Mineralogy Database

Isomertieite Arsenopalladinite Gold Bornite Image

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 Isomertieite, Arsenopalladinite, Gold Bornite

Large Isomertieite Image

Mineral: Isomertieite: Pd11Sb2As2  
Arsenopalladinite: Pd8(As,Sb)3  
Gold: Au  
Bornite: Cu5FeS4
Comments: Light grayish grain of intimately intergrown isomertieite and arsenopalladinite (in the center of the picture), with pale yellow gold and brownish to violet bornite. Polished section (from microprobe analysis) in reflected light.
Location: Noril'sk, Putoran Mts, Taymyrskiy Autonomous Okrug, Eastern-Siberian Region, Russia.
Scale: Picture size 0.1 mm.
Copyright: © Thomas Witzke / Abraxas-Verlag
Counter: This Image has been shown 1632 times
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