Mineralogy Database

Cherepanovite Cooperite Platinum Image

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 Cherepanovite, Cooperite, Platinum

Large Cherepanovite Image

Mineral: Cherepanovite: RhAs  
Cooperite: (Pt,Pd,Ni)S  
Platinum: Pt
Comments: Creamy-grayish fractured grains of cherepanovite with gray granular cooperite and white massive grains of iridian ruthenian platinum. Polished section in reflected light.
Location: Placer Deposit, Northern Pekul'nei River, Pekul'nei Range, Chukotka (Tchukotka) Okrug, Chukot Peninsula, Far-Eastern Region, Russia.
Scale: Picture size 0.12 mm.
Copyright: © Thomas Witzke / Abraxas-Verlag
Counter: This Image has been shown 1313 times
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