Mineralogy Database

Kitkaite Penroseite Sederholmite Image

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 Kitkaite, Penroseite, Sederholmite

Large Kitkaite Image

Mineral: Kitkaite: NiTeSe  
Penroseite: (Ni,Co,Cu)Se2  
Sederholmite: NiSe
Comments: B&W polished section image showing kitkaite replacing calcite in penroseite, clausthalite and sederholmite. Note the absence of the clausthalite envelope around kitkaite..
Location: Valley of the Kitka river in Kuusamo, northeast Finland. (AmMin, v50:581).
Scale: 100 X.
Copyright: © American Mineralogist
Counter: This Image has been shown 1179 times
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