Mineralogy Database

Barahonaite-(Fe) Conichalcite Image

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 Barahonaite-(Fe), Conichalcite

Large Barahonaite-(Fe) Image

Mineral: Barahonaite-(Fe): (Ca,Cu,Na,Fe+++,Al )12Fe+++2(AsO4)8(OH,Cl)x·nH2O  
Conichalcite: CaCu(AsO4)(OH)
Comments: Micro yellow, platy barahonaite-(Fe) crystals associated with green "beads" of conichalcite, yellowish, earthy arseniosiderite and micro olivenite crystals.
Location: Dolores prospect near the village of Pastrana, in the Province of Murcia of southeastern Spain.
Scale: Specimen Size 6 x 4 x 2 cm.
Copyright: © Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix
Counter: This Image has been shown 672 times
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