720(5.28) 152 6.200(14.27) 132 Parvowinchite Na(NaMn++)(Mg4Fe+++)Si8O22(OH)2
5.428(16.32) 200 7.220(12.25) 180 10.860(8.13) 160 Clinobehoite Be(OH)2
5.428(16.32) 200 16.800(5.26) 160 5.124(17.29) 140 Potassic-chloropargasite (K,Na)Ca2(Mg,Fe2+)4Al(Si6Al2O22)(Cl,OH)2
5.428(16.32) 200 6.240(14.18) 180 5.004(17.71) 160 Glaucophane [ ]Na2(Mg3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2
5.428(16.32) 200 5.764(15.36) 188 9.100(9.71) 126 Pyrocoproite (Mg(K,Na))2P2O7
5.430(16.31) 200 5.460(16.22) 100 6.988(12.66) 94 IMA2008-064 Na16Mn++25Al8(PO4)30
5.430(16.31) 200 3.718(23.91) 100 3.966(22.40) 100 Sudovikovite PtSe2
5.430(16.31) 200 6.360(13.91) 100 4.320(20.54) 90 Polyakovite-(Ce) (Ce,La,Nd,Pr,Ca)4(Mg,Fe++)(Cr,Fe+++)2(Ti,Nb)2Si4O22
5.430(16.31) 200 7.020(12.60) 160 3.680(24.16) 100 Retzian-(La) (Mn,Mg)2(La,Ce,Nd)(AsO4)(OH)4
5.430(16.31) 200 4.596(19.30) 72 3.366(26.46) 48 Indium In
5.434(16.30) 200 7.106(12.45) 160 3.696(24.06) 100 Retzian-(Ce) Mn2Ce(AsO4)(OH)4
5.434(16.30) 200 5.514(16.06) 200 8.080(10.94) 160 Soucekite PbCuBi(S,Se)3
5.434(16.30) 200 5.622(15.75) 160 4.522(19.62) 70 Carbonate-hydroxylapatite Ca5(PO4,CO3)3(OH)
5.436(16.29) 200 3.792(23.44) 100 3.910(22.72) 100 Verbeekite PdSe2
5.436(16.29) 200 4.994(17.75) 180 7.060(12.53) 180 Bideauxite Pb2AgCl3(F,OH)2
5.436(16.29) 200 5.696(15.54) 180 5.750(15.40) 170 Manganilvaite CaFe++Fe+++(Mn,Fe++)(Si2O7)O(OH)
5.438(16.29) 200 8.220(10.75) 200 3.634(24.48) 160 Gmelinite-K (K,Na,Ca)6(Al7Si17O48)·22(H2O)
5.440(16.28) 200 7.580(11.66) 180 3.820(23.27) 160 Buchwaldite NaCaPO4
5.440(16.28) 200 3.312(26.90) 140 4.280(20.74) 100 Braunite-II Mn++Mn+++6SiO12
5.440(16.28) 200 5.560(15.93) 200 6.120(14.46) 160 Tundrite-(Ce) Na2Ce2TiO2(SiO4)(CO3)2
5.440(16.28) 200 3.312(26.90) 140 4.280(20.74) 100 Braunite-I Mn++Mn+++6SiO12
5.440(16.28) 200 16.960(5.21) 162 5.220(16.97) 118 Potassic-ferropargasite KCa2(Fe++4Al)Si6Al2O22(OH)2
5.440(16.28) 200 16.840(5.24) 200 6.180(14.32) 160 Riebeckite [ ]Na2(Fe++3Fe+++2)Si8O22(OH)2
5.440(16.28) 200 16.560(5.33) 180 18.000(4.91) 180 Manganocummingtonite Na(Na,Mn)2(Mg4,Fe+++)5Si8O22(OH)2
5.440(16.28) 200 5.200(17.04) 160 7.440(11.89) 140 Natrophilite NaMnPO4
5.440(16.28) 200 3.314(26.88) 180 2.842(31.45) 160 Bixbyite (Mn+++,Fe+++)2O3
5.440(16.28) 200 6.360(13.91) 160 8.960(9.86) 140 Rankinite Ca3Si2O7
5.440(16.28) 200 7.700(11.48) 160 3.498(25.44) 140 Seligmannite PbCuAsS3
5.440(16.28) 200 3.654(24.34) 180 4.900(18.09) 160 Glaucodot (Co,Fe)AsS
5.440(16.28) 200 6.078(14.56) 144 3.252(27.40) 112 Morimotoite Ca3TiFe++Si3O12
5.440(16.28) 200 17.800(4.96) 200 6.580(13.45) 180 Kolfanite Ca2Fe+++3O2(AsO4)3·2(H2O)
5.444(16.27) 200 6.980(12.67) 160 5.520(16.04) 80 Maoniupingite-(Ce) (REE,Ca)4(Fe+++,Ti,Fe++,[ ])(Ti,Fe+++,Fe++,Nb)4Si4O22
5.444(16.27) 200 17.344(5.09) 160 4.374(20.29) 100 IMA2007-010 PbHgAs2S6
5.444(16.27) 200 8.440(10.47) 180 6.282(14.09) 160 Amicite K2Na2Al4Si4O16·5(H2O)
5.444(16.27) 200 4.436(2-) 140 5.054(17.53) 110 Geikielite MgTiO3
5.444(16.27) 200 17.030(5.18) 160 6.814(12.98) 120 IMA2009-034 NaNa2(Fe++3Fe+++Ti)Si8O22O2
5.446(16.26) 200 5.984(14.79) 180 6.220(14.23) 160 Prosperite CaZn2(AsO4)2·(H2O)

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