Mineralogy Database

Fergusonite-(Nd) Ferriallanite-(Ce) Image

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 Fergusonite-(Nd), Ferriallanite-(Ce)

Large Fergusonite-(Nd) Image

Mineral: Fergusonite-(Nd): (Nd,Ce)(Nb,Ti)O4  
Ferriallanite-(Ce): CaCe(Fe+++,Fe++,Al)3[SiO4][Si2O7]O(OH)
Comments: Orange-brown ferusonite-(Nd) grains in ferriallanite-(Ce) zone of the vein. Main black inclusions are ferriallanite-(Ce) crystals. White matrix is mixture of calcian strontianite and strontian calcite.
Location: Tornebohmite vein, Biraya Fe-REE ore occurrence, Biraya and Bya Rivers confluence area (Chara Basin), Vitim Plateau, Buriatia (Buryatia) Republic, Transbaikalia (Zabaykalye), Eastern-Siberian Region, Russia.
Scale: FOV 1 cm.
Copyright: © Pavel M. Kartashov
Counter: This Image has been shown 997 times
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