Mineralogy Database

Calciohilairite Kuzmenkoite-Mn Image

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 Calciohilairite, Kuzmenkoite-Mn

Large Calciohilairite Image

Mineral: Calciohilairite: CaZrSi3O9·3(H2O)  
Kuzmenkoite-Mn: (K,Na)2(Mn,Fe)(Ti,Nb)4[Si4O12]2(OH)4·5(H2O)
Comments: White rhombododecahedral crystals of calciohilairite associated with orange=brown stout prismatic kuzmenkoite-Mn on matrix.
Location: Flora Mt, Lovozero Massif, Kola Peninsula, Murmanskaja Oblast', Northern Region, Russia.
Scale: FOV ~1x1 cm.
Copyright: © Pavel M. Kartashov
Counter: This Image has been shown 994 times
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