Mineralogy Database

Kotulskite Telluropalladinite Keithconnite Image

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 Kotulskite, Telluropalladinite, Keithconnite

Large Kotulskite Image

Mineral: Kotulskite: Pd(Te,Bi)  
Telluropalladinite: Pd9Te4  
Keithconnite: Pd3-xTe(x=0.14 to 0.43)
Comments: Polyphase grain of (1) ferroan platinum corroded by (2) Pt(Fe,Cu) and overgrown by (5) telluropalladinite, an unknown (6) Pd-Te-Fe-Si-O phase, (7) Fe-hydroxide and (8) a Ca-Mn-Fe silicate with inclusions of (3) kotulskite and (4) keithconnite. (BGR).
Location: Stream sediments of rivers in the vicinity of the original discovery of the Merensky Reef on the farm Maandagshoek close to Burgersfort in the Eastern Bushveld, South Africa..
Scale: See Image.
Copyright: © Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
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