Mineralogy Database

Paolovite Menshikovite Image

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 Paolovite, Menshikovite

Large Paolovite Image

Mineral: Paolovite: Pd2Sn  
Menshikovite: Pd3Ni2As3
Comments: BSE image showing menshikovite (mnv), paolovite (plv), isomertieite (ism), cobaltite (cob), and chalcopyrite (ccp) with quartz (qtz) and a Fe-rich aluminosilicate (sil).
Location: Lower (exo)-contact of the Chiney intrusion in Siberia. (CanMin, v40:679).
Scale: See Image.
Copyright: © Canadian Mineralogist
Counter: This Image has been shown 952 times
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