Formed from post-mining leaching and oxidation of V-U oxide replacements of organic matter.. Zn-dominant analogue of volborthite.
IMA Status:
Approved IMA 2007 (Dana # Added)
Blue Cap mine, about 15 km east of La Sal, San Juan Co., Utah, USA Link to Location Data.
Name Origin:
Named for its discoverer, Joe Marty, of Salt Lake City, Utah, who is also responsible for the discovery of three other new minerals from the same area.
Rosette - Bundled tabular aggregates resembling rose flower petals.
3 - Calcite
pale yellow orange
Optical Properties of Martyite
CI meas= 0.053 (Good) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC) CI calc= 0.056 (Good) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2371,KPDmeas= 0.2378,KC= 0.2512 Ncalc = 1.85
Optical Data:
Uniaxial (+), w=1.797, e=1.806, bire=0.0090.
Calculated Properties of Martyite
Electron Density:
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=3.23 gm/cc note: Specific Gravity of Martyite =3.37 gm/cc.
Fermion Index:
Fermion Index = 0.01 Boson Index = 0.99
PEMartyite = 23.41 barns/electron U=PEMartyite x rElectron Density= 75.72 barns/cc.
GRapi = 0 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units) Martyite is Not Radioactive