Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 58 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 16.366 AND d1 < 17.034)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
16.380(5.39) 200 4.818(18.40) 60 7.440(11.89) 40 Sabieite (NH4)Fe+++(SO4)2
16.400(5.38) 200 6.380(13.87) 90 18.400(4.80) 50 Gowerite CaB6O10·5(H2O)
16.400(5.38) 200 14.800(5.97) 140 5.460(16.22) 120 Hummerite KMgV+++++5O14·8(H2O)
16.420(5.38) 200 14.340(6.16) 220 8.400(10.52) 40 Mpororoite Al(WO3)(OH)3·2(H2O)
16.448(5.37) 200 5.434(16.30) 138 6.084(14.55) 108 Ferri-clinoferroholmquistite [ ]Li2(Fe+++2Fe++3)Si8O22(OH)2
16.460(5.36) 200 6.080(14.56) 140 6.440(13.74) 40 Ferrogedrite [ ]Fe++5Al2Si6Al2O22(OH)2
16.480(5.36) 200 8.740(10.11) 160 15.580(5.67) 160 Rabbittite Ca3Mg3(UO2)2(CO3)6(OH)4·18(H2O)
16.480(5.36) 200 15.660(5.64) 188 9.324(9.48) 122 Mapimite Zn2Fe+++3(AsO4)3(OH)4·10(H2O)
16.482(5.36) 200 5.428(16.32) 144 6.100(14.51) 120 Sodic-ferri-ferropedrizite NaLi2(Fe+++2Fe++3)Si8O22(OH)2
16.512(5.35) 200 5.418(16.35) 162 5.002(17.72) 136 Ferri-ottoliniite [ ](Na,Li)(Mg3Fe+++2)Si8O22(OH)2
16.520(5.35) 200 5.520(16.04) 150 10.900(8.10) 130 Paracoquimbite Fe+++2(SO4)3·9(H2O)
16.520(5.35) 200 5.518(16.05) 150 10.900(8.10) 130 Coquimbite Fe+++2(SO4)3·9(H2O)
16.566(5.33) 200 17.970(4.91) 70 9.756(9.06) 58 IMA2008-047 Cd3Zn2(AsO3OH)2(AsO4)24?H2O
16.580(5.33) 200 6.678(13.25) 180 5.768(15.35) 160 Penkvilksite Na4(Ti++++,Zr)2[Si8O22]·4(H2O)
16.620(5.31) 200 6.160(14.37) 140 5.420(16.34) 80 Crossite Na2(Mg,Fe++)3(Al,Fe+++)2Si8O22(OH)2
16.652(5.30) 200 5.958(14.86) 160 5.568(15.90) 160 Artsmithite Hg+4Al(PO4)1.74(OH)1.78
16.660(5.30) 200 5.540(15.98) 180 6.140(14.41) 160 Grunerite [ ]Fe++7Si8O22(OH)2
16.660(5.30) 200 5.512(16.07) 140 6.120(14.46) 140 Cummingtonite [ ]Mg7Si8O22(OH)2
16.700(5.29) 200 6.302(14.04) 152 5.660(15.64) 106 Fluoro-potassichastingsite KCa2(Fe++2,Mg2,Fe+++)S5(Si6Al2)8O22F2
16.700(5.29) 200 19.820(4.45) 120 15.440(5.72) 100 Kaatialaite Fe+++[H2As+++++O4]3·5-5.5(H2O)
16.704(5.29) 200 5.406(16.38) 184 6.196(14.28) 136 Aluminotaramite Na(CaNa)(Fe+++3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2
16.706(5.29) 200 5.120(17.31) 184 6.148(14.39) 128 Protoferro-anthophyllite (Fe++,Mn++)2(Fe++,Mg)5(Si4O11)2(OH)2
16.706(5.29) 200 8.342(10.60) 200 5.806(15.25) 180 Carletonite KNa4Ca4Si8O18(CO3)4(OH,F)·(H2O)
16.720(5.28) 200 6.180(14.32) 180 5.520(16.04) 80 Manganogrunerite [ ]Mn2Fe++5Si8O22(OH)
16.760(5.27) 200 6.240(14.18) 200 5.420(16.34) 180 Actinolite Ca2(Mg,Fe++)5Si8O22(OH)2
16.760(5.27) 200 5.120(17.31) 180 4.680(18.95) 160 Magnesiosadanagaite NaCa2[Mg3(Al,Fe+++)2]Si5AlO22(OH)2
16.780(5.26) 200 11.920(7.41) 160 8.360(10.57) 140 Vanmeersscheite U++++++(UO2)3(PO4)2(OH)6·4(H2O)
16.800(5.26) 200 9.320(9.48) 180 22.400(3.94) 180 Lazarenkoite CaFe++As+++3O7·3(H2O)
16.800(5.26) 200 6.860(12.89) 160 8.360(10.57) 160 Upalite Al(UO2)3(PO4)2O(OH)·7(H2O)
16.800(5.26) 200 5.382(16.46) 180 5.804(15.25) 180 Tumchaite Na2(Zr,Sn)Si4O11·2(H2O)
16.800(5.26) 200 5.440(16.28) 100 5.120(17.31) 60 Ferrotschermakite [ ]Ca2(Fe++3AlFe+++)Si6Al2O22(OH)
16.828(5.25) 200 5.410(16.37) 140 6.780(13.05) 120 Obertiite NaNa2(Mg3Fe+++Ti)Si8O22(O,F,OH)2
16.840(5.24) 200 5.428(16.32) 150 5.130(17.27) 120 IMA2007-015 K(CaNa)(Fe++3Al2)(Si6Al2)O22(OH)2
16.840(5.24) 200 8.420(10.50) 128 8.640(10.23) 42 Guanacoite (Cu,Mg)2Mg2(Mg,Cu)(OH)4(H2O)4(AsO4)2
16.840(5.24) 200 7.260(12.18) 180 6.540(13.53) 160 Natrouranospinite (Na2,Ca)(UO2)2(AsO4)2·5(H2O)
16.840(5.24) 200 6.232(14.20) 120 5.422(16.33) 40 Ferriwinchite ([ ],Na)(Na,Ca)2(Mg, Fe++)4Fe+++[Si8O22](OH)2
16.840(5.24) 200 8.380(10.55) 160 6.540(13.53) 140 Sklodowskite (H3O)2Mg(UO2)2(SiO4)2·4(H2O)
16.840(5.24) 200 17.340(5.09) 200 6.440(13.74) 120 Wavellite Al3(PO4)2(OH,F)3·5(H2O)
16.860(5.24) 200 6.260(14.14) 140 5.420(16.34) 120 Hastingsite NaCa2(Fe++4Fe+++)Si6Al2O22(OH)2
16.864(5.24) 200 6.324(13.99) 132 4.770(18.59) 54 Brumadoite Cu3(TeO4)(OH)4·5H2O
16.880(5.23) 200 6.260(14.14) 160 4.690(18.91) 82 Fluoropargasite NaCa2(Mg3Fe++Al)5(Si6Al2O22)F2
16.880(5.23) 200 5.632(15.72) 94 5.088(17.42) 90 Euchlorine KNaCu++3(SO4)3O
16.900(5.22) 200 6.240(14.18) 180 5.780(15.32) 120 Magnesioriebeckite [ ]Na2[(Mg,Fe++)3Fe+++2]Si8O22(OH)2
16.920(5.22) 200 6.940(12.74) 40 8.440(10.47) 36 Wyartite Ca3U++++(UO2)6(CO3)2(OH)18·3-5(H2O)
16.940(5.21) 200 7.220(12.25) 170 4.220(21.03) 140 Meta-autunite Ca(UO2)2(PO4)2·2-6(H2O)
16.940(5.21) 200 7.580(11.66) 60 5.980(14.80) 40 Koninckite Fe+++PO4·3(H2O) (?)
16.940(5.21) 200 6.510(13.59) 146 9.492(9.31) 130 Lanthanite-(Ce) (Ce,La)2(CO3)3·8(H2O)
16.948(5.21) 200 12.010(7.35) 48 7.210(12.27) 18 Hydrochlorborite Ca2B4O4(OH)7Cl·7(H2O)
16.960(5.21) 200 6.074(14.57) 110 8.192(10.79) 110 Indialite Mg2Al4Si5O18
16.960(5.21) 200 5.428(16.32) 104 6.568(13.47) 80 Potassic-magnesiohastingsite (K,Na)Ca2(Mg,Fe++,Fe+++,Al)5(Si,Al)8O22(OH,Cl)2
16.980(5.20) 200 12.020(7.35) 180 6.146(14.40) 140 Metavanmeersscheite U++++++(UO2)3(PO4)2(OH)6·2(H2O)
17.000(5.19) 200 8.500(10.40) 182 8.360(10.57) 46 Chalcoalumite CuAl4(SO4)(OH)12·3(H2O)
17.000(5.19) 200 6.504(13.60) 126 6.076(14.57) 116 Lanthanite-(Nd) (Nd,La)2(CO3)3·8(H2O)
17.000(5.19) 200 6.300(14.05) 160 5.436(16.29) 120 Ferropargasite NaCa2(Fe++4Al)Si6Al2O22(OH)2
17.000(5.19) 200 4.708(18.83) 80 8.496(10.40) 66 Zincowoodwardite-3R [Zn1BxAlx(OH)2][(SO4)x/2·n(H2O)], 0.32 < x < 0.50, n = 0.59
17.020(5.19) 200 5.240(16.91) 50 6.280(14.09) 36 Simplotite CaV++++4O9·5(H2O)
17.020(5.19) 200 8.440(10.47) 160 6.520(13.57) 120 Metatyuyamunite Ca(UO2)2V2O8·3(H2O)
17.024(5.19) 200 6.306(14.03) 134 5.654(15.66) 62 Kozulite NaNa2Mn++4(Fe+++,Al)Si8O22(OH)2

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