Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 347 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 6.3161 AND d1 < 6.5739)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
6.318(14.01) 200 6.232(14.20) 180 6.168(14.35) 160 Grandreefite Pb2SO4F2
6.318(14.01) 200 5.038(17.59) 162 5.884(15.04) 134 Cabalzarite Ca(Mg,Al,Fe++)2(AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2
6.318(14.01) 200 5.498(16.11) 100 5.966(14.84) 100 Johntomaite Ba(Fe++,Ca,Mn++)2Fe+++2(PO4)3(OH)3
6.320(14.00) 200 5.020(17.65) 170 14.040(6.29) 120 Tsepinite-Ca (Ca,K,Na,[ ])2(Ti,Nb)2(Si4O12)(OH,O)2·4(H2O)
6.320(14.00) 200 6.940(12.74) 140 5.620(15.76) 100 Axinite-(Mn) Ca2Mn++Al2BO3Si4O12(OH)
6.320(14.00) 200 12.620(7.00) 56 13.860(6.37) 52 Lemmleinite-Ba Na2K2Ba1-xTi4(Si4O12)2(O,OH)4·5(H2O)
6.320(14.00) 200 11.460(7.71) 140 3.804(23.37) 120 Sphaerobismoite Bi2O3
6.320(14.00) 200 3.880(22.90) 160 3.320(26.83) 120 Roquesite CuInS2
6.320(14.00) 200 7.160(12.35) 150 6.720(13.16) 120 Greenockite CdS
6.320(14.00) 200 5.790(15.29) 190 8.140(10.86) 170 Berezanskite KLi3Ti2Si12O30
6.320(14.00) 200 12.140(7.28) 110 6.080(14.56) 90 Trippkeite CuAs+++2O4
6.320(14.00) 200 8.764(10.08) 160 19.160(4.61) 150 Malhmoodite FeZr(PO4)2·4(H2O)
6.320(14.00) 200 24.400(3.62) 140 3.566(24.95) 94 Komarovite (Ca,Mn)2(Nb,Ti)2Si2O7(O,F)2·3.5(H2O)
6.320(14.00) 200 24.820(3.56) 140 5.446(16.26) 120 Ehrleite Ca2ZnBe(PO4)2(PO3,OH)·4(H2O)
6.320(14.00) 200 7.560(11.70) 120 3.840(23.14) 100 Radhakrishnaite PbTe3(Cl,S)2
6.320(14.00) 200 4.340(20.45) 100 4.600(19.28) 80 Joseite-B Bi4(S,Te)3
6.320(14.00) 200 5.652(15.67) 160 5.222(16.96) 120 Baddeleyite ZrO2
6.320(14.00) 200 5.180(17.10) 140 8.260(10.70) 140 Adelite CaMg(AsO4)(OH)
6.320(14.00) 200 3.660(24.30) 160 7.740(11.42) 140 Uranosphaerite Bi(UO2)O2(OH)
6.320(14.00) 200 5.500(16.10) 100 6.120(14.46) 90 Wherryite Pb7Cu2(SO4)4(SiO4)2(OH)2
6.320(14.00) 200 5.040(17.58) 140 7.900(11.19) 120 Daqingshanite-(Ce) (Sr,Ca,Ba)3(Ce,La)(PO4)(CO3)3-x(OH,F)x
6.320(14.00) 200 3.858(23.03) 180 3.290(27.08) 160 Gruzdevite Cu6Hg3Sb4S12
6.320(14.00) 200 5.430(16.31) 126 3.744(23.75) 72 Edgarbaileyite Hg+6Si2O7
6.320(14.00) 200 4.640(19.11) 120 4.320(20.54) 100 Sulphotsumoite Bi3Te2S
6.322(14.00) 200 4.636(19.13) 180 9.770(9.04) 180 Sphaerobertrandite Be3SiO4(OH)2
6.322(14.00) 200 6.772(13.06) 140 4.932(17.97) 62 Eirikite KNa6Be2(Si15Al3)O39F2
6.322(14.00) 200 5.464(16.21) 160 17.020(5.19) 140 Arfvedsonite NaNa2(Fe++4Fe+++)Si8O22(OH)2
6.322(14.00) 200 7.168(12.34) 200 7.288(12.13) 200 Friedrichite Pb5Cu5Bi7S18
6.324(13.99) 200 7.786(11.36) 160 7.920(11.16) 130 Boggildite Sr2Na2Al2(PO4)F9
6.324(13.99) 200 6.764(13.08) 150 8.298(10.65) 100 Telyushenkoite CsNa6[Be2(Si,Al)18O39F2]
6.326(13.99) 200 5.948(14.88) 140 6.174(14.33) 130 Mongolite Ca4Nb6Si5O24(OH)10·5(H2O)
6.326(13.99) 200 6.148(14.39) 160 6.796(13.02) 160 Eudidymite NaBeSi3O7(OH)
6.328(13.98) 200 7.266(12.17) 160 5.544(15.97) 140 Paxite CuAs2
6.328(13.98) 200 5.868(15.09) 180 3.468(25.67) 160 Bismutocolumbite Bi(Nb,Ta)O4
6.328(13.98) 200 8.282(10.67) 194 3.940(22.55) 76 Calomel Hg2Cl2
6.328(13.98) 200 5.164(17.16) 74 4.890(18.13) 72 Phosphovanadylite (Ba,Ca,K,Na)x[(V,Al)4P2(O,OH)16]·12(H2O) x~0.66
6.330(13.98) 200 3.876(22.93) 160 5.482(16.15) 140 Winstanleyite TiTe++++3O8
6.332(13.97) 200 5.958(14.86) 120 6.208(14.26) 106 Perloffite Ba(Mn,Fe++)2Fe+++2(PO4)3(OH)3
6.334(13.97) 200 5.636(15.71) 120 9.502(9.30) 120 Embreyite Pb5(CrO4)2(PO4)2·(H2O)
6.334(13.97) 200 5.006(17.70) 180 9.748(9.06) 180 Sewardite CaFe+++2(AsO4)2(OH)2
6.334(13.97) 200 3.878(22.91) 140 3.324(26.80) 100 Cernyite Cu2CdSnS4
6.334(13.97) 200 5.744(15.41) 170 4.988(17.77) 100 Enstatite Mg2Si2O6
6.334(13.97) 200 6.164(14.36) 180 10.126(8.73) 120 Carlfriesite CaTe++++2Te++++++O8
6.336(13.97) 200 5.150(17.20) 180 4.828(18.36) 150 Plimerite ZnFe+++4(PO4)3(OH)5
6.336(13.97) 200 3.844(23.12) 94 5.914(14.97) 86 Apuanite Fe++Fe+++4Sb+++4O12S
6.338(13.96) 200 5.170(17.14) 116 13.900(6.35) 112 Labuntsovite-Fe Na4K4(Ba,K)2(Fe,Mg,Mn)1+xTi8(Si4O12)4(O,OH)8·10(H2O)
6.340(13.96) 200 8.080(10.94) 190 8.580(10.30) 190 Loweite Na12Mg7(SO4)13·15(H2O)
6.340(13.96) 200 12.680(6.97) 200 6.040(14.65) 160 Messelite Ca2(Fe++,Mn)(PO4)2·2(H2O)
6.340(13.96) 200 3.318(26.85) 180 4.900(18.09) 180 Orthobrannerite U++++U++++++Ti4O12(OH)2
6.340(13.96) 200 6.020(14.70) 120 5.660(15.64) 100 Larsenite PbZnSiO4
6.340(13.96) 200 8.992(9.83) 144 3.228(27.61) 82 Gottlobite CaMg(VO4,AsO4)(OH)
6.340(13.96) 200 3.220(27.68) 180 6.640(13.32) 160 Mackayite Fe+++Te2O5(OH)
6.340(13.96) 200 3.882(22.89) 160 3.342(26.65) 80 Velikite Cu2HgSnS4
6.340(13.96) 200 3.390(26.27) 170 3.456(25.76) 170 Thorutite (Th,U,Ca)Ti2(O,OH)6
6.340(13.96) 200 7.320(12.08) 180 7.180(12.32) 160 Aikinite PbCuBiS3
6.340(13.96) 200 5.576(15.88) 134 19.002(4.65) 106 Skorpionite Ca3Zn2(PO4)2CO3(OH)2·H2O
6.340(13.96) 200 6.198(14.28) 70 6.420(13.78) 64 Plumbotellurite PbTe++++O3
6.340(13.96) 200 14.000(6.31) 180 12.660(6.98) 160 Kuzmenkoite-Mn (K,Na)2(Mn,Fe)(Ti,Nb)4[Si4O12]2(OH)4·5(H2O)
6.340(13.96) 200 5.318(16.66) 160 5.710(15.51) 160 Reyerite (Na,K)4Ca14Si22Al2O58(OH)8·6(H2O)
6.346(13.94) 200 14.722(6.00) 200 5.836(15.17) 160 Luddenite Pb2Cu2Si5O14·14(H2O)
6.348(13.94) 200 4.214(21.06) 188 7.364(12.01) 160 Sokolovaite CsLi2AlSi4O10F2
6.348(13.94) 200 5.836(15.17) 76 3.460(25.73) 42 Paramelaconite Cu+2Cu++2O3
6.350(13.93) 200 3.316(26.86) 90 3.888(22.85) 88 Walfordite (Fe+++,Te++++++)Te++++3O8
6.350(13.93) 200 6.186(14.31) 114 6.166(14.35) 110 Labuntsovite-Mg Na4K4(Ba,K)(Mg,Fe)1+xTi8(Si4O12)4(O,OH)8·10(H2O)
6.352(13.93) 200 6.422(13.78) 60 7.504(11.78) 60 Albite NaAlSi3O8
6.358(13.92) 200 6.848(12.92) 142 10.090(8.76) 120 IMA2008-056 NaMn++Fe+++5(PO4)4(OH)6·2H2O
6.360(13.91) 200 5.769(15.35) 140 7.380(11.98) 60 Friedrichbeckeite K([ ],Na)Mg2(Be2Mg)Si12O30
6.360(13.91) 200 14.160(6.24) 180 14.240(6.20) 180 Merlinoite (K,Ca,Na,Ba)7Si23Al9O64·23(H2O)
6.360(13.91) 200 2.530(35.45) 160 3.898(22.79) 140 Tveitite-(Y) Ca1-xYxF2+x, x~0.3
6.360(13.91) 200 5.448(16.26) 160 8.500(10.40) 140 Phosphoferrite (Fe++,Mn)3(PO4)2·3(H2O)
6.360(13.91) 200 8.040(11.00) 180 7.600(11.63) 160 Orthoclase KAlSi3O8
6.360(13.91) 200 3.270(27.25) 160 2.980(29.96) 120 Queitite Pb4Zn2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(SO4)
6.360(13.91) 200 6.420(13.78) 140 7.520(11.76) 140 Labradorite (Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8
6.360(13.91) 200 2.760(32.41) 150 6.700(13.20) 130 Kyanite Al2SiO5 = Al[6]Al[6]OSiO4
6.360(13.91) 200 5.792(15.28) 120 8.060(10.97) 20 Donpeacorite (Mn,Mg)MgSi2O6
6.360(13.91) 200 6.280(14.09) 136 8.940(9.89) 114 Munakataite Pb2Cu2(Se++++O3)(SO4)(OH)4
6.360(13.91) 200 8.020(11.02) 160 4.980(17.80) 80 Liandratite U++++++(Nb,Ta)2O8
6.360(13.91) 200 3.816(23.29) 70 5.034(17.60) 50 Margarite CaAl2(Al2Si2)O10(OH)2
6.362(13.91) 200 5.716(15.49) 116 3.428(25.97) 64 Bobdownsite Ca9Mg(PO3F)(PO4)6
6.362(13.91) 200 12.100(7.30) 60 11.820(7.47) 40 Sassolite H3BO3
6.364(13.90) 200 11.760(7.51) 130 23.800(3.71) 116 Paravinogradovite (Na,[ ])2(Ti,Fe+++)4(Si2O6)2(Si3AlO10)(OH)4·H2O
6.364(13.90) 200 6.968(12.69) 142 18.154(4.86) 121 Direnzoite NaK6MgCa2(Al13Si47O120)·36H2O
6.366(13.90) 200 7.080(12.49) 180 5.796(15.27) 160 Barberiite (NH4)BF4
6.372(13.89) 200 6.200(14.27) 192 13.880(6.36) 122 Lemmleinite-K NaK2(Ti,Nb)2Si4O12(O,OH)2·2(H2O)
6.372(13.89) 200 6.602(13.40) 150 17.120(5.16) 150 Richterite Na(CaNa)(Mg,Fe++)5[Si8O22](OH)2
6.372(13.89) 200 19.200(4.60) 120 7.034(12.57) 90 Neptunite KNa2Li(Fe++,Mn)2Ti2Si8O24
6.372(13.89) 200 5.476(16.17) 124 7.820(11.31) 88 Bussenite Na2(Ba,Sr)2(Fe,Mn)TiSi2O7(CO3)(OH)3F
6.374(13.88) 200 5.452(16.24) 180 5.576(15.88) 160 IMA2008-054 NaCaMn2(PO4)[PO3(OH)]2
6.374(13.88) 200 3.902(22.77) 180 3.330(26.75) 160 Chameanite (Cu,Fe)4As(Se,S)4
6.376(13.88) 200 6.270(14.11) 190 6.494(13.62) 174 Petitjeanite Bi+++3(PO4)2O(OH)
6.380(13.87) 200 6.680(13.24) 146 8.740(10.11) 134 Mutnovskite Pb2AsS3(I,Cl,Br)
6.380(13.87) 200 6.180(14.32) 182 13.840(6.38) 150 Kuzmenkoite-Zn K2Zn(Ti,Nb)4(Si4O12)2(OH,O)4·6-8(H2O)
6.380(13.87) 200 4.000(22.21) 160 4.100(21.66) 160 Fluocerite-(Ce) (Ce,La)F3
6.380(13.87) 200 7.270(12.16) 190 5.460(16.22) 80 Chrombismite Bi16CrO27
6.380(13.87) 200 4.440(19.98) 180 4.920(18.01) 180 Redledgeite BaTi6Cr+++2O16·(H2O)
6.380(13.87) 200 2.096(43.12) 140 4.140(21.45) 120 Fluocerite-(La) (La,Ce)F3
6.380(13.87) 200 8.280(10.68) 120 4.722(18.78) 80 Olmiite CaMn[SiO3(OH)](OH)
6.380(13.87) 200 5.280(16.78) 160 13.280(6.65) 100 Fairchildite K2Ca(CO3)2
6.380(13.87) 200 3.922(22.65) 140 3.306(26.95) 100 Bambollaite Cu(Se,Te)2
6.380(13.87) 200 9.220(9.58) 134 7.220(12.25) 80 Cancrinite Na6Ca2Al6Si6O24(CO3)2

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