Mineralogy Database

Hingganite-(Ce) Image

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Large Hingganite-(Ce) Image

Mineral: Hingganite-(Ce): (Ce,Ca)2([ ],Fe)Be2Si2O8[(OH),O]2
Comments: Group of hinnganite-(Ce) dipyramidal crystals, etched from calcite-filled cavity in epidote-quartz metasomatites is covered by yellow spherulitic hydromuscovite. Formed by replacement of rare metal alkalic granitic pegmatite.
Location: Western ore zone dumps, trench #2, Tsakhirin Khuduk Y-Zr-Nb deposit, Khaldzan Buragtag massif, Altai Mts, Hovd Aimag (Khovd Aimag), Mongolia.
Scale: Not Given.
Copyright: © Pavel M. Kartashov
Counter: This Image has been shown 474 times
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