Mineralogy Database

A Listing of Minerals

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A Mineral Index (383 Count)

This alphabetical listing of A minerals include synonyms of accepted mineral names, pronunciation of that name, name origins, and locality information.

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Ab100 - See Albite
REMARKS: Plagioclase Solid Solution Series (100% to 95% Albite + 0% to 5% Anorthite)
Ab20 - See Bytownite
REMARKS: Plagioclase Solid Solution Series (15% to 25% Albite + 85% to 75% Anorthite)
Ab40 - See Labradorite
REMARKS: Plagioclase Solid Solution Series (35% to 45% Albite + 65% to 55% Anorthite)
Ab60 - See Andesine
REMARKS: Plagioclase Solid Solution Series (55% to 65% Albite + 45% to 35% Anorthite)
Ab80 - See Oligoclase
REMARKS: Plagioclase Solid Solution Series (75% to 85% Albite + 25% to 15% Anorthite)
Abelsonite Say Abelsonite  View Abelsonite Images Gallery Ni++C31H32N4 Approved IMA 1975
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Philip H. Abelson, president, the Carnegie Institution, Washington, DC, a pioneer in organic geochemistry.
Abenakiite-(Ce) Say Abenakiite-(Ce)    Na26REE6(SiO3)6(PO4)6(CO3)6(S++++O2)O Approved IMA 1994
NAME ORIGIN: For the Abenaki Indian tribe, which inhabited the area around Mont Saint-Hilaire.
Abernathyite Say Abernathyite  View Abernathyite Image   K(UO2)(AsO4)·4(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1956
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Jess Abernathy, Moab, Utah, mine owner who found the first specimens.
Abhurite Say Abhurite  View Abhurite Images Gallery  Sn3O(OH)2Cl2 Approved IMA 1983
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its locality. LOCALITY: Sharm Abhur, a cove in the Red Sea, Saudi Arabia, Jiddah, Red Sea
Abramovite View Abramovite Image Pb2SnInBiS7 Approved IMA 2006 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Dmitry Abramov, Russian mineralogist.
Abrazite - See Gismondine
Abrazite - See Phillipsite-Ca
Abrazite - See Phillipsite-K
Abrazite - See Phillipsite-Na
Abswurmbachite Say Abswurmbachite  View Abswurmbachite Image  Cu++Mn+++6SiO12 Approved IMA 1991
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Irmgard Abs-Wurmbach (1938-), German mineralogist.
Abukumalite - See Britholite-(Y)
Acadialite - See Chabazite-Ca
Acanthite Say Acanthite  View Acanthite Image  Ag2S Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1855
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, akanta, meaning "arrow." After the Latin, argentum, meaning "silver". Argentite is stable above 179 C. Acanthite is stable below 179 deg. C.
Acetamide Say Acetamide  View Acetamide Image  CO(CH3)(NH2) Approved IMA 1975
NAME ORIGIN: For ACETic acid and AMIDE, for ammonia in its composition.
Achavalite  FeSe Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1939 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for L. Achaval.
Achiardite - See Dachiardite-Ca
Achiardite - See Dachiardite-Na
Achroite - See Elbaite
REMARKS: Colorless tournaline
Achtarandite - See Mayenite
REMARKS: Pseudomorph, probably after mayenite.
Acicular iron ore - See Goethite
Acmite - See Aegirine
Actinolite Say Actinolite  View Actinolite Image  Ca2(Mg,Fe++)5Si8O22(OH)2 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1794
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, aktinos, meaning "ray" in allusion to actinolite's fibrous nature.
Acuminite Say Acuminite   SrAlF4(OH)·(H2O) Approved IMA 1987
NAME ORIGIN: From the Latin acuminis, sharp point, for spear head, the characteristic shape of the crystals.
Adamite Say Adamite  View Adamite Image View Adamite Form  Zn2(AsO4)(OH) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1866
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the French mineralogist Gilbert Joseph Adam (1795-1881).
Adamsite-(Y) View Adamsite-(Y) Image   NaY(CO3)2·6(H2O) Approved IMA 1999 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Professor Frank Dawson Adams (1859-1942) of McGill University, Montreal, Quebec.
Adelite Say Adelite  View Adelite Image  CaMg(AsO4)(OH) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1804
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for indistinct, for its occurrence as massive.
Adipite - See Chabazite-Ca
Admontite Say Admontite   MgB6O10·7(H2O) Approved IMA 1979
NAME ORIGIN: For Admont, Austria, near the original locality. LOCALITY: Austria, Schidmaur, near Admont
Adranosite (NH4)4NaAl2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2 Proposed IMA 2009
NAME ORIGIN: Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)
Adularia - See Orthoclase
Aedelforsite - See Stilbite-Na
Aedelforsite - See Laumontite
Aedelforsite - See Stilbite-Ca
Aedelite - See Natrolite
Aegirine Say Aegirine  View Aegirine Images Gallery View Aegirine Form  NaFe+++Si2O6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1835
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the Teutonic god of the sea. Acmite is from the Greek "point" in allusion to the pointed crystals.
Aegirine-augite Say Aegirine-augite  View Aegirine-augite Image  (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe++,Fe+++)[Si2O6] Not Approved IMA 1950
NAME ORIGIN: Name derived from its intermediate pyroxene composition. This is not an end-member species.
Aenigmatite Say Aenigmatite  View Aenigmatite Image  (Na,Ca)4(Fe++,Ti,Mg)12Si12O40 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1865
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for riddle, apparently an allusion to its (formerly) uncertain chemical composition.
Aerinite Say Aerinite  View Aerinite Image  (Ca,Na)6FeAl(Fe++,Mg)2(Al,Mg)6[Si12O36(OH)12H][(H2O)12(CO3)] Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1876
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek root "aer-", alluding to atmosphere or sky and hence the color, sky blue.
Aerugite Say Aerugite  View Aerugite Image  ([ ],Ni)9(AsO4)2(AsO6) (?) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1858
NAME ORIGIN: Named from the Greek for 'copper rust', in allusion to its appearance.
Aeschynite-(Ce) Say Aeschynite-(Ce)  View Aeschynite-(Ce) Image   (Ce,Ca,Fe)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1828
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and from the Greek for "shame," in allusion to the inability of chemists, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its constituents.
Aeschynite-(Ce) - See Nioboaeschynite-(Ce)
Aeschynite-(Nd) Say Aeschynite-(Nd)   (Nd,Ce)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 Approved IMA 1982
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and from the Greek for "shame," in allusion to the inability of chemists, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its constituents.
Aeschynite-(Y) Say Aeschynite-(Y)  View Aeschynite-(Y) Image View Aeschynite-(Y) Form  (Y,Ca,Fe)(Ti,Nb)2(O,OH)6 Approved IMA 1966
NAME ORIGIN: Named for its composition and from the Greek for "shame," in allusion to the inability of chemists, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its constituents.
Afghanite Say Afghanite  View Afghanite Images Gallery   (Na,Ca,K)8(Si,Al)12O24(SO4,Cl,CO3)3·(H2O) Approved IMA 1968
NAME ORIGIN: From its locality. LOCALITY: Sar-e-Sang luzurite deposit in Afghanistan.
Afwillite Say Afwillite  View Afwillite Image  Ca3Si2O4(OH)6 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1925
NAME ORIGIN: For Alpheus Fuller Williams (1874-1953), General Manager, DeBeers Consolidated Mines, Kimberley, South Africa.
Agardite-(Ca) Say Agardite-(Ca)  View Agardite-(Ca) Image CaCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) Not Approved IMA (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France.
Agardite-(Ce) Say Agardite-(Ce)  View Agardite-(Ce) Image   (Ce,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) Approved IMA 2004 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named as the Ce-dominant analog of agardite-(La) and agardite-(Y).
Agardite-(Dy) Say Agardite-(Dy)   (Dy,La,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) Not Approved IMA (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France.
Agardite-(La) Say Agardite-(La)  View Agardite-(La) Image  (La,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) Approved IMA 1985 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France.
Agardite-(Nd) Say Agardite-(Nd)  View Agardite-(Nd) Image  (Pb,Nd,Y,La,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) Not Approved IMA (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France.
Agardite-(Y) Say Agardite-(Y)  View Agardite-(Y) Image (Y,Ca)Cu6(AsO4)3(OH)6·3(H2O) Approved IMA 1969
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the composition and for Jules Agard, Geologist, Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres, Orleans, France.
Agnolite - See Inesite
Agrellite Say Agrellite  View Agrellite Image  NaCa2Si4O10F Approved IMA 1976
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Stuart O. Agrell, British mineralogist, Cambridge University.
Agrinierite Say Agrinierite  View Agrinierite Image   (K2,Ca,Sr)U3O10·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1971
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Henri Agrinier (1928-1971), an engineer in the Mineralogy Laboratory if the French Atomic Energy Commission, Paris, France.
Aguilarite Say Aguilarite  View Aguilarite Image Ag4SeS Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1891
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Ponciano Aguilar (1853-1935), superintendent of the San Carlos mine, Guanajuato, where the mineral was found.
Aheylite Say Aheylite  View Aheylite Image (Fe++,Zn)Al6(PO4)4(OH)8·4(H2O) Approved IMA 1986
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Allen V. Heyl (1918-), economic geologist, U. S. Geological Survey.
Ahlfeldite Say Ahlfeldite  View Ahlfeldite Image View Ahlfeldite Form  (Ni,Co)SeO3·2(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1935
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Federico Ahlfeld (1892-192), German-Bolivian geologist and mineralogist who studied Bolivian minerals.
Aikinite Say Aikinite  View Aikinite Image  PbCuBiS3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1843
NAME ORIGIN: For Dr. Arthur Aikin (1773-1854), a founder and long-time Secretary of the Geological Society of London, England.
Aiolosite Na4Bi(SO4)3Cl Proposed IMA 2008 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the locality. LOCALITY: La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy
Ajoite Say Ajoite  View Ajoite Image   (K,Na)3Cu20Al3Si29O76(OH)16·~8(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1958
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: New Cornelia mine, Ajo, Pima County,, Arizona, USA.
Akaganeite Say Akaganeite  View Akaganeite Image  Fe+++(O,OH,Cl) Approved IMA 1961
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Akagane mine, Iwate Prefecture, Japan.
Akatoreite Say Akatoreite  View Akatoreite Image  (Mn++,Fe++)9Al2Si8O24(OH)8 Approved IMA 1971
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: In New Zealand, three km south of Akatore Creek, east Otago, South Island. From Norberg, Sweden.
Akdalaite Say Akdalaite  View Akdalaite Image  5(Al2O3)·(H2O) Approved IMA 1970
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the Kazakh name for the locality. LOCALITY: Solvech fluorite deposit, Karaganda region, Kazakhstan, Akdala.
Akermanite Say Akermanite  View Akermanite Image  Ca2MgSi2O7 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1884
NAME ORIGIN: For Anders Richard Akerman (1837-1922), Swedish metallurgist.
Akhtenskite Say Akhtenskite  View Akhtenskite Image Mn++++O2 Approved IMA 1979
NAME ORIGIN: For the Akhtensk deposit, Russia, where it was first noted.
Akimotoite Say Akimotoite  View Akimotoite Image  (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Approved IMA 1998 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after Syun-iti Akimoto (b. 1925), of the Institute of Geophysics and Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo, specialist in high-pressure research, especially on phase relationships in the system (Mg,Fe)2 SiO4 at mantle conditions.
Akrochordite Say Akrochordite  View Akrochordite Image  Mn4Mg(AsO4)2(OH)4·4(H2O) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1922
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek for wart, for its typical habit.
Aksaite Say Aksaite  View Aksaite Image  MgB6O7(OH)6·2(H2O) Approved IMA 1962
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Chelkar, Ak-Sai Valley, Uralsk district, Kazakhstan.
Aktashite Say Aktashite  View Aktashite Image  Cu6Hg3As4S12 Approved IMA 1968
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the locality. LOCALITY: Gal-Kyaya deposit, Yakutia, and Aktash deposit, Altai Mts., Russia.
Akyltetrahrdrophenanthrene - See Simonellite
Alabandite Say Alabandite  View Alabandite Image  MnS Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1842
NAME ORIGIN: Named after its locality Alabanda, Turkey. LOCALITY: Turkey, Aydin, Alabanda
Alabaster - See Gypsum
Alacranite Say Alacranite  View Alacranite Image  As8S9 Approved IMA 1986
NAME ORIGIN: For the occurrence in the Alacran deposit, Chile.
Alamosite Say Alamosite  View Alamosite Image  PbSiO3 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1909
NAME ORIGIN: For the Mexican type locality at Alamos. LOCALITY: From Mexico, in Sonora, at Alamos, and the San Pascual mine, Zimpan, Hidalgo. In the USA, from Arizona, in the Mammoth-St. Anthony mine, at Tiger, Pinal Co., the Lucky Cuss mine, Tombstone, Cochise Co., and the Rawhide mine, Artillery Mountains, Maricopa Co. As exceptional crystal groups from Tsumeb, Namibia.
Alarsite Say Alarsite  View Alarsite Image  AlAsO4 Approved IMA 1994 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named from its chemical composition of Aluminum and Arsenic.
Albite Say Albite  View Albite Image View Albite Form  NaAlSi3O8 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1815
NAME ORIGIN: From the Latin, albus, in allusion to the common color.
Albrechtschraufite Say Albrechtschraufite   Ca4Mg(UO2)2(CO3)6F2·17(H2O) Approved IMA 1984
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Albrecht Schrauf (1837-1897), Austrian crystallographer, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Aldermanite Say Aldermanite  View Aldermanite Image Mg5Al12(PO4)8(OH)22·32(H2O) Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Arthur Richard Alderman (1901-1980), Mineralogist and petrologist, University of Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Aldzhanite CaMgB2O4Cl·7(H2O) (?) Not Approved IMA 1972 - Published 1968
NAME ORIGIN: Not given in abstract.
Aleksite Say Aleksite  View Aleksite Image PbBi2Te2S2 (?) Approved IMA 1978
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the locality. LOCALITY: In the Alekseev mine, Sutemskii region, Stanovoi Range, Russia.
Alexandrite - See Chrysoberyl
REMARKS: Green colored chrysoberyl
Alflarsenite NaCa2Be3Si4O13(OH)·2H2O Proposed IMA 2008
NAME ORIGIN: Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)
Alforsite Say Alforsite  View Alforsite Images Gallery  Ba5(PO4)3Cl Approved IMA 1981
NAME ORIGIN: To honor Dr. John T. Alfors (1930- ), geologist, California Division of Mines, for his work on the type locality. LOCALITY: From Big Creek and Rush Creek, Fresno Co., and on Trumbull Peak, near Incline, Marisopa Co., California, USA.
Alfredstelznerite Ca4(H2O)4 [B4O4(OH)6]4 {H2O}15 Proposed IMA 2007
NAME ORIGIN: Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC)
Algodonite Say Algodonite  View Algodonite Image Cu6As Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1857
NAME ORIGIN: Named for the locality. LOCALITY: Chile, Algodones silver mn, Coquimbo
Aliettite Say Aliettite  View Aliettite Image [Mg3Si4O10(OH)2](Ca0.5,Na)0.33(Al,Mg,Fe++)2-3(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2·n(H2O) Approved IMA 1969
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Andrea Alietti (1923-), clay mineralogist.
Allabogdanite View Allabogdanite Image  (Fe,Ni)2P Approved IMA 2002 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named for Alla Bogdanova, Geological Institute, Kola Science Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Allactite Say Allactite  View Allactite Image View Allactite Form  Mn7(AsO4)2(OH)8 Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1884
NAME ORIGIN: From the Greek, to change, a reference to the strong pleochroism.
Allanite-(Ce) Say Allanite-(Ce)  View Allanite-(Ce) Image   (Ce,Ca,Y)2(Al,Fe+++)3(SiO4)3(OH) Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1810 - Dana Number Modified from 58.2.1a.1
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the Scottish mineralogist, T. Allan (1777-1833).
Allanite-(La) Say Allanite-(La)  View Allanite-(La) Image   Ca(REE,Ca)Al2(Fe++,Fe+++)(SiO4)(Si2O7)O(OH) Approved IMA 2003 (Dana # Added)
NAME ORIGIN: Named after the Scottish mineralogist, T. Allan (1777-1833) and the La content.
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