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Webmineral News

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Latest news, items of interest, show reports and other breaking news stories provided by webmineral advertisers and other sources.

Seach News Titles (case sensitive)

2009-12-30 Wrights Rock Shop - Hemimorphite, Pyromorphite, Others under $50
2009-12-30 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions Specimens Posted
2009-12-29 Exceptional Minerals - The Final Week of the Pre-Tucson Mineral Sale!
2009-12-29 American Mineralogist - Vol 95 No 1 Now Online
2009-12-28 Wrights Rock Shop - Crocoite,Scheelite, Anatase, Titanite and others
2009-12-28 Fabre Minerals - Express Specimens Update 2009 (6)
2009-12-28 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - 28 Lloyd Tate Collection Specimens on Website
2009-12-23 Wrights Rock Shop - Demantoid Garnet from Jeffery Quarry, Canada
2009-12-23 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - 33 Tate Collection Specimens Added on Website
2009-12-22 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - 36 Tate Collection Specimens on Website
2009-12-21 Wrights Rock Shop - Apache Chrysocolla, Kuzite, Epidote & Prehnite, Calcite Stalactites and others
2009-12-18 Dakota Matrix - Website Weekly Update on Friday
2009-12-17 Wrights Rock Shop - Orange Spessartine, Green Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Zincblende, and others
2009-12-17 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - 12 Tate Collection Specimens on Website
2009-12-16 Fabre Minerals - December Update
2009-12-15 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - Tate Collection Specimens Update on Website
2009-12-14 Wrights Rock Shop - Paraiba Tourmaline, Scepter Smoky Quartz on Rose Quartz, Others
2009-12-14 John Betts Fine Minerals - Vanadinite from Old Yuma Mine, Arizona
2009-12-13 Greenside Minerals - Last update before the Christmas Break
2009-12-13 Exceptional Minerals - The 2nd Mineral Auction Closes Tomorrow
2009-12-11 Dan Weinrich - Website Updated wth Additional Tate Collection Specimens
2009-12-10 Dakota Matrix - Website Updated with 48 Specimens
2009-12-09 Wrights Rock Shop - 79 Mine, Flux Mine, Selenite, Pyrrhotite
2009-12-09 Mineral of The Month Club - December 2009 - Lazurite from Badakhstan, Afghanistan
2009-12-09 Fabre Minerals - Post-Munich 2009 Update
2009-12-08 John Betts Fine Minerals - Imperial Topaz from Ouro Preto
2009-12-07 Wrights Rock Shop - Green Quartz, Orange Mimetite, Blue Wavellite
2009-12-07 Exceptional Minerals - Denver Show 2009 Update #4 is Online!
2009-12-06 Dakota Matrix - Website Updated with 16 non-pegmatitic phosphates on Friday
2009-12-05 AA Mineral Specimens - Wahroonga Village Fair - See us at our stand in the car park along main street of Wahroonga, NSW
2009-12-04 Wrights Rock Shop - Linarite, Brazilianite, Dioptase, Planerite, Titianite, others
2009-12-04 Dan Weinrich - Website Updated wth Tate Collection Specimens
2009-12-04 Dakota Matrix - Now Offering Custom Designed SOLID OAK Mineral Specimen Cabinets
2009-12-03 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - Tate Collection Update
2009-12-03 Dakota Matrix - Website Updated with 36 New Specimens
2009-12-03 AA Mineral Specimens - Latest Updates - BIF Goodies
2009-12-02 Wrights Rock Shop - Sunstone, Red-black Rutile in Quartz, Lepidocrocite
2009-12-02 Mineral of The Month Club - December 2009 - Lazurite from Badakhstan, Afghanistan
2009-12-01 Exceptional Minerals - Pre-Tucson Mineral Auction # 2 is Open
2009-12-01 Dan Weinrich - Auction Closing
2009-11-30 Wrights Rock Shop - Olivenite, Hematite in Amethyst, Canada, green Selenite, and others
2009-11-29 Exceptional Minerals - Pre-Tucson Mineral Auction Closing
2009-11-27 Wrights Rock Shop - Chrysocolla Stalactites, Barite, Colorado and Nevada, and Others
2009-11-27 Dan Weinrich - Tate Collection Update
2009-11-24 Excalibur Minerals - List 20909 is Ready
2009-11-24 Dan Weinrich - Auction Closing
2009-11-23 Wrights Rock Shop - Superb Tourmaline in Quartz, Cobaltoan Dolomite, Others
2009-11-23 John Betts Fine Minerals - Cassiterite and Muscovite from Xuebaoding
2009-11-21 Exceptional Minerals - Pre-Tucson Mineral Auction
2009-11-20 Greenside Minerals - Second Update of Autumn Features Tin and Copper Minerals from Cornish Mines
2009-11-19 Dan Weinrich - New Auction Opening - Tate Collection Announcement
2009-11-17 American Mineralogist - Vol 94 No 11-12 Now Online
2009-11-16 John Betts Fine Minerals - Gold (fine wire crystals) from Olinghouse Mine
2009-11-16 Dan Weinrich - Auction Closing - New Specimens from the Tate Collection to be Added to Website
2009-11-16 Adams Minerals - 30% Off Sale
2009-11-14 Exceptional Minerals - The Pre-Tucson Mineral Auction is OPEN!pdf
2009-11-13 Dan Weinrich - New Auction Opening with 75 Specimens
2009-11-11 Wrights Rock Shop - Heliodor, Arsenodescloizite, Tsumeb specimens and others
2009-11-10 John Betts Fine Minerals - Gold from Yankee Hill District, Colorado
2009-11-10 Houston Gem & Mineral Society Annual Show This Weekend
2009-11-10 Dan Weinrich - Auction Closing with 75 Specimens waiting, New Specimens added to Website
2009-11-09 Wrights Rock Shop - Beta Quartz, Mimetie, Covellite and others
2009-11-08 Greenside Minerals - Website updated with 16 Brandberg Quartz Specimens
2009-11-08 Exceptional Minerals - Denver Show 2009 Update #3 is Online!
2009-11-07 Dan Weinrich - New Auction Opening, 37 Great Specimens
2009-11-06 Wrights Rock Shop - Pink Grossular Garnet, Rhodochrosite, Shattuckite, and Others
2009-11-05 Houston Geological Society - HGS Events in December
2009-11-05 Dakota Matrix - Website Updated with 36 New Specimens
2009-11-03 Wrights Rock Shop - Gibbsite, Pyromorphite, Siderite after Calcite, Emerald, others
2009-11-03 John Betts Fine Minerals - Calcite from Dalnegorsk, Russia
2009-11-03 Dan Weinrich - Current Auction Closing - 35 new Specimens on Website, many from the Minette collection
2009-11-02 Wrights Rock Shop - Burmese Rubellite, Rose Quartz, Botryogen, Sulphur and Others
2009-10-31 Dan Weinrich - Acquired the outstanding collection of Lloyd Tate
2009-10-30 Wrights Rock Shop - Aurichalcite, Orpiment, Red Quartz, Others
2009-10-28 Wrights Rock Shop - Rhodochrosite, Purple apatite, Pink Calcite, Others
2009-10-27 Mineral of The Month Club - November 2009 Anydrite, naica District, Chihuahua, Mexico
2009-10-27 John Betts Fine Minerals - Smoky Quartz Gwindel from Puiva Deposit, Tyumenskaya Oblast', Russia
2009-10-27 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - New specimens have now been posted to the website
2009-10-24 AA Mineral Specimens - Latest Updates with Some Brazilian Goodies
2009-10-23 Wrights Rock Shop - Pearceite, Cristobalite, Erythrite, Cavansite, Phenakite, and others
2009-10-22 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - New specimens have now been posted to the website
2009-10-21 Wrights Rock Shop - Red Beryl, Emerald, Cerussite, Perovskite, Others
2009-10-19 Wrights Rock Shop - Crestmore Quarry - Clintonite,wilkeite, others
2009-10-19 John Betts Fine Minerals - Novácekite on Aragonite from Mexico
2009-10-19 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - New specimens have now been posted to the website
2009-10-16 Houston Geological Society - HGS up-and=coming Events
2009-10-15 Exceptional Minerals - The Second Denver Show 2009 Update
2009-10-15 Dan Weinrich - Don Belsher Specimens Auctions Closing - 60 piece Auction of Mixed Specimens has now been posted
2009-10-14 Fabre Minerals - Pre-Munich & Expominer Update
2009-10-13 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - Updated Website includes a new find of creedite from China
2009-10-08 Geological Society of America - Connections - Oct 2009 - Annual Meeting
2009-10-08 Dakota Matrix - Website Updated with New Specimens and Mineral Offer
2009-10-06 Fabre Minerals - Pre-Munich and Barcelona (Expominer) Shows Update
2009-10-06 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - Updated Website Great New Specimens
2009-10-05 Wrights Rock Shop - Realgar, Hessonite, Sulphur, Sicily, Tourmaline, and others
2009-10-05 John Betts Fine Minerals - Pyromorphite from Bunker Hill Mine, Idaho
2009-10-04 Wrights Rock Shop - We will be at the Detroit, Michigan Mineral Show
2009-10-04 Houston Geological Society - HGS October Events
2009-10-02 Excalibur Minerals - List 20908 is Ready
2009-10-02 Dakota Matrix - Inventory Reduction Sale!!!
2009-10-02 American Mineralogist - Vol 94 No 10 Now Online
2009-10-01 Wrights Rock Shop - Red Heulandite, Thompsonite, Meikle Barite, and Others
2009-10-01 Mineral of The Month Club - October 2009 Creedite from Navidad Mine, Rodeo, Durango, Mexico
2009-10-01 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - Updated Website with Zambian Emeralds
2009-09-29 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - Updated Website with beautiful new siderite&quartz combination specimens from Morocco
2009-09-29 Dakota Matrix - Daily Five Inventory Reduction Sale all this week
2009-09-28 Wrights Rock Shop - Demantoid, Canada, Pezzottaite, Fluorite and others
2009-09-28 Houston Geological Society - October Events
2009-09-27 Exceptional Minerals - The First Denver Show 2009 Update
2009-09-25 Wrights Rock Shop - Blue Quartz, Brazil and Amethyst, Kenya
2009-09-24 Wrights Rock Shop - Purple Topaz
2009-09-24 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - Updated Website with Cobaltian Calcite from Morocco
2009-09-22 Trinity Mineral Co - Denver Show Report
2009-09-21 John Betts Fine Minerals - Arfvedsonite on Microcline from Hurricane Mountain, New Hampshire
2009-09-21 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - Many still available
2009-09-19 Wrights Rock Shop - New Pyrolusite Gallery Update
2009-09-17 Wrights Rock Shop - News from Denver
2009-09-17 Fabre Minerals - September Update
2009-09-17 Dan Weinrich - New Auction Specimens Added - Updated Website with Don Belsher Collection Specimens
2009-09-15 John Betts Fine Minerals - Celestine with Fluorite inclusions from Dundas, Canada
2009-09-15 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - See us in Denver! Holiday Inn room 109; Main Show J Aisle
2009-09-12 AA Mineral Specimens - Latest Updates with Palabora Copper Mine Information and Specimens
2009-09-10 Wrights Rock Shop - Hematite, Manganese Nodules, Iridescent Fluorite, Others
2009-09-10 Houston Geological Society - HGS Events Next Week
2009-09-08 Wrights Rock Shop - Epistilbite, Uvarovite, Ruby, Quartz afer Calcite
2009-09-08 John Betts Fine Minerals - Chalcocite in Calcite from Chimney Rock Quarry, NJ
2009-09-07 Wrights Rock Shop - Raspberry Grossular Garnet, Australian Malachite after Azurite, Others
2009-09-07 Exceptional Minerals - The Final Week for the Half Price Mineral Sale
2009-09-07 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - New Updates to Website
2009-09-04 Wrights Rock Shop - Chrysocolla Stalactites from Ray, Arizona
2009-09-03 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - 55 Great New Specimens
2009-09-02 Wrights Rock Shop - Gibbsite, Emerals, Fluorite, Anatase, and Others
2009-09-01 Mineral of The Month Club - September 2009 Native Silver on Native Copper
2009-09-01 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - Come See Us in Denver
2009-08-31 Wrights Rock Shop - New Pyrolusite Gallery
2009-08-31 John Betts Fine Minerals - Special Mineral Updates
2009-08-28 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - 31 New Specimens Added to Website
2009-08-27 Wrights Rock Shop - Green Selenite, Hyalite, Azurite, Raspberry Garnet, and Others
2009-08-27 Exceptional Minerals - Pre-Denver Show Half Priced Mineral Sale Update
2009-08-26 Wrights Rock Shop - Benitoite, Fluorite, Pyrargyrite and Others
2009-08-25 John Betts Fine Minerals - Celestine (curved crystal) from Dundas Quarry
2009-08-25 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - New Specimens Added to Website
2009-08-23 AA Mineral Specimens - Latest Updates with more Malawi Zircons
2009-08-19 Wrights Rock Shop - Red Quartz on Fluorite, Fluorite, Riemvasamaak, Red Beryl
2009-08-19 Trinity Minerals - East Coast Show Report
2009-08-19 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - 53 great Specimens, Silver, Mottramite, Orpiment
2009-08-18 Wrights Rock Shop - Large Specimen Gallery - Fluorite, Cyanotrichite, Others
2009-08-18 Fabre Minerals - Express Specimens Update
2009-08-17 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - 36 great new Specimens on website
2009-08-16 Excalibur Minerals - List 20907 is Ready
2009-08-14 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - 55 great Specimens
2009-08-13 Fabre Minerals - Post Sainte Marie 2009 update
2009-08-11 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - Proustites from Chile and Bohemia and other Rare species
2009-08-09 Exceptional Minerals - Pre-Denver Show Half Priced Mineral Sale!
2009-08-05 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - Proustites from Chile and Bohemia and other Rare species
2009-08-03 John Betts Fine Minerals - Aquamarine on Muscovite from Shigar Valley
2009-08-03 Exceptional Minerals - The Exceptional Mineral Rooms Update #1
2009-08-03 Dan Weinrich - Beautiful tanzanite, Paraiba tourmaline, erythrite, pyromorphites on Website - Auctions Closing
2009-07-31 Houston Geological Society - Technofest 2009 less than 2 Weeks Away
2009-07-30 Wrights Rock Shop - Kammererite, Sulphur, Miargyrite and others
2009-07-28 Dan Weinrich - Nevada Pyrargyrite on Website - Auctions Closing
2009-07-27 Mineral of The Month Club - August 2009 Hematite Pseudos after Magnetite
2009-07-27 Mineral of The Month Club - August 2009 Chrysoprase from the Yerilla Chrysoprase mine
2009-07-27 John Betts Fine Minerals - Cassiterite from Viloco Mine, Bolivia
2009-07-26 Wrights Rock Shop - Beta Scepter Quartz, Pyrolusite, Red Quartz
2009-07-24 Dan Weinrich - Fluorite specimens from the Shangbao Mine in China - 55 new Auction Specimens
2009-07-21 Dan Weinrich - New specimens from Gene Tribby collection added to Website - Auctions Closing
2009-07-20 Wrights Rock Shop - Sphaerocobaltite, Arseniosiderite, Devilline, and Hematite Stalactites
2009-07-20 John Betts Fine Minerals - Quartz with Tourmaline inclusions from Monte Enfumacado
2009-07-16 Dan Weinrich - 50 new specimens added to Website - New Auctions
2009-07-15 Wrights Rock Shop - Purpurite, Eudialyte, brochantite, uranophane and others
2009-07-14 Fabre Minerals - Sainte Marie 2009 update
2009-07-14 Excalibur Minerals - List 20906 is Ready
2009-07-13 Wrights Rock Shop - Cornetite, Boleite, Calcite, Raspberry Garnet, Others
2009-07-13 John Betts Fine Minerals - Imperial Topaz from Ouro Preto
2009-07-13 Dan Weinrich - 23 superb new green Smithsonite Specimens from the 79 Mine in Arizona
2009-07-13 AA Mineral Specimens - Latest Updates with Continued Ephasis on Secondary Minerals
2009-07-10 Wrights Rock Shop - Pezzottaite, Red Stilbite, Sulphur, Red Hemimorphite
2009-07-09 Dan Weinrich - Idaho Pyromorphite - New Auctions
2009-07-09 AA Mineral Specimens - Latest Updates
2009-07-07 Dan Weinrich - New Updates to Website - Auctions are closing this Evening
2009-07-06 Wrights Rock Shop - Gallery News
2009-07-06 John Betts Fine Minerals - Clinozoisite from Belvidere Mountain Quarries, Vermont
2009-07-02 Wrights Rock Shop - Brazilian Specials
2009-07-01 Wrights Rock Shop - Calcite on Amethyst and Yellow Fluorite
2009-07-01 Greenside Minerals - Last Round of Price Reductions
2009-06-30 Mineral of The Month Club - July 2009 Muscovite
2009-06-30 Dan Weinrich - Adding many choice affordable specimens to Website - Auctions are closing this Evening
2009-06-29 Wrights Rock Shop - Orpiment, celestite, barte, dioptase, fluorite and others
2009-06-29 John Betts Fine Minerals - Pyrrhotite on Quartz from Dalnegorsk, Russia
2009-06-26 Wrights Rock Shop - Benitoite, Molybdenite with Fluorite, Pyromorphite and Others
2009-06-25 Dan Weinrich - 30 New specimens $50 to $125
2009-06-25 AA Mineral Specimens - Latest Updates
2009-06-23 Wrights Rock Shop - Mexican Amethyst Gallery
2009-06-23 Dan Weinrich - 45 Selected specimens from the Peter Gillis collection Added
2009-06-22 Wrights Rock Shop - Calcite on Amethyst and Yellow Fluorite
2009-06-21 Mineral of the Month Club - June 2009 Plat Offer
2009-06-21 AA Mineral Specimens - More Secondary Minerals
2009-06-18 AA Mineral Specimens - Opaline Silicates discovered on Mars
2009-06-17 Wrights Rock Shop - Stilbite, Orthoclase, Analcime from Arkansas and Others
2009-06-17 Dan Weinrich - 60 New Auction specimens
2009-06-16 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - New Updates from the collection of Gene and Sally LaBerge
2009-06-15 Wrights Rock Shop - Intense yellow fluorite, Calcite on Amethyst and others
2009-06-15 Greenside Minerals - Price Reductions on Indian Zeolites
2009-06-14 AA Mineral Specimens - Collection of secondary minerals, many from the Mount Bonnie Mine
2009-06-12 Dan Weinrich - Added a selection of fluorite specimens from the Shangbao Mine in China
2009-06-12 AA Mineral Specimens - All recent additions can be checked out on our NEW STOCK page
2009-06-10 Exceptional Minerals - Round 2 of the Summer Mineral Sale Begins Today!
2009-06-10 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - New Chinese Minerals
2009-06-09 Excalibur Minerals List 20905 is Ready
2009-06-08 Wrights Rock Shop - Orange quartz, Inesite, Smithsonite, others
2009-06-08 John Betts Fine Minerals - Apatite-(CaF) on Albite from Afghanistan
2009-06-06 Dan Weinrich - Auctions Closing - New Updates from the collection of Gene and Sally LaBerge
2009-06-05 Wrights Rock Shop - Bournonite, Rubellite, Russian Citrine, and others
2009-06-04 Wrights Rock Shop - Ajoite in Quartz, Pezzottaite, Dioptase, Cavansite, and others
2009-06-04 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - New Updates
2009-06-02 Greenside Minerals - Price Reductions on our lower-end Specimens from Ireland
2009-06-01 Wrights Rock Shop - Beryllionite, Hureaulite, Cobaltoan Dolomite and others
2009-06-01 John Betts Fine Minerals - Stibnite from Manhattan District, Nevada
2009-06-01 Dan Weinrich -Auctions Closing - New Updates
2009-05-29 Wrights Rock Shop - Special Discount on Under 100 Gallery 1
2009-05-28 Wrights Rock Shop - Red Cloud Wulfenite, Apatite, Bolivia, Tourmaline and others
2009-05-27 Dan Weinrich -ew Auctions - LaBerge Collection Update
2009-05-26 Wrights Rock Shop - New Spinel Gallery
2009-05-26 Fabre Minerals - Express Specimen Update
2009-05-26 Exceptional Minerals - The 2nd Tucson-Houston Mineral Shows Update
2009-05-26 Dan Weinrich - Auction Closing - Many Great Deals Left
2009-05-25 John Betts Fine Minerals - Jamesonite-Boulangerite on Calcite from Mina Noche Buena
2009-05-22 Wrights Rock Shop - Cuprian Smithsonite, Aurichalcite, Rosasite from the 79 Mine
2009-05-22 Trinity Minerals - West Coast Show Report
2009-05-21 Wrights Rock Shop - Wulfenite and Mimetite
2009-05-21 Fabre Minerals - May update from Fabre Minerals
2009-05-21 Dan Weinrich - Outstanding specimens from the Elmwood, Tennessee mines
2009-05-20 Wrights Rock Shop - Mimetite from Thailand
2009-05-20 Greenside Minerals - Added 11 more Stunning Brandberg quartz crystals to the Website
2009-05-20 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - Superb Specimens!
2009-05-19 Dan Weinrich - LaBerge Collection Update - Server Problems Fixed
2009-05-18 Wrights Rock Shop - Benitoite, Kammererite, Uranophane, Kinoite, and Others
2009-05-18 John Betts Fine Minerals - Heazlewoodite with Zaratite from Heazlewood District
2009-05-18 Dan Weinrich - LaBerge Collection Update
2009-05-15 Wrights Rock Shop - Turkey Fat Smithsonite, Yellow Wavellite, Wavellite
2009-05-13 American Mineralogist - Vol 94 No 5-6 Now Online
2009-05-12 John Betts Fine Minerals - Calamine from Oronogo Mutual Mine, Missouri
2009-05-12 Greenside Minerals - Reduced the Price of Some of our already low-priced English Specimens
2009-05-12 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions - Superb Specimens!
2009-05-12 Dan Weinrich - Auctions are closing
2009-05-11 Wrights Rock Shop - Red Cloud Wulfenite, Psuedoboleite, Linarite, and Others
2009-05-10 Exceptional Minerals - The 1st Tucson-Houston Mineral Shows Update
2009-05-10 AA Mineral Specimens - We have three very special Saleeite specimens available this week
2009-05-07 Wrights Rock Shop - Striking Red Quartz on Green Fluorite - New Find
2009-05-06 Dan Weinrich - New auction specimens are now posted
2009-05-05 John Betts Fine Minerals - Azurite from Copper Queen Mine, Arizona
2009-05-05 Fabre Minerals - Express Specimen Update
2009-05-03 Greenside Minerals - Reduced the Price of Some of our low-end Specimens
2009-05-03 Gale Spann - Houston Fine Mineral Show Report
2009-05-02 Dan Weinrich - LaBerge Collection Update - See us in Houston, Texas, May 1 - 3
2009-05-01 Webmineral Houston Fine Mineral Show Report
2009-05-01 Excalibur Minerals List 20904 is Ready
2009-04-30 Fabre Minerals - Second April Update
2009-04-29 Wrights Rock Shop - Invitation for the Houston Fine Mineral Show this Weekend
2009-04-29 Mineral of The Month Club - May 2009 Okenite
2009-04-29 Dan Weinrich - New High Quality Auction Specimens Posted
2009-04-27 John Betts Fine Minerals - Fluorite from Brian's Pocket, Mount Antero
2009-04-26 Dan Weinrich - New High Quality recently released specimens from the collection of Gene and Sally LaBerge
2009-04-26 AA Mineral Specimens - This week we are Featuring a series of of Colourful Secondary Minerals
2009-04-24 Wrights Rock Shop - Red Beryl, Cassiterite, Berthierite, and others
2009-04-23 Exceptional Minerals - The Final Day of the Exceptional Rooms Sale
2009-04-22 Dan Weinrich - New High Quality auction specimens are now posted
2009-04-21 Wrights Rock Shop - Spanish Pyrite Update
2009-04-21 John Betts Fine Minerals - Copper and Calcite from Keweenaw Peninsula Copper District
2009-04-21 Greenside Minerals - Reduced the Price of Some of our Smaller Specimens from Pakistan and Afghanistan
2009-04-20 Fabre Minerals - Express Specimen Update
2009-04-20 Dan Weinrich - Updated the Website with 23 new specimens
2009-04-16 Wrights Rock Shop - Chalcostibite, childrenite, wavellite and others
2009-04-15 Exceptional Minerals - Announcing the Grand Reopening of the Exceptional Mineral Rooms!
2009-04-15 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions with High Quality Specimens
2009-04-13 Wrights Rock Shop - Axinite, Calcite, Red Beryl, and Others
2009-04-13 John Betts Fine Minerals - Zaratite on Chromite from Texas, State Line District, Pennsylvania
2009-04-13 Dan Weinrich - New Website Updates - Auctions Closing
2009-04-11 AA Mineral Specimens - This week we are Featuring a series of Secondary Minerals from our Website
2009-04-08 Dan Weinrich - New auction specimens are now posted
2009-04-07 Fabre Minerals - April Update
2009-04-07 Dan Weinrich - We have updated the website with many new specimens
2009-04-06 John Betts Fine Minerals - Linarite with Anglesite from Roughten Gill, England
2009-04-05 Exceptional Minerals - The Third Tucson Show 2009 Update is Now Online!
2009-04-02 Dan Weinrich - New auction specimens are now posted
2009-04-02 AA Mineral Specimens - 2nd April 2009 Newsletter
2009-03-31 American Mineralogist - Vol 94 No 4 Now Online
2009-03-30 John Betts Fine Minerals - Pyromorphite from Coeur d'Alene District, Idaho, USA
2009-03-29 Dan Weinrich - Updated the Website with 69 new Specimens - Auctions Closing
2009-03-27 Wrights Rock Shop - Los Lamentos Wulfenite, Bunker Hill Pyromorphite, Others
2009-03-26 Wrights Rock Shop - New Burmese Gallery
2009-03-26 Mineral of The Month Club - Apr 2009 Sphalerite
2009-03-26 Fabre Minerals - Express Specimens update from Fabre Minerals 2009 (1)
2009-03-25 Excalibur Minerals List 20903 is Ready
2009-03-25 Dan Weinrich - New Auctions now Posted
2009-03-24 Fabre Minerals - Final Tucson 2009 update from Fabre Minerals
2009-03-24 Exceptional Minerals - The Spring Mineral Sale - Week 2
2009-03-23 Wrights Rock Shop - Brochantite, Hematite in Quartz,, Smithsonite, and others
2009-03-23 John Betts Fine Minerals - Hokutolite from Hokuto Hot Springs, Taiwan
2009-03-23 Houston Geophysical Society - Tristan da Cuhna hotspot tracks and the seafloor spreading history of the South Atlantic
2009-03-23 Houston Geological Society - Guest Night featuring GeoArchaeology
2009-03-23 Dan Weinrich - New Updates - Auction Closing
2009-03-19 Wrights Rock Shop - Sulphur, Lemanskiite, Flos Ferri, and Others
2009-03-17 Wrights Rock Shop - Chocolate Quartz Gallery
2009-03-17 John Betts Fine Minerals - Gold (crystallized) from Mystery Wind Mine
2009-03-17 Exceptional Minerals - The Exceptional Spring Mineral Sale
2009-03-17 Dan Weinrich - New Updates - Auction Closing
2009-03-15 Exceptional Minerals - The 2nd Tucson 2009 Show Update
2009-03-15 AA Mineral Specimens - 15th March 2009 Newsletter
2009-03-12 Wrights Rock Shop - Karibibite, Vanadinite, Elmwood Fluorite, Others
2009-03-12 Greenside Minerals - 16 superb Brandberg quartz crystals
2009-03-11 Wrights Rock Shop - Fluorite,Scepter Quartz, Rutile, Others
2009-03-11 Dan Weinrich - We updated the website with many new things!
2009-03-10 Dan Weinrich - Auction Closing
2009-03-09 Wrights Rock Shop - Inesite, Pseudomorphs, Copper Crystals and others
2009-03-09 John Betts Fine Minerals - Hodgkinsonite and Franklinite from Franklin, New Jersey
2009-03-06 Dan Weinrich - 44 New Auction Specimens Added
2009-03-04 Wrights Rock Shop - Proustite, Fluorite, Smithsonite, and Others
2009-03-03 Mineral of The Month Club - March 2009 Sphalerite
2009-03-03 John Betts Fine Minerals - Elbaite Tourmaline from Toca da Onça Mine, Brazil
2009-03-03 Dan Weinrich - New Updates - Auctions Closing
2009-03-02 Wrights Rock Shop - Purple Apatite, Bicolor Lepidolite, Morganite, Others
2009-03-01 Exceptional Minerals - The 1st Tucson Show 2009 Update
2009-03-01 AA Mineral Specimens - 1st March 2009 Newsletter
2009-02-26 Fabre Minerals - Initial Tucson 2009 update from Fabre Minerals
2009-02-25 Wrights Rock Shop - Pseudomorphs, Apatite, Londonite, Others
2009-02-25 John Cornish - Tucson Show Report
2009-02-25 Dan Weinrich - 53 New Auction Specimens Added
2009-02-24 Greenside Minerals - Newly Aquired Set of zeolites from Deccan Traps, India
2009-02-24 Dan Weinrich - Great Auction Specimens Added including collection of Anna Mae Anderson
2009-02-23 Wrights Rock Shop - Druzy Chrysocolla, Cobaltoan Talmessite, others
2009-02-20 Wrights Rock Shop - Mineral Oddities, Psuedomorphs, Phantoms, and others
2009-02-20 American Mineralogist - Vol 94 No 2-3 Now Online
2009-02-19 Exceptional Minerals - The Post-Auction Mineral Auction Update #2
2009-02-19 Dan Weinrich - 46 Great Auction Specimens Added
2009-02-17 Dan Weinrich - Current Auction Closing
2009-02-16 John Betts Fine Minerals - Tucson Minerals Now Online
2009-02-13 Exceptional Minerals - The Post-Auction Mineral Auction Update
2009-02-12 Trinity Minerals Co - Tucson Show Report
2009-02-12 Fabre Minerals - Tucson Show Report
2009-02-12 Dan Weinrich - New Auction Specimens
2009-02-10 John Betts Fine Minerals - Pyrite and Sphalerite from Nanisivik Mine
2009-02-10 Excalibur Minerals List 20902 is in
2009-02-10 Dan Weinrich - Added 33 New Specimens to the Website + Auction Closing
2009-02-09 Wrights Rock Shop - Purple Topaz on Quartz, Euclase, Aquamarine on Tourmaline, others
2009-02-08 Greenside Minerals - Set of zeolites from Deccan Traps, India
2009-02-05 Mad Mineralz - Tucson Show Report
2009-02-04 Wrights Rock Shop - Aurichalcite, Calcite, Cobaltoan Dolomite and Others
2009-02-04 Exceptional Minerals - The Superior Galleries Auction Results are now in
2009-02-04 Dan Weinrich - 45 New Minerals Added on Auction
2009-02-03 John Betts Fine Minerals - Act fast! - Hydroxywagnerite (IMA 2004-009) on Pyrophyllite from Doria Maira Massif, Italy
2009-02-02 e-Rocks - Auction 293 Ending
2009-02-02 Wrights Rock Shop - Beta Quartz, Turgite, Smoky Quartz, Manganotantalite
2009-02-02 Exceptional Minerals - The Final Superior Galleries Mineral Auction Update
2009-02-02 Dan Weinrich - 30 New Minerals Added on Website + Auction Closing
2009-01-31 e-Rocks - Large Update Message
2009-01-31 Exceptional Minerals - Superior Galleries Mineral Auction Update #4
2009-01-30 e-Rocks - Ingo Drescher's Current Auction Closing - Auction 295 Opening
2009-01-29 e-Rocks - Auction 292 Closing - Auction 294 Opening
2009-01-29 Wrights Rock Shop - - Ice Storm Delay - Sizes on PreTucson 3 Gallery
2009-01-29 Dan Weinrich - Rare Minerals Added on Website + New Auction Specimens
2009-01-28 Wrights Rock Shop - Clear Fluorite, Goethite, Mimetite, Others
2009-01-27 Exceptional Minerals - Superior Galleries Mineral Auction Update #4
2009-01-27 Dan Weinrich - Gemmy Chinese Fluorites + New Auction Specimens
2009-01-26 e-Rocks - Server Problems - Auctions Postponed
2009-01-26 Wrights Rock Shop - Cuprite-Hungary, Mimetite, Malachite
2009-01-26 John Betts Fine Minerals - Ilmenite on Quartz from Chip Mine, North Carolina
2009-01-25 Greenside Minerals - Cactus Quartz from Magaliesberg Mountains location in South Africa
2009-01-25 Exceptional Minerals - Superior Galleries Mineral Auction Update #3
2009-01-25 Exceptional Minerals - Larger, more Detailed Photographs of the Auction Specimens
2009-01-24 e-Rocks - Server Problems - Amended Auction Schedules
2009-01-23 Wrights Rock Shop - Rosasite, Hemimorphite, Wulfenite and Mimetite
2009-01-23 Exceptional Minerals - Superior Galleries Mineral Auction Update #2
2009-01-22 e-Rocks - Auction 291 Closing - Auction 293 Opening Tomorrow
2009-01-22 Dan Weinrich - 28 mixed specimens From Various Collections + New Auction Specimens
2009-01-21 Wrights Rock Shop - Hessonite, Chalcanthite, Uvarovite, and others
2009-01-19 e-Rocks - Christian Rewitzer's Tsumeb Auction closes
2009-01-19 Wrights Rock Shop - Dioptase, Crocoite, and others
2009-01-19 Mineral of The Month Club - Feb 2009 Heulandite
2009-01-19 Dan Weinrich - 25 mixed specimens from the Minette Collection
2009-01-18 e-Rocks - Christian Rewitzer Seller Page
2009-01-16 e-Rocks - Something new at e-Rocks!
2009-01-16 Wrights Rock Shop - Red Quartz, Interfence Quartz, Chrysoberyl, Others
2009-01-16 Exceptional Minerals - The Kevin Ward Collection Mineral Auction is Open
2009-01-15 e-Rocks - Auction 289 Closing - Auction 291 Opening
2009-01-15 Dan Weinrich - 45 new specimens of barite from the Linwood Mine in Iowa
2009-01-14 e-Rocks - Yourmineralcollection Auction is closing
2009-01-14 Dan Weinrich - New specimens are now posted for auction
2009-01-13 e-Rocks - Auction 288 Closing - Auction 290 Opening
2009-01-13 Wrights Rock Shop - Anglesite, Turgite, Smithsonite cast, and others
2009-01-13 Dan Weinrich - New Updates - Auctions Closing
2009-01-12 e-Rocks - Chris Spiromitros (Greek Minerals) Ending - Christian Rewitzer's Tusmeb Auction is Starting
2009-01-12 John Betts Fine Minerals - Smithsonite and Cerussite from Tsumeb Mine ONE OF MY BEST UPDATES
2009-01-12 Excalibur Minerals List 20901 is in
2009-01-12 AA Mineral Specimens - Two weeks now ‘til we head for Tucson
2009-01-11 Fabre Minerals - Pre-Tucson Update
2009-01-08 e-Rocks - Auction 287 Closing - Auction 289 Opening
2009-01-08 Wrights Rock Shop - Russian fluorite, blue apatite, and others
2009-01-07 Wrights Rock Shop - Scorodite, Beryllonite, Pallasite, and Others
2009-01-07 Dan Weinrich - New Specimens Posted for Auctions
2009-01-06 e-Rocks - Auction 286 Closing - Auction 288 Opening
2009-01-06 Exceptional Minerals - Update! The Final Denver 2008 Update is Online!
2009-01-05 e-Rocks - Christmas Cracker Auction Closing
2009-01-05 Wrights Rock Shop - Skutterudite, Illinois Fluorite, Cobaltoan Dolomite and others
2009-01-05 Mineral of The Month Club - Featured Jan 2008 Mineral - Quartz Geode
2009-01-05 Greenside Minerals - Baryte from Kent and Dorset, Selenites from Red River and Gmelinites
2009-01-05 Dan Weinrich - New Chinese Specimens on Website
2009-01-04 American Mineralogist - Vol 94 No 1 Now Online
2009-01-02 e-Rocks - We have 2 new auctions and a new Seller online today
2009-01-02 Dan Weinrich - 41 New Specimens on Website - 40 Specimens in Auction