Mineralogy Database

Perrierite-(Ce) Pyrochlore Zircon Loparite-(Ce) Image

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 Perrierite-(Ce), Pyrochlore, Zircon Loparite-(Ce)

Large Perrierite-(Ce) Image

Mineral: Perrierite-(Ce): (Ce,La,Ca)4(Fe++,Mg)2(Ti,Fe+++)3Si4O22  
Pyrochlore: (Na,Ca)2Nb2O6(OH,F)  
Zircon: ZrSiO4  
Loparite-(Ce): (Ce,Na,Ca)2(Ti,Nb)2O6
Comments: Reddish black perrierite crystal, with orange-brown pyrochlore crystal, yellow-brown zircon, and grayish-black loparite.
Location: Buer, Bjorkedalen, Langesundfjord, Telemark, Norway.
Scale: See Photo.
Copyright: © Jeff Weissman / Photographic Guide to Mineral Species
Counter: This Image has been shown 1595 times
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