Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 96 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 7.22456 AND d1 < 7.51944)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
7.238(12.22) 200 5.270(16.81) 160 6.874(12.87) 120 Fleischerite Pb3Ge(SO4)2(OH)6·3(H2O)
7.240(12.21) 200 5.140(17.24) 140 3.498(25.44) 120 Corderoite Hg3S2Cl2
7.240(12.21) 200 5.360(16.53) 110 3.700(24.03) 90 Chromatite CaCrO4
7.240(12.21) 200 6.300(14.05) 100 6.640(13.32) 100 Giessenite Pb13(Cu,Ag)(Bi,Sb)9S28 (?)
7.240(12.21) 200 4.042(21.97) 140 6.780(13.05) 120 Maleevite BaB2Si2O8
7.240(12.21) 200 5.572(15.89) 180 7.020(12.60) 180 Pekovite SrB2Si2O8
7.242(12.21) 200 8.872(9.96) 140 6.138(14.42) 100 Waterhouseite Mn7(PO4)2(OH)8
7.246(12.20) 200 12.886(6.85) 100 5.230(16.94) 80 Dolerophanite Cu2(SO4)O
7.246(12.20) 200 15.766(5.60) 194 5.876(15.07) 114 Plumbophyllite Pb2Si4O10·H2O
7.254(12.19) 200 3.822(23.25) 180 6.200(14.27) 160 Freudenbergite Na2Fe+++2Ti6O16
7.260(12.18) 200 4.200(21.14) 160 12.600(7.01) 160 Sodalite Na8Al6Si6O24Cl2
7.260(12.18) 200 5.672(15.61) 185 6.272(14.11) 185 Paarite Cu1.7Pb1.7Bi6.3S12
7.260(12.18) 200 21.840(4.04) 200 10.920(8.09) 160 Priceite Ca2B5O7(OH)5·H2O
7.262(12.18) 200 5.672(15.61) 187 6.272(14.11) 186 Salzburgite Cu1.6Pb1.6Bi6.4S12
7.284(12.14) 200 13.920(6.34) 80 8.978(9.84) 60 Veszelyite (Cu,Zn)2ZnPO4(OH)3·2(H2O)
7.300(12.11) 200 11.860(7.45) 200 5.936(14.91) 160 Whewellite Ca(C2O4)·(H2O)
7.300(12.11) 200 6.240(14.18) 160 29.400(3.00) 140 Plumbotsumite Pb5Si4O8(OH)10
7.310(12.10) 200 6.962(12.70) 160 5.350(16.56) 124 Mallestigite Pb3Sb+++++(SO4)(AsO4)(OH)6·3(H2O)
7.312(12.09) 200 5.704(15.52) 190 7.134(12.40) 162 Emilite Cu2.68Pb2.68Bi5.32S12
7.312(12.09) 200 5.478(16.17) 120 9.700(9.11) 80 Dreyerite BiVO4
7.320(12.08) 200 7.800(11.33) 200 4.500(19.71) 180 Ice H2O
7.320(12.08) 200 8.920(9.91) 164 12.660(6.98) 120 Tsaregorodtsevite N(CH3)4AlSi5O12
7.320(12.08) 200 5.280(16.78) 80 3.660(24.30) 70 Salesite Cu(IO3)(OH)
7.320(12.08) 200 6.160(14.37) 162 16.640(5.31) 142 Protoanthophyllite (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2
7.320(12.08) 200 8.220(10.75) 180 16.520(5.35) 140 Prewittite KPb1.5ZnCu6O2(SeO3)2Cl10
7.340(12.05) 200 5.776(15.33) 134 12.292(7.19) 86 Aheylite (Fe++,Zn)Al6(PO4)4(OH)8·4(H2O)
7.340(12.05) 200 6.034(14.67) 144 6.044(14.64) 144 Angelaite Cu2AgPbBiS4
7.340(12.05) 200 5.260(16.84) 180 5.720(15.48) 170 Kalicinite KHCO3
7.340(12.05) 200 3.132(28.47) 160 5.350(16.56) 160 Sodium-autunite Na2(UO2)2(PO4)2·8(H2O)
7.340(12.05) 200 3.132(28.47) 160 5.350(16.56) 160 Sodium meta-autunite Na2(UO2)2(PO4)2·6-8(H2O)
7.340(12.05) 200 5.560(15.93) 180 6.060(14.61) 180 Hurlbutite CaBe2(PO4)2
7.340(12.05) 200 5.480(16.16) 102 9.680(9.13) 54 Wakefieldite-(Nd) NdVO4
7.352(12.03) 200 8.652(10.22) 200 4.148(21.40) 120 Gysinite-(Nd) Pb(Nd,La)(CO3)2(OH)·(H2O)
7.356(12.02) 200 5.532(16.01) 180 3.782(23.50) 140 Wakefieldite-(Ce) (Ce+++,Pb++,Pb++++)VO4
7.360(12.01) 200 5.780(15.32) 160 13.400(6.59) 140 Faustite (Zn,Cu)Al6(PO4)4(OH)8·4(H2O)
7.360(12.01) 200 16.100(5.48) 180 13.360(6.61) 140 Metasideronatrite Na2Fe+++(SO4)2(OH)·(H2O)
7.360(12.01) 200 17.420(5.07) 200 6.960(12.71) 160 Metatorbernite Cu(UO2)2(PO4)2·8(H2O)
7.360(12.01) 200 5.260(16.84) 160 8.740(10.11) 120 Berthierite FeSb2S4
7.360(12.01) 200 5.820(15.21) 160 12.340(7.16) 140 Turquoise CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8·4(H2O)
7.364(12.01) 200 6.198(14.28) 180 10.700(8.26) 180 Schmitterite (UO2)TeO3
7.370(12.00) 200 6.340(13.96) 190 2.852(31.34) 160 Phosphoellenbergerite Mg14(PO4)6(PO3OH,CO3)2(OH)6
7.372(12.00) 200 7.218(12.25) 98 5.338(16.59) 84 Challacolloite KPb2Cl5
7.376(11.99) 200 6.596(13.41) 200 9.640(9.17) 160 Afghanite (Na,Ca,K)8(Si,Al)12O24(SO4,Cl,CO3)3·(H2O)
7.380(11.98) 200 5.842(15.15) 180 16.600(5.32) 180 Godovikovite (NH4)(Al,Fe+++)(SO4)2
7.382(11.98) 200 5.278(16.78) 146 7.174(12.33) 140 IMA2008-006 [Na82.5Ca33K16.5](Si99Al99O396)(SO4)33·4H2O
7.392(11.96) 200 7.942(11.13) 166 4.218(21.04) 90 Hephaistosite TlPb2Cl5
7.396(11.96) 200 5.676(15.60) 198 5.988(14.78) 192 Paradamite Zn2(AsO4)(OH)
7.400(11.95) 200 10.160(8.70) 160 12.080(7.31) 160 Kolwezite (Cu,Co)2(CO3)(OH)2
7.400(11.95) 200 8.420(10.50) 160 8.180(10.81) 120 Cyanochroite K2Cu(SO4)2·6(H2O)
7.412(11.93) 200 8.128(10.88) 190 8.312(10.63) 170 Picromerite K2Mg(SO4)2·6(H2O)
7.414(11.93) 200 5.246(16.89) 140 4.176(21.26) 100 Wakefieldite-(La) LaVO4
7.416(11.92) 200 10.188(8.67) 160 5.202(17.03) 140 Rosasite (Cu,Zn)2(CO3)(OH)2
7.416(11.92) 200 5.834(15.17) 140 6.996(12.64) 128 Slawsonite (Sr,Ca)Al2Si2O8
7.420(11.92) 200 5.256(16.85) 150 12.900(6.85) 140 Nosean Na8Al6Si6O24(SO4)
7.420(11.92) 200 5.240(16.91) 160 5.740(15.42) 90 Lazurite Na3Ca(Al3Si3O12)S
7.420(11.92) 200 17.100(5.16) 200 10.820(8.16) 180 Metaheinrichite Ba(UO2)2(AsO4)2·8(H2O)
7.420(11.92) 200 5.940(14.90) 160 6.666(13.27) 120 Jaskolskiite Pb2+xCux(Sb,Bi)2-xS5, x=0.2
7.422(11.91) 200 6.628(13.35) 160 9.684(9.12) 80 Tounkite (Na,Ca,K)8Al6Si6O24(SO4)2Cl·(H2O)
7.424(11.91) 200 6.892(12.83) 160 6.252(14.15) 140 Giuseppettite [Na42K16Ca6]S64Si48Al48O192(SO4)10Cl2·5H2O
7.430(11.90) 200 6.630(13.34) 150 9.680(9.13) 72 Liottite (Ca,Na,K)8(Si,Al)12O24[(SO4),(CO3),Cl,OH]4·(H2O)
7.440(11.89) 200 5.260(16.84) 100 12.900(6.85) 60 Hauyne (Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2
7.440(11.89) 200 5.820(15.21) 160 3.900(22.78) 100 Archerite (K,NH4)H2PO4
7.440(11.89) 200 6.340(13.96) 180 6.700(13.20) 180 Bellingerite Cu++3(IO3)6·2(H2O)
7.440(11.89) 200 4.300(20.64) 170 6.580(13.45) 150 Cadmoselite CdSe
7.440(11.89) 200 7.360(12.01) 106 4.300(20.64) 56 Witherite BaCO3
7.440(11.89) 200 6.626(13.35) 180 7.838(11.28) 160 Bystrite (Na,K)7Ca(Si6Al6)O24S4.5·(H2O)
7.440(11.89) 200 7.180(12.32) 86 7.620(11.60) 84 Franzinite [(Na,K)30Ca10][Si30Al30O120](SO4)10·2(H2O)
7.440(11.89) 200 5.484(16.15) 150 6.640(13.32) 80 Benitoite BaTiSi3O9
7.440(11.89) 200 6.600(13.40) 94 22.140(3.99) 38 Biachellaite (Na,Ca,K)8(Si6Al6O24)(SO4)2(OH)0.5·H2O
7.444(11.88) 200 6.970(12.69) 130 6.238(14.19) 72 Farneseite (Na37K9Ca10)S56(Si42Al42)S84O168(SO4)12·6(H2O)
7.446(11.88) 200 8.026(11.01) 180 13.600(6.49) 160 Jurbanite Al(SO4)(OH)·5(H2O)
7.450(11.87) 200 7.026(12.59) 160 8.400(10.52) 84 Marinellite [(Na,K)42Ca6](Si36Al36O144)(SO4)8Cl2·6(H2O)
7.460(11.85) 200 6.120(14.46) 180 3.666(24.26) 140 Hugelite Pb2(UO2)3(AsO4)2(OH)4·3(H2O)
7.460(11.85) 200 4.592(19.31) 170 7.960(11.11) 120 Iodargyrite AgI
7.460(11.85) 200 5.820(15.21) 188 5.860(15.11) 166 IMA2009-018 MgWO4
7.460(11.85) 200 17.720(4.98) 200 11.140(7.93) 160 Metazeunerite Cu(UO2)2(AsO4)2·8(H2O)
7.460(11.85) 200 6.280(14.09) 160 6.620(13.36) 120 Penfieldite Pb2Cl3(OH)
7.460(11.85) 200 6.966(12.70) 86 5.296(16.73) 60 Sacrofanite (Na,Ca,K)9Si6Al6O24[(OH),(SO4),(CO3),Cl)]4·n(H2O)
7.460(11.85) 200 5.140(17.24) 160 5.700(15.53) 140 Dmisteinbergite CaAl2Si2O8
7.462(11.85) 200 6.436(13.75) 90 6.050(14.63) 80 Boulangerite Pb5Sb4S11
7.462(11.85) 200 7.344(12.04) 68 7.298(12.12) 48 Petalite LiAlSi4O10
7.468(11.84) 200 5.500(16.10) 120 3.800(23.39) 106 Falkmanite Pb5Sb4S11
7.480(11.82) 200 6.700(13.20) 180 6.480(13.65) 160 Bavenite Ca4Be2Al2Si9O26(OH)2
7.480(11.82) 200 3.338(26.68) 140 5.260(16.84) 120 Sohngeite Ga(OH)3
7.480(11.82) 200 4.580(19.36) 180 3.898(22.79) 140 Coloradoite HgTe
7.480(11.82) 200 6.000(14.75) 180 5.400(16.40) 160 Dufrenoysite Pb2As2S5
7.482(11.82) 200 5.068(17.48) 180 29.946(2.95) 180 Theisite Cu5Zn5[(As+++++,Sb+++++)O4]2(OH)14
7.490(11.81) 200 13.658(6.47) 180 7.384(11.98) 120 Planerite Al6(PO4)2(PO3OH)2(OH)8·4(H2O)
7.498(11.79) 200 7.192(12.30) 154 5.806(15.25) 138 Medenbachite Bi2Fe+++(Cu,Fe+++)(O,OH)2(OH)2(AsO4)2
7.500(11.79) 200 6.220(14.23) 188 4.720(18.78) 164 Zhangpeishanite BaFCl
7.500(11.79) 200 6.040(14.65) 180 10.480(8.43) 180 Biphosphammite (NH4,K)H2PO4
7.504(11.78) 200 9.260(9.54) 180 6.700(13.20) 160 Drugmanite Pb2(Fe+++,Al)H(PO4)2(OH)2
7.506(11.78) 200 5.802(15.26) 192 5.332(16.61) 144 Cobaltneustadtelite Bi2Fe+++(Co,Fe+++)(O,OH)2(OH)2(AsO4)2
7.508(11.78) 200 5.818(15.22) 30 7.830(11.29) 20 Yeelimite Ca4Al6O12(SO4)
7.510(11.77) 200 7.840(11.28) 200 12.142(7.27) 200 Pentagonite Ca(VO)Si4O10·4(H2O)
7.518(11.76) 200 5.182(17.10) 134 5.546(15.97) 114 Szenicsite Cu3MoO4(OH)4

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