Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 232 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 6.468 AND d1 < 6.732)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
6.470(13.68) 200 6.270(14.11) 160 6.324(13.99) 160 Florkeite (K3Ca2Na)[Al8Si8O32]·12H2O
6.470(13.68) 200 3.994(22.24) 160 6.030(14.68) 120 Athabascaite Cu5Se4
6.472(13.67) 200 4.052(21.92) 122 5.284(16.76) 88 Diversilite-(Ce) Na2(Ba,K)6Ce2Fe++Ti3Si12O36(OH)3(OH,H2O)9
6.476(13.66) 200 10.580(8.35) 200 6.658(13.29) 148 Litvinskite Na2([ ],Na,Mn)Zr[Si6O12(OH,O)6]
6.478(13.66) 200 6.232(14.20) 80 5.450(16.25) 60 Atelestite Bi8(AsO4)3(OH)5O5
6.480(13.65) 200 14.160(6.24) 200 10.220(8.64) 160 Elpidite Na2ZrSi6O15·3(H2O)
6.480(13.65) 200 5.800(15.26) 140 4.540(19.54) 80 Tsumebite Pb2Cu(PO4)(SO4)(OH)
6.480(13.65) 200 4.042(21.97) 60 3.306(26.95) 50 Wulfenite PbMoO4
6.480(13.65) 200 5.740(15.42) 160 10.140(8.71) 160 Mottramite PbCu(VO4)(OH)
6.480(13.65) 200 6.620(13.36) 180 6.000(14.75) 140 Hyalophane (K,Ba)Al(Si,Al)3O8
6.480(13.65) 200 3.388(26.28) 170 5.620(15.76) 170 Erlichmanite OsS2
6.480(13.65) 200 6.412(13.80) 170 6.160(14.37) 140 Lazulite MgAl2(PO4)2(OH)2
6.480(13.65) 200 3.180(28.04) 160 7.160(12.35) 130 Richellite Ca3Fe+++10(PO4)8(OH)12·n(H2O)
6.480(13.65) 200 10.160(8.70) 160 14.340(6.16) 160 Osumilite-(Fe) (K,Na)(Fe++,Mg)2(Al,Fe+++)3(Si,Al)12O30
6.480(13.65) 200 4.182(21.23) 180 3.238(27.52) 160 Chrysoberyl BeAl2O4
6.480(13.65) 200 7.500(11.79) 200 10.160(8.70) 200 Chayesite K(Mg,Fe++)4Fe+++(Si12O30)
6.481(13.65) 200 5.848(15.14) 100 6.389(13.85) 100 Bogvadite Na2SrBa2Al4F20
6.484(13.65) 200 5.492(16.13) 96 5.960(14.85) 96 Calderonite Pb2Fe+++(VO4)2(OH)
6.486(13.64) 200 8.924(9.90) 192 9.312(9.49) 174 Cobalttsumcorite Pb(Co,Fe)2(AsO4)2(OH,H2O)2
6.488(13.64) 200 5.726(15.46) 180 9.326(9.48) 180 Tsumcorite PbZnFe++(AsO4)2·(H2O)
6.488(13.64) 200 5.754(15.39) 160 5.840(15.16) 100 Clinocervantite Sb+++Sb+++++O4
6.490(13.63) 200 3.374(26.39) 100 4.978(17.80) 82 Rutile TiO2
6.490(13.63) 200 6.908(12.80) 100 5.542(15.98) 70 Claudetite As2O3
6.490(13.63) 200 9.294(9.51) 200 5.448(16.26) 140 Mawbyite Pb(Fe+++Zn)2(AsO4)2(OH,H2O)2
6.492(13.63) 200 5.364(16.51) 180 6.146(14.40) 160 Tilasite CaMg(AsO4)F
6.492(13.63) 200 4.210(21.08) 180 11.820(7.47) 180 Magnesiodumortierite (Mg,Ti,[ ])<1(Al,Mg)2Al4Si3O18-y(OH)yB y=2-3
6.492(13.63) 200 5.538(15.99) 120 5.976(14.81) 120 Feinglosite Pb2(Zn,Fe)[(As,S)O4]2·(H2O)
6.496(13.62) 200 5.940(14.90) 138 5.534(16.00) 122 Heyite Pb5Fe++2(VO4)2O4
6.498(13.62) 200 5.322(16.64) 160 12.756(6.92) 160 IMA2009-028 Na8(Al6Si6O24)(CO3)·3.5H2O
6.498(13.62) 200 6.506(13.60) 122 14.088(6.27) 108 Gjerdingenite-Na (K,Na)2Na(Nb,Ti)4(Si4O12)2(OH,O)4·5H2O
6.500(13.61) 200 4.720(18.78) 140 4.440(19.98) 110 Pilsenite Bi4Te3
6.500(13.61) 200 3.980(22.32) 180 7.960(11.11) 160 Cebaite-(Ce) Ba3Ce2(CO3)5F2
6.500(13.61) 200 8.520(10.37) 110 4.206(21.11) 100 Kuzminite Hg2(Br,Cl)2
6.500(13.61) 200 5.096(17.39) 104 7.500(11.79) 100 Dusmatovite K(K,Na,[ ])(Mn++,Y,Zr)2(Zn,Li)3Si12O30
6.500(13.61) 200 6.980(12.67) 140 5.680(15.59) 120 Owyheeite Pb7Ag2(Sb,Bi)8S20
6.500(13.61) 200 12.400(7.12) 200 3.840(23.14) 180 Pseudo-autunite (H3O)4Ca2(UO2)2(PO4)4·5(H2O) (?)
6.500(13.61) 200 5.520(16.04) 160 9.900(8.92) 160 Brackebuschite Pb2(Mn,Fe++)(VO4)2(OH)
6.500(13.61) 200 4.740(18.70) 100 4.480(19.80) 80 Hedleyite Bi7Te3 (?)
6.500(13.61) 200 3.320(26.83) 70 4.048(21.94) 70 Stolzite PbWO4
6.500(13.61) 200 7.600(11.63) 200 6.900(12.82) 180 Molybdite MoO3
6.500(13.61) 200 9.600(9.20) 130 5.520(16.04) 120 Arsentsumebite Pb2Cu(AsO4)(SO4)(OH)
6.500(13.61) 200 2.888(30.94) 140 3.154(28.27) 140 Burovaite-Ca (K,Na)4Ca2(Ti,Nb)8[Si4O12]4(OH,O)8·12H2O
6.500(13.61) 200 6.580(13.45) 190 9.120(9.69) 190 Blodite Na2Mg(SO4)2·4(H2O)
6.502(13.61) 200 3.972(22.36) 180 3.394(26.24) 160 Permingeatite Cu3SbSe4
6.504(13.60) 200 5.286(16.76) 140 10.344(8.54) 140 Pyrobelonite PbMn(VO4)(OH)
6.504(13.60) 200 3.982(22.31) 112 3.394(26.24) 78 Haleniusite-(La) (La,Ce)OF
6.506(13.60) 200 5.386(16.44) 80 5.416(16.35) 80 Bismite Bi2O3
6.506(13.60) 200 10.260(8.61) 200 5.630(15.73) 120 Poudretteite KNa2B3Si12O30
6.506(13.60) 200 6.566(13.47) 200 8.466(10.44) 130 Parsonsite Pb2(UO2)(PO4)2·2(H2O)
6.508(13.59) 200 6.542(13.52) 102 6.290(14.07) 68 Smrkovecite Bi2O(OH)(PO4)
6.512(13.59) 200 9.340(9.46) 194 6.144(14.40) 112 Rappoldite Pb(Co,Ni,Zn,)2(AsO4)2·2(H2O)
6.512(13.59) 200 5.036(17.60) 140 9.742(9.07) 80 Cuzticite Fe+++2Te++++++O6·3(H2O)
6.514(13.58) 200 30.600(2.88) 140 4.060(21.87) 140 Mathewrogersite Pb7(Fe,Cu)Al3GeSi12O36·(OH,H2O)6
6.514(13.58) 200 6.598(13.41) 200 6.648(13.31) 200 Terskite Na4ZrSi6O15(OH)2·2(H2O)
6.518(13.57) 200 6.318(14.01) 166 6.194(14.29) 140 Medaite (Mn,Ca)6(V+++++,As)Si5O18(OH)
6.520(13.57) 200 7.500(11.79) 180 8.860(9.98) 120 Eifelite KNa3Mg4Si12O30
6.520(13.57) 200 5.300(16.71) 160 5.700(15.53) 160 Duftite-beta PbCu(AsO4)(OH)
6.520(13.57) 200 5.300(16.71) 160 5.700(15.53) 160 Duftite-alpha PbCu(AsO4)(OH)
6.520(13.57) 200 12.440(7.10) 200 5.560(15.93) 160 Odanielite Na(Zn,Mg)3H2(AsO4)3
6.520(13.57) 200 15.820(5.58) 180 23.780(3.71) 140 Volkovskite KCa4[B5O8(OH)4][B(OH)3]Cl·4(H2O)
6.520(13.57) 200 11.320(7.80) 200 10.020(8.82) 180 Inderite MgB3O3(OH)5·5(H2O)
6.520(13.57) 200 5.932(14.92) 188 10.040(8.80) 144 Vlasovite Na2ZrSi4O11
6.520(13.57) 200 5.860(15.11) 130 5.120(17.31) 110 Darapiosite KNa2Zr[Li(Mn,Zr)2Si12O30]
6.520(13.57) 200 5.900(15.00) 180 7.620(11.60) 180 Semseyite Pb9Sb8S21
6.520(13.57) 200 9.380(9.42) 200 4.056(21.90) 180 Yttrotungstite-(Y) YW2O6(OH)3
6.520(13.57) 200 7.360(12.01) 140 9.400(9.40) 120 Hydroxycancrinite Na4(AlSiO4)3(OH)·(H2O)
6.520(13.57) 200 3.960(22.43) 160 3.440(25.88) 140 Hocartite Ag2FeSnS4
6.520(13.57) 200 6.140(14.41) 140 6.950(12.73) 120 Kirkiite Pb10Bi3As3S19
6.520(13.57) 200 7.360(12.01) 180 5.672(15.61) 140 Sterryite Ag2Pb10(Sb,As)12S29
6.520(13.57) 200 6.440(13.74) 180 6.540(13.53) 150 Sanidine (K,Na)(Si,Al)4O8
6.522(13.57) 200 4.038(21.99) 120 4.056(21.90) 120 Nasledovite PbMn3Al4(CO3)4(SO4)O5·5(H2O)
6.524(13.56) 200 13.060(6.76) 170 14.180(6.23) 144 Korobitsynite Na3(Ti,Nb)2[Si4O12](OH,O)2·3-4(H2O)
6.524(13.56) 200 14.200(6.22) 180 6.302(14.04) 160 Vuoriyarvite-K (K,Na)2(Nb,Ti)2Si4O12(O,OH)2·4(H2O)
6.528(13.55) 200 9.460(9.34) 184 7.358(12.02) 144 Kyanoxalite Na7(Al5-6Si6-7O24)(C2O4)0.5-1.0·5H2O
6.530(13.55) 200 4.376(20.28) 142 13.452(6.57) 138 Chenguodaite Ag9FeTe2S4
6.530(13.55) 200 6.196(14.28) 120 6.296(14.05) 120 Fairbankite PbTe++++O3
6.532(13.54) 200 6.876(12.86) 170 10.780(8.20) 160 Leucite KAlSi2O6
6.534(13.54) 200 5.040(17.58) 142 8.722(10.13) 102 Xocolatlite Ca2Mn++++2Te++++++2O12·H2O
6.534(13.54) 200 6.300(14.05) 124 8.558(10.33) 76 Hechtsbergite Bi2O(OH)(VO4)
6.534(13.54) 200 3.470(25.65) 160 3.952(22.48) 160 Pirquitasite Ag2ZnSnS4
6.538(13.53) 200 4.006(22.17) 80 4.280(20.74) 80 Kukharenkoite-(Ce) Ba2Ce(CO3)3F
6.540(13.53) 200 6.776(13.05) 190 4.982(17.79) 186 Krettnichite PbMn+++2(VO4)2(OH)2
6.540(13.53) 200 8.020(11.02) 156 6.480(13.65) 84 Zhonghuacerite-(Ce) Ba2Ce(CO3)3F
6.540(13.53) 200 2.214(40.72) 180 3.820(23.27) 180 Cadmoindite CdIn2S4
6.540(13.53) 200 4.462(19.88) 190 3.422(26.02) 150 Sellaite MgF2
6.540(13.53) 200 5.844(15.15) 180 7.480(11.82) 160 Meneghinite Pb13CuSb7S24
6.540(13.53) 200 9.540(9.26) 200 12.780(6.91) 150 Pitiglianoite Na6K2Si6Al6O24(SO4)·2(H2O)
6.540(13.53) 200 8.020(11.02) 200 3.996(22.23) 160 Kukharenkoite-(La) Ba2(La,Ce)(CO3)3F
6.540(13.53) 200 6.098(14.51) 160 4.556(19.47) 130 Ferrobustamite Ca(Fe++,Ca,Mn)Si2O6
6.540(13.53) 200 4.700(18.87) 100 7.820(11.31) 80 Kolarite PbTeCl2
6.542(13.52) 200 5.742(15.42) 104 6.054(14.62) 82 Pezzottaite Cs(Be2Li)Al2Si6O18
6.546(13.52) 200 7.390(11.97) 176 5.538(15.99) 130 Vishnevite (Na,Ca,K)6(Si,Al)12O24[(SO4),(CO3),Cl2]2-4·n(H2O)
6.546(13.52) 200 7.724(11.45) 200 15.920(5.55) 200 Krautite MnAs+++++O3(OH)2·(H2O)
6.546(13.52) 200 18.580(4.75) 160 9.240(9.56) 100 Taneyamalite (Na,Ca)(Mn++,Mg)12[(Si,Al)6O17]2(O,OH)10
6.546(13.52) 200 4.006(22.17) 140 3.414(26.08) 88 Stilleite ZnSe
6.550(13.51) 200 5.746(15.41) 160 5.986(14.79) 160 Aurivilliusite Hg+Hg++OI
6.552(13.50) 200 7.460(11.85) 182 11.694(7.55) 166 IMA2008-067 SiO2·n(CH4,C2H6,C3H8,C4H10); (nmax = 3/17)
6.556(13.49) 200 16.240(5.44) 130 5.806(15.25) 128 Stoppaniite (Fe,Al,Mg)4(Na,[ ])2[Be6Si12O36]·2(H2O)
6.558(13.49) 200 16.952(5.21) 180 6.264(14.13) 120 Villyaellenite Mn++5(AsO3OH)2(AsO4)2·4(H2O)
6.558(13.49) 200 5.052(17.54) 120 8.846(9.99) 80 Lyonsite Cu++3Fe+++4(VO4)6

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