Mineralogy Database

Cupromakovickyite Hodrushite Image

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 Cupromakovickyite, Hodrushite

Large Cupromakovickyite Image

Mineral: Cupromakovickyite: Cu4AgPb2Bi9S18  
Hodrushite: Cu8Bi12S22
Comments: Kup?cíkite (ku) and hodrushite (ho) partly replaced by bismuthinite derivative (bd56) with relict lamellae of low-Cu (4P) and cupromakovickyite [4P(Cu,Pb)]. (CanMin, 41:1165).
Location: Scheelite deposit of Felbertal, Austria.
Scale: Scale Bar 100 µm.
Copyright: © Canadian Mineralogist
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