Mineralogy Database

Ehrleite Parascholzite Image

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 Ehrleite, Parascholzite

Large Ehrleite Image

Mineral: Ehrleite: Ca2ZnBe(PO4)2(PO3,OH)·4(H2O)  
Parascholzite: CaZn2(PO4)2·2(H2O)
Comments: White to clear, slender, 1-2mm, thin platy crystals of ehrleite associated with slender or thin,long bladed parascholzite. Type specimen courtesy of Museum of Geology, SD School of Mines.
Location: Tip Top mine, Custer County, South Dakota, USA.
Scale: Crystal size 1-2 mm.
Copyright: © Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix
Counter: This Image has been shown 973 times
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