Mineralogy Database

Cabriite Sperrylite Image

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 Cabriite, Sperrylite

Large Cabriite Image

Mineral: Cabriite: Pd2SnCu  
Sperrylite: PtAs2
Comments: Polished section (PPL) image of a ovoid grain of cabriite (Ca) rimmed by native silver (Ag) in a matrix of brownish cubanite (Cu), with tawny chalcopyrite (Cp). Surrounded on three sides by coarse, millimetric crystals of sperrylite (Sp).
Location: Noril’sk-Talnakh mining district of northwestern Russia. (CanMin, v40:473).
Scale: Feld of view 1.2 mm.
Copyright: © Canadian Mineralogist
Counter: This Image has been shown 816 times
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