Mineralogy Database

Tiptopite Englishite Montgomeryite Image

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 Tiptopite, Englishite, Montgomeryite

Large Tiptopite Image

Mineral: Tiptopite: K2(Na,Ca)2Li3Be6(PO4)6(OH)2·(H2O)  
Englishite: K3Na2Ca10Al15(PO4)21(OH)7·26(H2O)  
Montgomeryite: Ca4MgAl4(PO4)6(OH)4·12(H2O)
Comments: Red montgomeryite lath-like crystals to 1mm in 2mm rosettes associated with clear, acicular sprays of tiptopite to 0.75mm and white cottonball-like crystals of englishite to 0.2mm.
Location: Tip Top mine, Custer Co., South Dakota, USA.
Scale: Picture size 5 mm.
Copyright: © Tom Loomis / Dakota Matrix
Counter: This Image has been shown 1119 times
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