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S Listing of Minerals

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S Mineral Index (522 Count)

This alphabetical listing of S minerals include synonyms of accepted mineral names, pronunciation of that name, name origins, and locality information.

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Soda - See Natron
Sodalite Say Sodalite  View Sodalite Image  Na8Al6Si6O24Cl2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1811
NAME ORIGIN: Named from its chemical composition.
Soda Microcline - See Anorthoclase
Soda Niter - See Nitratine
Soddyite Say Soddyite  View Soddyite Images Gallery   (UO2)2SiO4·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1922
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Frederick Soddy (1877-1956), British radiochemist and physicist.
Sodicanthophyllite Say Sodicanthophyllite NaMg7Si8O22(OH)2 Approved IMA 1978
NAME ORIGIN: From its compostition and from the Latin anthophyllum - "clove" in allusion to the color.
Sodic-ferriclinoferroholmquistite - See Ferri-clinoholmquistite
Sodic-ferri-ferropedrizite  NaLi2(Fe+++2Fe++3)Si8O22(OH)2 Approved IMA 2003 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality and the Fe++ and Fe+++ clinoamphiboles. LOCALITY: Pedriza Massif, Sierra del Guadarrama, Spain.
Sodic-ferripedrizite   Na(LiNa)(Fe+++2Mg2Li)Si8O22(OH,F)2 Approved IMA 1998 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality and the prefixes "ferri" and "sodic" as recommended by the amphibole commission. LOCALITY: In the Arroyo de la Yedra, Eastern Pedriza Massif, Sierra de Guadarrama, Central System, Spain.
Sodic-ferro-anthophyllite Say Sodic-ferro-anthophyllite NaFe++7Si8O22(OH)2 Approved IMA 1997 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: From its compostition and from the Latin anthophyllum - "clove" in allusion to the color.
Sodic-ferrogedrite Say Sodic-ferrogedrite NaFe++6AlSi6Al2O22(OH)2 Approved IMA 1997 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and the original gederite location at Heas, Gedres, France. LOCALITY:
Sodicgedrite Say Sodicgedrite   NaMg6AlSi6Al2O22(OH)2 Approved IMA 1997
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and the original gederite location at Heas, Gedres, France. LOCALITY:
Sodium alum - See Alum-(Na)
REMARKS: Renamed to Alum-(Na) by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Sodium-alum - See Alum-(Na)
Sodium-anthophyllite - See Sodicanthophyllite
Sodium-autunite  Na2(UO2)2(PO4)2·8(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1958
NAME ORIGIN: Named after autunite and the composition containing sodium.
Sodium betpakdalite - See Natrobetpakdalite
REMARKS: Renamed to Natrobetpakdalite by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Sodium bicarbonate - See Nahcolite
Sodium boltwoodite - See Natroboltwoodite
REMARKS: Renamed to Natroboltwoodite by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Sodium Chloride - See Halite
Sodium colbalt thiocyanate - See Julienite
Sodiumdachiardite - See Dachiardite-Na
REMARKS: Renamed Dachiardite-Na
Sodium Fluoride - See Villiaumite
Sodium-gedrite - See Sodicgedrite
Sodium hydromica - See Brammallite
Sodium illite - See Brammallite
Sodium-Komarovite - See Natrokomarovite
Sodium meta-autunite View Sodium meta-autunite Image  Na2(UO2)2(PO4)2·6-8(H2O) Approved IMA 1987 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after sodium autunite with the loss of hydration water.
Sodium pharmacosiderite - See Natropharmacosiderite
REMARKS: Renamed to Natropharmacosiderite by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Sodiumphlogopite - See Aspidolite
Sodiumphlogopite - See Wonesite
Sodium phlogopite - See Aspidolite
REMARKS: Renamed to Aspidolite - NOMENCLATURE OF THE MICAS, The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 36, pp. 90s-912 (1998)
Sodium uranospinite - See Natrouranospinite
REMARKS: Renamed to Natrouranospinite by Mineralogical Record, v39 (2008), p131
Sodium-zippite - See Natrozippeite
REMARKS: Renamed natrozippite by Mineralogical Record, v39:131
Soehngeite - See Sohngeite
Sofiite - See Sophiite
Sogdianite Say Sogdianite  View Sogdianite Image   (K,Na)2(Li,Fe+++,Al)3ZrSi12O30 Approved IMA 1968
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Sogdiana, an ancient Central Asian state.
Sohngeite Say Sohngeite  View Sohngeite Image  Ga(OH)3 Approved IMA 1965
NAME ORIGIN: Named for A.P.G. Sohnge, formerly Chief Geologist, Tsumeb Corporation, Tsumeb, Namibia.
Sokolovaite View Sokolovaite Image CsLi2AlSi4O10F2 Proposed IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)
Solongoite Say Solongoite   Ca2B3O4(OH)4Cl Approved IMA 1974
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the Solongo (Buryat for rainbow, for the variety of boron minerals contained) deposit, Russia, from which it was first noted.
Sonolite Say Sonolite  View Sonolite Image  Mn9(SiO4)4(OH,F)2 Approved IMA 1963
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Sono mine, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan.
Sonoraite Say Sonoraite  View Sonoraite Image  Fe+++Te++++O3(OH)·(H2O) Approved IMA 1968
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Moctezuma mine, Moctezuma, Sonora, Mexico.
Sopcheite Say Sopcheite  View Sopcheite Image Ag4Pd3Te4 Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Sopcha massif, Monchegorsk pluton, Kola, Russia.
Sophiite Say Sophiite  View Sophiite Image  Zn2(SeO3)Cl2 Approved IMA 1989
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Sophia Ivanovna Noboko (1909-), Russian volcanoloist and mineralogist, a leading investigator of the Kamchatka volcanos.
Sorbyite Say Sorbyite  View Sorbyite Image Pb19(Sb,As)20S49 Approved IMA 1967
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Henry Clifton Sorby (1826-1908), English chemist and the founder of metallography.
Sorensenite Say Sorensenite  View Sorensenite Images Gallery  Na4SnBe2Si6O18·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1965
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Henning Sorensen (1926-), emeritus professor, Hakkaido University, Sapporo.
Sorosite Say Sorosite  View Sorosite Image  Cu(Sn,Sb) Approved IMA 1998 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after George Soros (1930-), well-known American financier, in recognition of his important support to science.
Sosedkoite Say Sosedkoite   (K,Na)5Al2(Ta,Nb)22O60 Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for A. F. Sosedko (1901-1957), Russian mineralogist.
Soucekite Say Soucekite PbCuBi(S,Se)3 Approved IMA 1979
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Frantisek Soucek, Department of Mineralogy, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Souesite - See Awaruite
Soufre - See Sulfur
Souzalite Say Souzalite  View Souzalite Image  (Mg,Fe++)3(Al,Fe+++)4(PO4)4(OH)6·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1949
NAME ORIGIN: Named for J. A. De Souza (1896-1961), director of Departamento Nacional de Producao Minera, Brazil.
Spadaite View Spadaite Image MgSiO2(OH)2·(H2O) (?) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1843
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Lavino Spada (De Medici) (1801-1863), Italian politicioan and amateur mineralogist.
Spangolite Say Spangolite  View Spangolite Image View Spangolite Form  Cu6Al(SO4)(OH)12Cl·3(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1890
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Norman Spang (1889-1954), American mineral collector, USA.
Spathose iron - See Siderite
Spectrolite - See Labradorite
Specularite - See Hematite
Spenceite - See Tritomite-(Y)
Spencerite Say Spencerite  View Spencerite Image  Zn4(PO4)2(OH)2·3(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1916
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Leonard James Spencer (1870-1959), British mineralogist, formerly Keeper of Minerals, British Museum (Natural History), London, England.
Sperrylite Say Sperrylite  View Sperrylite Images Gallery View Sperrylite Form  PtAs2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1889
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its discoverer, the American chemist, Francis L. Sperry of Tallmadge, Ohio, USA..
Spertiniite Say Spertiniite  View Spertiniite Image  Cu(OH)2 Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Francesco Spertini (1937- ), Chief Geologist, Jeffrey mine, Asbestos, Canada, who submitted the first sample.
Spessartine Say Spessartine  View Spessartine Image View Spessartine Form  Mn++3Al2(SiO4)3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1832
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its locality. LOCALITY: Aschaffenburg, Spessart Mountains, Bavaria, Germany
Spessartite - See Spessartine
Sphaerobertrandite Say Sphaerobertrandite  View Sphaerobertrandite Image  Be3SiO4(OH)2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1957 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: The name alludes to the typical spherulitic morphology and the similarity to bertrandite in the main chemical constituents.
Sphaerobismoite Say Sphaerobismoite   Bi2O3 Approved IMA 1995
NAME ORIGIN: For the form of the aggregates and the composition.
Sphaerocobaltite Say Sphaerocobaltite  View Sphaerocobaltite Image CoCO3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1877
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and form.
Sphalerite Say Sphalerite  View Sphalerite Images Gallery View Sphalerite Form  (Zn,Fe)S Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1847
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek sphaleros - "misleading."
Sphene - See Titanite
Spheniscidite Say Spheniscidite    (NH4,K)(Fe+++,Al)2(PO4)2(OH)·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1986
NAME ORIGIN: Named for "Sphenisciformes," the Latin order name or penguins.
Spinel Say Spinel  View Spinel Image View Spinel Form  MgAl2O4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1546
NAME ORIGIN: Of uncertain origin, possibly derived from Latin, spina, for "thorn" in allusion to sharply-pointed crystals.
Spionkopite Say Spionkopite  View Spionkopite Image Cu1.4S Approved IMA 1980
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Spionkop Creek and Yarrow Creek areas of southwestern Alberta, Canada.
Spiroffite Say Spiroffite  View Spiroffite Image  (Mn,Zn)2Te3O8 Approved IMA 1962
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Kiril Spiroff (1901-1981), Bulgarian-American economic geologist, Michigan College of Mining and Technology.
Spodiophyllite View Spodiophyllite Image  (Na,K)4(Mg,Fe++)3(Fe+++,Al)2(Si8O24) Discredited IMA 1998 (Mica Nomenclature Subcommittee) - Valid Species (PreIMA) 1900
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek for SPODIOS (color ash) and PYLLON (leaf) habit.
Spodiosite Say Spodiosite Ca2(PO4)F Discredited IMA 2003 - Valid Mineral (PreIMA) 1872
NAME ORIGIN: Named in 1872 from the Greek for "ash gray", in allusion to the color.
Spodumene Say Spodumene  View Spodumene Image View Spodumene Form  LiAlSi2O6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1800
NAME ORIGIN: Spodumene is from the Greek, spodoumenos, "burnt to ash," alluding to the ashy color of early specimens. Kunzite is named after the American gem expert, G. F. Kunz (1856-1932). Hiddenite is named after the American mineralogist, W. E. Hidden (1853-1918).
Spriggite View Spriggite Image   Pb3[(UO2)6O8(OH)2](H2O)x; x ~ 3 Approved IMA 2003 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Reginald Claude Sprigg (1919-1994), South Australian Geological Survey.
Springcreekite  BaV+++3(PO4)2(OH,H2O)6 Approved IMA 1998 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the locality. LOCALITY: The dumps of the Spring Creek copper mine near Wilminton, Southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia.
Spurrite Say Spurrite  View Spurrite Image  Ca5(SiO4)2(CO3) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1908
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Josiah Edward Spurr (1870-1950), American geologist.
Squawcreekite - See Tripuhyite
Squawcreekite Say Squawcreekite  View Squawcreekite Image  (Fe+++,Sb+++++,W++++++)O4·(H2O) Discredited IMA 2002
NAME ORIGIN: Named in 1991after its locality. LOCALITY: Type locality is Squaw Creek, Catron County, New Mexico.
Srbianite - See Jarandolite
Srebrodolskite Say Srebrodolskite  View Srebrodolskite Image  Ca2Fe+++2O5 Approved IMA 1985
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Boris Ivanovich Srebrodolskii (1927- ), Russian-Ukrainian mineralogist, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry, Lvov, Ukraine.
Sreinite  Pb2(UO2)11(BiO)8(PO4)5(OH)19·6(H2O) Proposed IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)
Srilankite Say Srilankite  View Srilankite Image  (Ti,Zr)O2 Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Rakwana mine, Sabaragamuva, Sri Lanka.
Stalderite Say Stalderite  View Stalderite Form  TlCu(Zn,Fe,Hg)2As2S6 Approved IMA 1993
NAME ORIGIN: For Prof. Dr. Hans A. Stalder (1925-) of the Natural History Museum, Berne, Switzerland.
Stanekite Say Stanekite   Fe+++(Mn,Fe++,Mg)(PO4)O Approved IMA 1997 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Josef Stanek (1928-1995), Professor of Mineralogy, Masarykov University, Brno, Czech Republic, a specialist in phosphate mineralogy.
Stanfieldite Say Stanfieldite  View Stanfieldite Image  Ca4(Mg,Fe++,Mn)5(PO4)6 Approved IMA 1967
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Stanley Field (1875-1964), former Chairman of the Board of Turstees of the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Stanleyite Say Stanleyite  View Stanleyite Image (V++++O)SO4·6(H2O) Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904), British journalist and explorer ("Dr. Livinston I presume?")
Stannite Say Stannite  View Stannite Image View Stannite Form  Cu2FeSnS4 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1832
NAME ORIGIN: From the Latin stannum - "tin."
Stannoenargite - See Enargite
REMARKS: Sn-bearing enargite
Stannoidite Say Stannoidite  View Stannoidite Image  Cu8Fe3Sn2S12 Approved IMA 1969
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its similarity to stannite.
Stannomicrolite Say Stannomicrolite  View Stannomicrolite Image  (Sn++,Fe++,Mn++)(Ta,Nb,Sn++++)2(O,OH)7 Approved IMA 1977
NAME ORIGIN: Named for tin (STANNum), in the formula and membership in the microlite subgroup of the pyrochlore group.
Stannopalladinite Say Stannopalladinite  View Stannopalladinite Image (Pd,Cu)3Sn2 (?) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1947
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition.
Staringite - See Tapiolite-(Fe)
REMARKS: Mixture of tapiolite with cassiderite
Staringite - See Cassiterite
REMARKS: Mixture with ferrotapiolite
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