Mineralogy Database

Haycockite Mooihoekite Image

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 Haycockite, Mooihoekite

Large Haycockite Image

Mineral: Haycockite: Cu4Fe5S8  
Mooihoekite: Cu9Fe9S16
Comments: B&W polished section image of mooihoekite-haycockite intergrowth showing tarnished mooihoekite (mh) and haycockite (hc). The small whitest lamellar grains are mackinawite.
Location: Hortonolite dunite (replacement,) pegmatite, Mooihoek Farm, Lydenburg District, Transvaal, South Africa. (AmMin, v57:689).
Scale: See Image.
Copyright: © American Mineralogist
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