Mineralogy Database

X-Ray Diffraction Table

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Minerals Arranged by X-Ray Powder Diffraction

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Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is one of the primary techniques used by mineralogists and solid state chemists to examine the physico-chemical make-up of unknown materials. This data is represented in a collection of single-phase X-ray powder diffraction patterns for the three most intense D values in the form of tables of interplanar spacings (D), relative intensities (I/Io), mineral name and chemical formulae

The XRD technique takes a sample of the material and places a powdered sample in a holder, then the sample is illuminated with x-rays of a fixed wave-length and the intensity of the reflected radiation is recorded using a goniometer. This data is then analyzed for the reflection angle to calculate the inter-atomic spacing (D value in Angstrom units - 10-8 cm). The intensity(I) is measured to discriminate (using I ratios) the various D spacings and the results are compared to this table to identify possible matches. Note: 2 theta (Θ) angle calculated from the Bragg Equation, 2 Θ = 2(arcsin(n λ/(2d)) where n=1

For more information about this technique, see X-Ray Analysis of a Solid or take an internet course at Birkbeck College On-line Courses.  Many thanks to Frederic Biret for these data.

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Found 65 Records, Sorted by D1 using 1.54056 - CuKa1 for 2θ WHERE (d1 > 4.7236 AND d1 < 4.9164)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Å (2θ)
Mineral Formula
4.730(18.74) 200 9.540(9.26) 180 3.588(24.79) 110 Brucite Mg(OH)2
4.740(18.70) 200 5.860(15.11) 120 4.280(20.74) 100 Hibbingite (Fe,Mg)2(OH)3Cl
4.740(18.70) 200 4.504(19.69) 120 5.096(17.39) 80 Allargentum Ag1-xSbx(x=0.009-0.16)
4.740(18.70) 200 1.900(47.83) 160 4.200(21.14) 160 Eugenite Ag9Hg2
4.740(18.70) 200 2.464(36.43) 160 4.100(21.66) 140 Bilibinskite Au3Cu2PbTe2
4.744(18.69) 200 9.660(9.15) 180 5.314(16.67) 160 Cumengite Cu20Pb21Cl42(OH)40·6H2O
4.746(18.68) 200 12.920(6.84) 152 5.690(15.56) 110 Drysdallite Mo(Se,S)2
4.758(18.63) 200 5.144(17.22) 160 5.194(17.06) 110 Safflorite (Co,Fe)As2
4.760(18.63) 200 7.860(11.25) 180 7.600(11.63) 160 Behoite Be(OH)2
4.760(18.63) 200 5.480(16.16) 160 5.200(17.04) 120 Poyarkovite Hg3ClO
4.768(18.59) 200 5.616(15.77) 160 6.352(13.93) 160 Karibibite Fe+++2As+++4(O,OH)9
4.772(18.58) 200 11.400(7.75) 160 10.720(8.24) 140 Kempite Mn2Cl(OH)3
4.778(18.55) 200 4.200(21.14) 160 7.276(12.15) 160 Vasilite (Pd,Cu)16(S,Te)7
4.780(18.55) 200 4.300(20.64) 120 6.220(14.23) 120 Vernadite (Mn++++,Fe+++,Ca,Na)(O,OH)2·n(H2O)
4.780(18.55) 200 5.240(16.91) 200 3.530(25.21) 180 Trogtalite CoSe2
4.780(18.55) 200 5.526(16.03) 200 7.478(11.82) 160 Buckhornite AuPb2BiTe2S3
4.782(18.54) 200 5.620(15.76) 60 2.392(37.57) 52 Hunchunite (Au,Ag)2Pb
4.786(18.52) 200 6.156(14.38) 200 7.600(11.63) 180 Rohaite TlCu5SbS2
4.798(18.48) 200 3.308(26.93) 160 6.220(14.23) 160 Cryptomelane K(Mn++++,Mn++)8O16
4.808(18.44) 200 8.178(10.81) 200 5.264(16.83) 66 Tsumgallite GaO(OH)
4.810(18.43) 200 3.402(26.17) 90 5.556(15.94) 68 Lime CaO
4.812(18.42) 200 14.034(6.29) 196 6.272(14.11) 184 Manjiroite (Na,K)(Mn++++,Mn++)8O16·n(H2O)
4.816(18.41) 200 2.838(31.50) 160 4.104(21.64) 140 Magnesiotaaffeite-6N3S (Mg,Fe++,Zn)2Al6BeO12
4.820(18.39) 200 4.380(20.26) 170 6.960(12.71) 120 Romanechite (Ba,H2O)2(Mn++++,Mn+++)5O10
4.820(18.39) 200 20.060(4.40) 190 5.180(17.10) 134 IMA2009-017 KMg2.5Si4O10F2
4.820(18.39) 200 3.074(29.02) 120 4.600(19.28) 100 Maldonite Au2Bi
4.820(18.39) 200 8.940(9.89) 200 6.264(14.13) 60 Reichenbachite Cu++5(PO4)2(OH)4
4.840(18.31) 200 2.850(31.36) 160 5.200(17.04) 160 Zincohogbomite-2N2S (Zn,Fe++)(2-2x)(Ti)xAl4O8
4.840(18.31) 200 5.420(16.34) 200 5.700(15.53) 160 Crednerite CuMnO2
4.840(18.31) 200 5.700(15.53) 180 3.100(28.77) 120 Ferronigerite-2N1S (Zn,Mg,Fe++)(Sn,Zn)2(Al,Fe+++)12O22(OH)2
4.840(18.31) 200 4.200(21.14) 100 6.100(14.51) 80 Telargpalite (Pd,Ag)3Te
4.844(18.30) 200 8.900(9.93) 164 5.146(17.22) 130 Hydroxylborite Mg3(BO3)(OH,F)3
4.844(18.30) 200 5.712(15.50) 160 2.852(31.34) 100 Ferrotaaffeite-6N3S (Fe++,Zn,Mg)2Al6BeO12
4.846(18.29) 200 4.492(19.75) 180 2.742(32.63) 160 Atheneite (Pd,Hg)3As
4.846(18.29) 200 5.692(15.56) 180 2.828(31.61) 100 Magnesionigerite-6N6S (Mg,Zn,Fe+++,Al)4(Sn,Fe+++)2Al10O22(OH)2
4.846(18.29) 200 5.692(15.56) 180 2.828(31.61) 100 Magnesionigerite-2N1S (Mg,Zn,Fe+++,Al)4(Sn,Fe+++)2Al10O22(OH)2
4.852(18.27) 200 5.782(15.31) 170 5.626(15.74) 160 Selenojalpaite Ag3CuSe2
4.854(18.26) 200 5.206(17.02) 176 2.860(31.25) 112 Ferrohogbomite-2N2S (Fe++,Zn,Mg,Al)6Al14(Ti,Fe)2O30(OH)2
4.860(18.24) 200 2.852(31.34) 160 2.872(31.11) 120 Magnesiohogbomite-2N3S (Mg,Fe++)1.4Ti0.3Al4O8
4.860(18.24) 200 5.760(15.37) 100 2.960(30.17) 80 Aguilarite Ag4SeS
4.860(18.24) 200 6.938(12.75) 180 5.488(16.14) 170 Liebenbergite (Ni,Mg)2SiO4
4.860(18.24) 200 2.856(31.29) 160 4.100(21.66) 160 Magnesiotaaffeite-2N2S Mg3Al8BeO16
4.860(18.24) 200 2.860(31.25) 100 5.200(17.04) 100 Magnesiohogbomite-2N2S (Al,Fe++,Fe+++,Mg,Ti,Zn)11O15(OH)
4.860(18.24) 200 6.480(13.65) 200 16.540(5.34) 200 Calclacite Ca[Cl2/CH3COO]·10(H2O)
4.860(18.24) 200 4.480(19.80) 100 3.676(24.19) 60 Palladodymite (Pd,Rh)2As
4.870(18.20) 12 12.320(7.17) 20 3.968(22.39) 50 Horomanite Fe6Ni3S8
4.870(18.20) 200 3.738(23.78) 180 11.420(7.74) 160 Dayingite CuCoPtS4
4.872(18.19) 200 4.042(21.97) 140 2.858(31.27) 120 Spinel MgAl2O4
4.876(18.18) 200 7.444(11.88) 180 6.950(12.73) 100 Holtedahlite Mg12(PO3OH,CO3)(PO4)5(OH,O)6
4.876(18.18) 200 5.722(15.47) 168 2.858(31.27) 86 Gahnite ZnAl2O4
4.880(18.16) 200 2.868(31.16) 120 5.740(15.42) 120 Magnesiohogbomite-6N6S (Mg,Fe++)1.4Ti0.3Al4O8
4.880(18.16) 200 8.600(10.28) 200 23.000(3.84) 200 Ilmajokite (Na,Ce,La,Ba)2TiSi3O5(OH)10·n(H2O) (?)
4.889(18.13) 200 4.021(22.09) 170 4.020(22.09) 122 Khmaralite (Mg,Al,Fe)16(Al,Si,Be)12O40
4.890(18.13) 200 9.640(9.17) 200 19.200(4.60) 200 Asbolane (Co,Ni)1-y(Mn++++O2)2-x(OH)2-2y+2x·n(H2O)
4.894(18.11) 200 2.868(31.16) 116 4.056(21.90) 116 Ringwoodite Mg2SiO4
4.896(18.10) 200 5.904(14.99) 200 8.740(10.11) 140 Purpurite Mn+++PO4
4.900(18.09) 200 9.440(9.36) 180 3.652(24.35) 120 Pyrochroite Mn(OH)2
4.900(18.09) 200 3.940(22.55) 120 4.500(19.71) 120 Ferrihydrite Fe+++2O3·0.5(H2O)
4.900(18.09) 200 5.360(16.53) 200 3.612(24.63) 180 Penroseite (Ni,Co,Cu)Se2
4.900(18.09) 200 5.940(14.90) 180 9.800(9.02) 180 Adamite Zn2(AsO4)(OH)
4.900(18.09) 200 4.080(21.76) 140 2.880(31.03) 120 Wadsleyite (Mg,Fe++)2SiO4
4.904(18.07) 200 8.620(10.25) 180 6.920(12.78) 170 Heterosite Fe+++PO4
4.906(18.07) 200 5.178(17.11) 100 5.486(16.14) 180 Fluorvesuvianite Ca19(Al,Mg)13[SiO4]10[Si2O7]4(F,OH)10
4.916(18.03) 200 5.858(15.11) 116 6.776(13.05) 112 Clinobarylite BaBe2Si2O7
4.916(18.03) 200 5.024(17.64) 140 7.766(11.38) 140 Forsterite Mg2SiO4

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