Mineralogy Database

Goldichite Coquimbite Ferricopiapite Image

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 Goldichite, Coquimbite, Ferricopiapite

Large Goldichite Image

Mineral: Goldichite: KFe+++(SO4)2·4(H2O)  
Coquimbite: Fe+++2(SO4)3·9(H2O)  
Ferricopiapite: Fe+++2/3Fe+++4(SO4)6(OH)2·20(H2O)
Comments: Prismatic to fibrous crystals of goldichite on white massive coquimbite with yellow ferricopiapite.
Location: Dexter No. 7 Mine, Calf Mesa, San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah, USA.
Scale: See Photo.
Copyright: © Jeff Weissman / Photographic Guide to Mineral Species
Counter: This Image has been shown 1319 times
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