Mineralogy Database

Sorosite Tin Stistaite Image

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 Sorosite, Tin, Stistaite

Large Sorosite Image

Mineral: Sorosite: Cu(Sn,Sb)  
Tin: Sn  
Stistaite: SnSb
Comments: Back-scattered electron image of large sorosite crystal (So=partly skeletal) adjacent to stistaite (St). Tn=native tin. Note abundant microcrystals of sorosite isolated within native tin. (AmMin 83:903).
Location: Baimka gold-platinum group mineral placer deposit, Chukotka, Russian Far East.
Scale: Image Size 1.5 cm.
Copyright: © American Mineralogist
Counter: This Image has been shown 1189 times
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